I drink your milkshake! a metaphor for capitalism


Well-Known Member
You got me? Dig deep into telematics maybe?
you should know more about capitalism. i find it ironic that your a numbers guy but have no idea how much they are profitting off you per hour.

btw thats not necessarily an easy thing to figure out; i asked union reps and a bunch of people at my job including a supervisor im friends with and no one could tell me. you'd probably have to ask some economists who are trustworthy and they could give you a rough idea.

i dont get whats with people who are so stuck in their ideas. i used to think capitalism was the greatest and then i saw michael moores documentary where he shows worker coops and i immediately agreed that capitalism is not democratic enough and worker coops are a possible solution.

operational needs for example has such rigid thinking that if i criticize something which she believes in, she considers it like i am attacking her. many people are like this.

before i was politically active, back when i didnt pay attention to politics i used to be a bit of a racist and i had the sense that north america was in decline.


Well-Known Member
First you would have to agree to the tenets of it, which you don't, so you can't.
you know nothing.

i mean do you think german "capitalism" or french "capitalism" is the same as american capitalism?

some slaves thought they were free. if you dont have perspective then it might be hard to tell what really being free is like.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
you should know more about capitalism. i find it ironic that your a numbers guy but have no idea how much they are profitting off you per hour.

btw thats not necessarily an easy thing to figure out; i asked union reps and a bunch of people at my job including a supervisor im friends with and no one could tell me. you'd probably have to ask some economists who are trustworthy and they could give you a rough idea.

i dont get whats with people who are so stuck in their ideas. i used to think capitalism was the greatest and then i saw michael moores documentary where he shows worker coops and i immediately agreed that capitalism is not democratic enough and worker coops are a possible solution.

operational needs for example has such rigid thinking that if i criticize something which she believes in, she considers it like i am attacking her. many people are like this.

before i was politically active, back when i didnt pay attention to politics i used to be a bit of a racist and i had the sense that north america was in decline.
That’s funny. When have I ever said I felt like you were attacking me?

You say I’m rigid in my beliefs and yet you aren’t? You remind me of someone who is a “born again Christian” who has read the Bible a little. You feel that you know everything there is to know about the Bible and that no one else could possibly know as much as you.


Well-Known Member
That’s funny. When have I ever said I felt like you were attacking me?

You say I’m rigid in my beliefs and yet you aren’t? You remind me of someone who is a “born again Christian” who has read the Bible a little. You feel that you know everything there is to know about the Bible and that no one else could possibly know as much as you.
well maybe im wrong about you (im pretty sure im right) but alot of people are :censored2:s. thats without me saying anything about politics. i used to b an :censored2: too.

i think im right about when you have political beliefs far different than what people believe many consider it an attack on themselves instead of just someone believing something else. alot of people arent mature. not saying i am but in some ways i am.


Well-Known Member
well maybe im wrong about you (im pretty sure im right) but alot of people are :censored2:s. thats without me saying anything about politics. i used to b an :censored2: too.

i think im right about when you have political beliefs far different than what people believe many consider it an attack on themselves instead of just someone believing something else. alot of people arent mature. not saying i am but in some ways i am.
Man quoting Noam Chomsky is like proudly displaying Communist Party credentials. Of course Capitalism is exploitive. But no other system has done more to lift more out of poverty. Ask the Chinese. Where you seem to get hung up is that not everyone is equal. You seem to think we'll all do great with the right system. Doesn't work that way, never will. Even the Communists valued some over others. Are the corporations making a buck off our labor? Sure, so what? You can go pretty far, have plenty in this system. Build a better mousetrap, do even better. There are untold millions who aren't inclined towards ambition, perfectly fine putting in their time and drawing a paycheck. Should they get as much as the guy working 16-20 hrs a day to get his business started and growing? Or the guy who gets the education then climbs the company ladder? We can argue fair compensation, but too many times what's considered fair is unrealistic. Communism has been tried. And some countries in Europe have gone overboard with the socialism, and need bailing out. It may be dog eat dog in the States, but the competition has been good for the consumer, and we at least never lack for choice. Of course I'll be ripped for saying this by someone, but until they can prove there's a better way that doesn't involve a small population or special circumstances like a large oil supply it's unlikely we'll ever come up with a better way in a nation this large.


Well-Known Member
Man quoting Noam Chomsky is like proudly displaying Communist Party credentials. Of course Capitalism is exploitive. But no other system has done more to lift more out of poverty. Ask the Chinese. Where you seem to get hung up is that not everyone is equal. You seem to think we'll all do great with the right system. Doesn't work that way, never will. Even the Communists valued some over others. Are the corporations making a buck off our labor? Sure, so what? You can go pretty far, have plenty in this system. Build a better mousetrap, do even better. There are untold millions who aren't inclined towards ambition, perfectly fine putting in their time and drawing a paycheck. Should they get as much as the guy working 16-20 hrs a day to get his business started and growing? Or the guy who gets the education then climbs the company ladder? We can argue fair compensation, but too many times what's considered fair is unrealistic. Communism has been tried. And some countries in Europe have gone overboard with the socialism, and need bailing out. It may be dog eat dog in the States, but the competition has been good for the consumer, and we at least never lack for choice. Of course I'll be ripped for saying this by someone, but until they can prove there's a better way that doesn't involve a small population or special circumstances like a large oil supply it's unlikely we'll ever come up with a better way in a nation this large.
america has a ton of monopolies in one sector after another. amazon is one that comes to mind. then you have the banks. google and facebook is another. news is another. etc/

i agree that any type of "communism" that gives all the power to the government is a failed idea.

america had bailouts too.

im not in favor of perfect equality.

the chinese (debatably the worlds most powerful country) call themselves communist, although i dont consider it to be. kind of like US presidents telling everyone they are free, when i dont consider it to be either. these guys repeat the same lie over and over until it becomes true.


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