china still has tons of govt intervention in teh economy.View attachment 390510
View attachment 390511
This is what life was like before Mao. Babies starved to death in the streets, regular political executions, etc. Mao inherited a completelyed country of mostly oppressed illiterate peasants, a country that had been raped by warlords and foreigners for hundreds of years.
An oppressed country under imperialism.
I kind of got respect for these communist people and can see the logic of what they did and how they were shaped by their environments to arrive at that conclusion. Hard times for sure.
But these little piss ants living in modern day america calling for communism have noing clue what they are talking about. It’s why these super authoritarian regimes dragged their country out of the pits of hell and into the modern era, then started to introduce capitalism for further progress. Communism really was the lesser of two evils for these countries and strong authoritarian leadership was completely necessary for creating the country.
if you want to learn more about china look up david harvey, michael hudson.