I drink your milkshake! a metaphor for capitalism


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
yea but its only in some aspects. if you believe in global warming and believe in mass extinction of humans, then you also believe that capitalism is largely responsible.

so if you compare that with capitalisms innovations, then id say were probably at a loss because of capitalism.

i think its a superficial kind of achievement, but if you look a little deeper we see that it didnt work anymore than russian `communism`` did.
you do realize that stuff has happened forever right,


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
yea but its only in some aspects. if you believe in global warming and believe in mass extinction of humans, then you also believe that capitalism is largely responsible.

so if you compare that with capitalisms innovations, then id say were probably at a loss because of capitalism.

i think its a superficial kind of achievement, but if you look a little deeper we see that it didnt work anymore than russian `communism`` did.
it did work because it has advanced society


Well-Known Member
you do realize that stuff has happened forever right,
yea but just because it wasnt true then, doesnt mean its always going to be true.

believe me, id take an efficient authoritarian economic system over an inefficient authoritarian economic system any day of the week. we have the latter.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
but if you factor in global warming, then society has decayed.
you cant have one with out the other, and the planet has been changing for ions, what one point the world was just a big island in the ocean call pangea, then it broke apart, then there were glaciers that covered the world, then at one point dinosours roamed the earth and died out, and at one point are ancestors had to cross a land bridge to get here


Well-Known Member
you cant have one with out the other, and the planet has been changing for ions, what one point the world was just a big island in the ocean call pangea, then it broke apart, then there were glaciers that covered the world, then at one point dinosours roamed the earth and died out, and at one point are ancestors had to cross a land bridge to get here
im glad we agree that some things change.

i know republicans and democrats disagree on climate change,


Inordinately Right
look it up
k, google gave me this for DinoSours

El Correcto

god is dead
every country has a highly regulated healthcare system except america which has the most expensive one.
That’s how I know you didn’t watch a second of the video I posted. Our health care regulations are a strangle hold on our healthcare system. You want to complain about higher prices look at the FDA and regulations.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
That’s how I know you didn’t watch a second of the video I posted. Our health care regulations are a strangle hold on our healthcare system. You want to complain about higher prices look at the FDA and regulations.
we pay higher prices so Europe pays less