Hubs that are Outdated, Overcapacity and Gravel Yards


Well-Known Member
Why don't they maintain their equipment? I am in a building thats 5 years old and it is falling apart and the will not repair anything,building looks like its 15 20 years old
The breakroom in my old building looked like an extra set from Taxi (with Andy Kaufman). It was a comfy aesthetic. I'd hate to see it go away. There's history in that wood paneling.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Imagine where this company could have been if only it had been managed well.
There would have been no FedXground, but state of the art hubs and centers built for all the volume. No strike. Amazon wouldn’t even have considered delivery. Gravel? There wouldn’t be anything ghetto.

UPS treated customers like crap. So worried a driver was going to get 30 seconds of not doing anything. Bird dogged drivers and pushed production until they have managed to run it to the ground.
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Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Keep your dam hands to yourself...


Well-Known Member
Maybe UPS tries to reinvent the wheel with each new building. Sure land, building and equipment cost a small fortune but shouldn't take that long to set up. The building I work in has 30 year old poorly insulated rotting extensions which must cost a small fortune to heat plus the general inefficiencies of setting up rollers for islands which prevent a good percentage of drivers from leaving inside the building when they are ready. In case any of you were wondering, paved lot.


IE boogeyman
I have heard of UPS leasing buildings but usually only on a temporary basis. I never heard of them leasing anything big enough for a hub. They wait until a new building is ready before moving. And UPS invests heavily in property for future needs so they will have room to expand.
We don't really, we sold off most of the property we held for some quick bux

The rollers are busted on all the doors been that way for several months, the extendos are missing parts so they jam up, The tender showed me pictures of the broken equipment that's going to end up killing someone. The managers steal wax from eachother because its hard to come by.
once equipment is installed it's only replaced when it hits its EOL timeframe; anything broken before then needs a cost justification and unless it's mission-critical, many IE/ops are too lazy or ignorant to follow through

Sissy Brown Short Shorts

Well-Known Member
We have sorts being run out of these specially made trailers. Overflow loaded in trailers which end up damaged. They leased a building for a couple months a few years ago with no belts, chutes or anything. They were doing the sort by hand. Now they have a couple new small buildings all over the area but they constantly move routes back and forth, now they’re closing one of them and bringing everyone back. The JV squad is also running them, so every now and then the sups and inside workers have to go out there and clean up their messes. We also have a perfectly good airport not 2 miles from our building but we fly our air in to a major city airport 70 miles away and it always gets stuck in traffic on the way up so we have a late start time, have late air at least twice a week and have drivers that could be running routes, shuttling air. Our building is also 40 years old.