I drink your milkshake! a metaphor for capitalism


Well-Known Member
They had worker coops in Russia too and couldn't feed themselves. It may work in circumstances where the members of the co-op are happy with what they get and are determined. For most people if you take the profit motive away things start falling apart. People want and strive for things. Look at China. They didn't start doing better until they allowed citizens to implement capitalist ideas. Ultimately government should be about people succeeding, not about controlling everything so that most are roughly equal. That has usually translated into most being miserable together while the elites do much better. And I'm sure you and others will say how's that any different from our system but you can't begin to compare the levels of misery between the two.
im not hugely familiar with the russian revolution but i did just finish reading animal farm again.


Well-Known Member
until we as workers start making more decisions and stop taking orders all the time, we cant really call ourselves "free". even if we got rid of capitalism and all controlled our jobs, we would still have government which would make us less than free.

also most people used to think the planets revolved around the earth...and most people ended up being wrong.

most people usually vote for a corrupt politician....and most people end up being wrong.

if americans (or canadians for that matter) were so good at economics, you'd think there would be a much higher unionization rate.

its very possible most people who think capitalism is the best system are wrong just like the major mistakes we all collectively made in the past.

also the matrix, and some famous philosophers argue that most everything in our world is a lie by an "evil deceiver", which i would say is accurate, although i dont think its just 1 person doing it. this deception includes economics.
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Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
until we as workers start making more decisions and stop taking orders all the time, we cant really call ourselves "free".

also most people used to think the planets revolved around the earth...and most people ended up being wrong.

most people usually vote for a corrupt politician....and most people end up being wrong.

if americans (or canadians for that matter) were so good at economics, you'd think there would be a much higher unionization rate.

its very possible most people who think capitalism is the best system are wrong just like the major mistakes we all collectively made in the past.
How’s your visit to the US working out for you? Are they still blocking your entry?


Well-Known Member
How’s your visit to the US working out for you? Are they still blocking your entry?
thanks for your concern. the cruelty you endure is partly a reflection of your own cruelty; in case you havent figured that out.

DHS TRIP has recieved my application to :censored2: off, but im not very sure about the online process whether my application was filled out correctly or not. i think they said it takes up to 50 days to process.

right now i have 2 more chapters of biology to make flash cards for, and then im going to the border again. i figure ill be done in 7 days.

i think its a lose - lose because it wastes my time, and it wastes US tax dollars.
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Well-Known Member
marx accurately said that the people who control the jobs also control what the population thinks.

having said this, capitalists will have us only see the beauty in everything and be numb and unconscious to the injustice which is the foundation of our society. aka positive thinking 24/7


Well-Known Member
thanks for your concern. the cruelty you endure is partly a reflection of your own cruelty; in case you havent figured that out.

DHS TRIP has recieved my application to :censored2: off, but im not very sure about the online process whether my application was filled out correctly or not. i think they said it takes up to 50 days to process.

right now i have 2 more chapters of biology to make flash cards for, and then im going to the border again. i figure ill be done in 7 days.

i think its a lose - lose because it wastes my time, and it wastes US tax dollars.
You are having troubles crossing the border? I know people that cross 4 times a day.


Well-Known Member
You are having troubles crossing the border? I know people that cross 4 times a day.
yea it started last summer 1 time the guy was being a dick and made me nervous but they sent me to secondary and let me cross not a big deal.

then this time i am on a LOA from work, and he asked me where i went and i went blank, and they searched my car saw some anonymous clothes so they think i am a violent protestor + also a drug dealer because my bro is a criminal + i didnt know exactly how much i had in my bank, but the amount i did tell them was more than enough for my trip.

so now he verbally told me he wants my life story, theres a print out form they SHOULD have given me both times which has a list of all the proof you can give them.

i gave them a 2 star review on google + i also filled out the traveller redress form and called DHS about it. my bud filled out a TRIP form and his troubles went away.

so yea really the only thing im at fault for is initally forgetting what i did last time, i think theyre idiots, they searched everything and cant figure out im legit.

too bad im not european wouldnt have to deal with this stuff!


