Huge Victories From the Largest Local in Kentucky,..

Why you always lying?

You don't have any real dirt, so you have to make it up.

But I have real dirt on you.

You support liars, cheaters and criminals.

R.A. is your boy.

Isn't he?
These are screenshots of you being anti union and pro right to work. It doesn't get any worse that that. The only Rome I know is th talk show host. He's from California RA is not an acquaintance of mine.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
These are screenshots of you being anti union and pro right to work. It doesn't get any worse that that. The only Rome I know is th talk show host. He's from California RA is not an acquaintance of mine.
Do you have any screens hots of me liking RTW as it is now?

No you don't.

But let's talk about FZ major victories at local 89.

Fights (something H doesn't do anymore) an wins a major court victory against a company he negotiates with for his members.

Nothing but victories coming from FZ and local 89.

Nothing but concessions and crininal activity coming out of H and the International.

This election is looking more and more like a slam dunk for FZ and Teamsters United.

I mean given a clear and obvious choice between good, honest Teamster leadership like we have with FZ and Teamster United and the corruption and give backs that we get with H, the members will choose FZ and Teamsters United.


Well-Known Member
Do you have any screens hots of me liking RTW as it is now?

No you don't.

But let's talk about FZ major victories at local 89.

Fights (something H doesn't do anymore) an wins a major court victory against a company he negotiates with for his members.

Nothing but victories coming from FZ and local 89.

Nothing but concessions and crininal activity coming out of H and the International.

This election is looking more and more like a slam dunk for FZ and Teamsters United.

I mean given a clear and obvious choice between good, honest Teamster leadership like we have with FZ and Teamster United and the corruption and give backs that we get with H, the members will choose FZ and Teamsters United.



Well-Known Member
Do you have any screens hots of me liking RTW as it is now?

No you don't.

But let's talk about FZ major victories at local 89.

Fights (something H doesn't do anymore) an wins a major court victory against a company he negotiates with for his members.

Nothing but victories coming from FZ and local 89.

Nothing but concessions and crininal activity coming out of H and the International.

This election is looking more and more like a slam dunk for FZ and Teamsters United.

I mean given a clear and obvious choice between good, honest Teamster leadership like we have with FZ and Teamster United and the corruption and give backs that we get with H, the members will choose FZ and Teamsters United.
Why didn't fz and ts stand up and fight to let h and h know their displeasure with the contract proposals.......instead they stayed that the kind of leadership you want......not even Monday morning quarterbacks because they don't give any proposed changes......they are Monday morning crybabies


Got the T-Shirt
Nothing but victories coming from FZ and local 89.


"A" victory.

Hate to break it to you, but other Local's have positive legal outcomes too.

This election is looking more and more like a slam dunk for FZ and Teamsters United.

And that, is what TDU has said about TL (twice), SP, and even FG.

Wrong on all counts.

If that is who you support, fine.

But, the disillusionment will be (another) slap in the face.... for the supporters.

Hope you aren't "monetarily" invested in this farce. :biggrin:


"A" victory.

Hate to break it to you, but other Local's have positive legal outcomes too.

And that, is what TDU has said about TL (twice), SP, and even FG.

Wrong on all counts.

If that is who you support, fine.

But, the disillusionment will be (another) slap in the face.... for the supporters.

Hope you aren't "monetarily" invested in this farce. :biggrin:

None of these guys are stupid enough to put up their own money.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.

"A" victory.

Hate to break it to you, but other Local's have positive legal outcomes too.

And that, is what TDU has said about TL (twice), SP, and even FG.

Wrong on all counts.

If that is who you support, fine.

But, the disillusionment will be (another) slap in the face.... for the supporters.

Hope you aren't "monetarily" invested in this farce. :biggrin:

You sound like lead belly now.



Well-Known Member
Big Belly,
Biggest crybaby on here,.......js



Well-Known Member
Why do you have to talk about fatty Timmy. He can't help he's a fat pig. I'm down 17 pounds no big belly here. I looked at your pictures a couple days ago any you are fat and going bald. Do yourself a favor and let it go. Shave that stuff.

I'm talking about you,^^^ always tattling,

One of the things I was blessed with, was a family with good genes, on both sides, especially on fathers side, every male has hair, not one bald family member! So you're wrong again!


Well-Known Member
Oh, I forgot to mention three successful organizing drives at the largest local in Ky just in this past year,....way to go FZ and your team!


Organizing is key to survival,