Hunter Biden is going DOWN!


nowhere special
If it typically starts with closed door depositions then why the urgency to have it in the open? Might turn into a spectacle designed by his lawyers to create doubt. We've already seen that his legal team tried to get blanket immunity past the judge recently. I don't recall Pelosi, Schiff, or Nadler being accommodating to Republicans.
They have already said Hunter could later testify publicly.


Well-Known Member
i havent heard anything because i dont follow politics like i used to, but dont you think hunter being hte presidents son is above the law? this is typically what happens.


Staff member
If it typically starts with closed door depositions then why the urgency to have it in the open? Might turn into a spectacle designed by his lawyers to create doubt. We've already seen that his legal team tried to get blanket immunity past the judge recently. I don't recall Pelosi, Schiff, or Nadler being accommodating to Republicans.
Everything the Republicans have done with Hunter Biden has blown up in their faces. The impeachment inquiry an embarrassment of stupidity for everyone to see. A turd of nonsense wrapped in cellophane for all to witness. There’s zero reasons for the Hunter Biden team to allow the republicans to hide it now. This is the witness they wanted the public to see. And now they don’t want them to see. I’m astonished that they wouldn’t want the like of Boebert, Greene, Jordan, et. al. to be able to question him in truly fascinating form. Especially Boebert. I’ve heard (and seen) that she can be very handy in theatrical settings.


Well-Known Member
Everything the Republicans have done with Hunter Biden has blown up in their faces. The impeachment inquiry an embarrassment of stupidity for everyone to see. A turd of nonsense wrapped in cellophane for all to witness. There’s zero reasons for the Hunter Biden team to allow the republicans to hide it now. This is the witness they wanted the public to see. And now they don’t want them to see. I’m astonished that they wouldn’t want the like of Boebert, Greene, Jordan, et. al. to be able to question him in truly fascinating form. Especially Boebert. I’ve heard (and seen) that she can be very handy in theatrical settings.
Blown up in their faces? How so? Democrats impeaching Trump over a phone call and only able to produce an anonymous hearsay witness is the definition of blowing up in their faces. A special prosecutor with a team of Democrat lawyers not finding any collusion when a liberal Congressman and a liberal tv host claimed they had seen evidence is "blown up in their faces." The Republicans are methodically piecing together evidence. Good luck!
Everything the Republicans have done with Hunter Biden has blown up in their faces. The impeachment inquiry an embarrassment of stupidity for everyone to see. A turd of nonsense wrapped in cellophane for all to witness. There’s zero reasons for the Hunter Biden team to allow the republicans to hide it now. This is the witness they wanted the public to see. And now they don’t want them to see. I’m astonished that they wouldn’t want the like of Boebert, Greene, Jordan, et. al. to be able to question him in truly fascinating form. Especially Boebert. I’ve heard (and seen) that she can be very handy in theatrical settings.
pretty horrible take tbh, the more they put Hunters crimes into the public eye the more it exposes Bidens corruption

sure he won't be prosecuted for his federal crimes, he's a protected class, but it's a out politics just like the Trump impeachments were


Well-Known Member
pretty horrible take tbh, the more they put Hunters crimes into the public eye the more it exposes Bidens corruption

sure he won't be prosecuted for his federal crimes, he's a protected class, but it's a out politics just like the Trump impeachments were
If Biden loses next year his likely first order of business will be to pardon his entire family, himself included, for any Federal crimes committed before he leaves office.


Well-Known Member
Joe Biden covered Hunter's $1380/month truck payment with durty Chinese money.

Finally addressing the big issues and massive dollar corruption.
Why do you make light of this? The Chinese, or whoever gave him money, expected something substantial in return for such large sums of money. Something only a person in his position could give them. And from the sound of it they didn't have to go ask him. The Bidens were actively seeking to peddle Joe's influence. Sadly this has been known for years yet rather than stop it the Bidens were protected. Joe should have never been elected for this reason alone although in his case there are other reasons.


Well-Known Member
Why do you make light of this? The Chinese, or whoever gave him money, expected something substantial in return for such large sums of money. Something only a person in his position could give them. And from the sound of it they didn't have to go ask him. The Bidens were actively seeking to peddle Joe's influence. Sadly this has been known for years yet rather than stop it the Bidens were protected. Joe should have never been elected for this reason alone although in his case there are other reasons.
He should also be impeached for letting his son buy a Ford Raptor.
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Staff member
Why do you make light of this? The Chinese, or whoever gave him money, expected something substantial in return for such large sums of money. Something only a person in his position could give them. And from the sound of it they didn't have to go ask him. The Bidens were actively seeking to peddle Joe's influence. Sadly this has been known for years yet rather than stop it the Bidens were protected. Joe should have never been elected for this reason alone although in his case there are other reasons.
Jared. Saudi Arabia. Billions.

What did they expect in return? Because what could Joe do in 2018? What could Jared do in 2020? If we’re going to have an honest discussion about influence peddling, I guess we need to delve into who was paying whom how much and for what? May as well look into the Supreme Court as well.

My guess is that nobody really cares and that everyone just picks a target from the other side to bitch about and act outraged about. Kinda silly but that’s who we are I guess.


Well-Known Member
Jared. Saudi Arabia. Billions.

What did they expect in return? Because what could Joe do in 2018? What could Jared do in 2020? If we’re going to have an honest discussion about influence peddling, I guess we need to delve into who was paying whom how much and for what? May as well look into the Supreme Court as well.

My guess is that nobody really cares and that everyone just picks a target from the other side to bitch about and act outraged about. Kinda silly but that’s who we are I guess.
You really need to follow this closer. Most of the money that was made was while Joe was vice-president. And most of it was countries that he was put in charge of dealing with concerning U.S. policy. If you don't see the danger of having a U.S. president compromised then I don't know what else to say.