I'm a star
Systems aren't evil, people are. Corporations allow people to distance themselves from the negative effects of their decisions, which allows people to take much larger risks than they otherwise would. Everyone should have a right to look out, and fight, for their own best interests. Unions help with that, but unions are run by people, who are corruptable. People need to come to the understanding that, more often than, cooperating and implementing solutions that benefit others is also in their best interest. Leaders of companies should want to compensate their employees properly. The real driving force behind decreasing wages and work conditions is willingness of people to accept these things.

As for debt, people are driven by their own greed, they want more than they can afford because they think they deserve it. Banks are not morality police, but it is in their best interest to not to lend money to people who can't afford to pay it back. If banks stopped lending to people who can't afford to pay it back, then they're accused of being evil for not helping people achieve their dreams. They can't win either way.

I believe that unless there is a total breakdown of civilization, which is a possibility, nothing will stop the eventual automation of all production work. If that happens before we put a new economic system in place to handle all the social challenges that come with automation, then automation will lead to the total breakdown of civilization. I think it will take a total revamping, not just a modification of current systems. Universal Basic Income may work, but the overall economic backdrop will have to change before it can.


Well-Known Member
Systems aren't evil, people are. Corporations allow people to distance themselves from the negative effects of their decisions, which allows people to take much larger risks than they otherwise would. Everyone should have a right to look out, and fight, for their own best interests. Unions help with that, but unions are run by people, who are corruptable. People need to come to the understanding that, more often than, cooperating and implementing solutions that benefit others is also in their best interest. Leaders of companies should want to compensate their employees properly. The real driving force behind decreasing wages and work conditions is willingness of people to accept these things.

As for debt, people are driven by their own greed, they want more than they can afford because they think they deserve it. Banks are not morality police, but it is in their best interest to not to lend money to people who can't afford to pay it back. If banks stopped lending to people who can't afford to pay it back, then they're accused of being evil for not helping people achieve their dreams. They can't win either way.

I believe that unless there is a total breakdown of civilization, which is a possibility, nothing will stop the eventual automation of all production work. If that happens before we put a new economic system in place to handle all the social challenges that come with automation, then automation will lead to the total breakdown of civilization. I think it will take a total revamping, not just a modification of current systems. Universal Basic Income may work, but the overall economic backdrop will have to change before it can.
alot of people dont even understand real wage increases or know the history. maybe alot of people understand that the country and economy is getting worse.

yea i dont think banks should be lending more money to people than they can afford to borrow, and banks definitely shouldnt be making bets against their customers saying they wont be able to repay.

here they talk about the origins of the corporation:


I'm a star
yea i dont think banks should be lending more money to people than they can afford to borrow, and banks definitely shouldnt be making bets against their customers saying they wont be able to repay.

This might as well be the definition of fraud. It is at least a very obvious conflict of interest. But, again, the decision makers were protected from any real consequences due to corporate structure, not to mention regulators that either weren't smart enough to figure out what was going on, or stood to profit from it.


Inordinately Right
This might as well be the definition of fraud. It is at least a very obvious conflict of interest. But, again, the decision makers were protected from any real consequences due to corporate structure, not to mention regulators that either weren't smart enough to figure out what was going on, or stood to profit from it.
GOP worked tirelessly to deregulate the industry.
We all suffered the consequences.
They'll find a new way soon.


I'm a star
GOP worked tirelessly to deregulate the industry.
We all suffered the consequences.
They'll find a new way soon.

They always do, but the law is still the law, and fraud is fraud and is illegal. If there is no will to uphold the law, then what good are regulations going to do? If they fine a corporation, that corporation will pass the cost along to employees and customers. Regulators could revoke whatever licensure the company has to conduct their business, but that will also hurt the employees and customers more than the people actually responsible. When members of corporation (executive staff or board of directors, etc.) commits fraud (or any other crime), the person(s) responsible should not only face prison time, their personal wealth should be accessible for reparations.