Systems aren't evil, people are. Corporations allow people to distance themselves from the negative effects of their decisions, which allows people to take much larger risks than they otherwise would. Everyone should have a right to look out, and fight, for their own best interests. Unions help with that, but unions are run by people, who are corruptable. People need to come to the understanding that, more often than, cooperating and implementing solutions that benefit others is also in their best interest. Leaders of companies should want to compensate their employees properly. The real driving force behind decreasing wages and work conditions is willingness of people to accept these things.
As for debt, people are driven by their own greed, they want more than they can afford because they think they deserve it. Banks are not morality police, but it is in their best interest to not to lend money to people who can't afford to pay it back. If banks stopped lending to people who can't afford to pay it back, then they're accused of being evil for not helping people achieve their dreams. They can't win either way.
I believe that unless there is a total breakdown of civilization, which is a possibility, nothing will stop the eventual automation of all production work. If that happens before we put a new economic system in place to handle all the social challenges that come with automation, then automation will lead to the total breakdown of civilization. I think it will take a total revamping, not just a modification of current systems. Universal Basic Income may work, but the overall economic backdrop will have to change before it can.