I drink your milkshake! a metaphor for capitalism


Inordinately Right
thats right, you'd actually be practicing democracy by voting with other workers on how you run UPS OR what kind of representatives you want to carry out your best interests. you can currently take any situation at UPS where a good majority of workers would disagree with and know only because of a centralized economic system like capitalism that its that way.
You're literally describing a union, which we already have.


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Sam Seder liked
Fight For 15‏ @fightfor15 16h16 hours ago

Pizza Hut demanding Florida workers risk their lives for min wage. GTFO. H/T @KatiSipp #HurricaneIrma #Fightfor15



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Well-Known Member
because capitalism is a system which centralizes power like slavery, state socialism, feudalism, it leads to a few people having too much power. which leads to the phrase absolute power corrupts absolutely.

so at my job my supervisor has too much power and he doesnt follow the collective agreement and actually breaks the law.

unions arent good enough either, and i feel sorry for the 90+% of the US workforce which foolishly isnt unionized. ive done too many :censored2:ty jobs which are still unionized but ruined by the centralized power of capitalist greed.


Well-Known Member
Where does it say minimum wage? Looks like their generic guidelines. Seems pretty reasonable to me. If I can't make their timelines, I would call in. I'm sure they would accommodate reasonable issues that may occur. That is, if you're not already a problem child.
tweet has gone viral. corporations often arent reasonable and this is a prime example.


Well-Known Member
no and some cooperatives have unions as well.

in addition both of you are dissing a major platform of the bernie sanders campaign when it first launched.
I am dissing the fact that you cannot debate or defend many simple, but important questions.

I can't buy into something that will negatively affect me. I'm not a big corporation. You don't differentiate between the 28 MILLION SMALL businesses and the 18,500 FIRMS with 500 or more employees.

Simply put, you don't care if you got nothing to lose. Many people have something to lose.

You once posted a video of Sanders getting excited while Greenspan was speaking. Greenspan said something to the effect of "if you let me finish, I'll answer that". Greenspan answered, and Sanders said "that, that's is a very good answer" in short, Greenspan shut him up, swiftly and boldly.


Well-Known Member
I am dissing the fact that you cannot debate or defend many simple, but important questions.

I can't buy into something that will negatively affect me. I'm not a big corporation. You don't differentiate between the 28 MILLION SMALL businesses and the 18,500 FIRMS with 500 or more employees.

Simply put, you don't care if you got nothing to lose. Many people have something to lose.

You once posted a video of Sanders getting excited while Greenspan was speaking. Greenspan said something to the effect of "if you let me finish, I'll answer that". Greenspan answered, and Sanders said "that, that's is a very good answer" in short, Greenspan shut him up, swiftly and boldly.
greenspan is a terrible person who knew what he was doing in terms of destroying the economy / the financial crisis. for starters you can look up chomsky, michael hudson, try chris hedges, richard wolff.

a small slave plantation relative to a large one is not justification for slavery, and its not justification for capitalism. a very few people hold all the wealth in america, and america has too few small businesses. for more look up richard wolff and michael hudson.

btw do you think most workers "care" or are they just doing the bare minimum to keep their job or get whatever raise they want? employees have no incentive to care because they are paid by the hour.

i start caring outside of work, when im at work i dont care. at my job i listen to french / biology / politics, and do workouts when im not driving. i drive as slow as possible.

see you want me to always post the answer here, but its ultimately up to look to see for yourself and look up things. better you hear it from my sources than from me. and then feel free to post here. and quite often your not happy with the answer you got.


Well-Known Member
greenspan is a terrible person who knew what he was doing in terms of destroying the economy / the financial crisis. for starters you can look up chomsky, michael hudson, try chris hedges, richard wolff.

a small slave plantation relative to a large one is not justification for slavery, and its not justification for capitalism. a very few people hold all the wealth in america, and america has too few small businesses. for more look up richard wolff and michael hudson.

btw do you think most workers "care" or are they just doing the bare minimum to keep their job or get whatever raise they want? employees have no incentive to care because they are paid by the hour.

i start caring outside of work, when im at work i dont care. at my job i listen to french / biology / politics, and do workouts when im not driving. i drive as slow as possible.

see you want me to always post the answer here, but its ultimately up to look to see for yourself and look up things. better you hear it from my sources than from me. and then feel free to post here. and quite often your not happy with the answer you got.
Nice story, I feel so Sorry for you.


Well-Known Member
Groupthink is a psychological phenomenon that occurs within a group of people in which the desire for harmony or conformity in the group results in an irrational or dysfunctional decision-making outcome. Group members try to minimize conflict and reach a consensus decision without critical evaluation of alternative viewpoints by actively suppressing dissenting viewpoints, and by isolating themselves from outside influences.

Groupthink requires individuals to avoid raising controversial issues or alternative solutions, and there is loss of individual creativity, uniqueness and independent thinking. The dysfunctional group dynamics of the "ingroup" produces an "illusion of invulnerability" (an inflated certainty that the right decision has been made). Thus the "ingroup" significantly overrates its own abilities in decision-making and significantly underrates the abilities of its opponents (the "outgroup"). Furthermore, groupthink can produce dehumanizing actions against the "outgroup".

Antecedent factors such as group cohesiveness, faulty group structure, and situational context (e.g., community panic) play into the likelihood of whether or not groupthink will impact the decision-making process.

Groupthink is a construct of social psychology but has an extensive reach and influences literature in the fields of communication studies, political science, management, and organizational theory,[1] as well as important aspects of deviant religious cult behaviour.[2][3]

Groupthink is sometimes stated to occur (more broadly) within natural groups within the community, for example to explain the lifelong different mindsets of those with differing political views (such as "conservatives" and "liberals" in the U.S. political context[4]) or the purported benefits of team work vs. work conducted in solitude.[5] However, this conformity of viewpoints within a group does not mainly involve deliberate group decision-making, and might be better explained by the collective confirmation bias of the individual members of the group. - wikipedia


Well-Known Member
Nice story, I feel so Sorry for you.
most people arent good at being semi rich like you are. so im fine, im middle class, i got a plan for school and leaving canada, its not gonna be easy and it couldve been easy if my ancestors didnt settle on such a cold climate with below average social policies.

i feel sorry / anger for the majority of people who are doing religion wrong, dress wrong, work wrong, and do leisure activities wrong, some who cant even treat their fellow man decently.

most people arent gonna do anything meaningful with their lives. ive never done a meaningful job and ive made 2x per hour what UPS workers make. the meaningful things ive done are always outside of work.

btw i also thought the other day how poor people cant get a mortgage and how thats BS.
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Well-Known Member
most people arent good at being semi rich like you are. so im fine, im middle class, i got a plan for school and leaving canada, its not gonna be easy and it couldve been easy if my ancestors didnt settle on such a cold climate with below average social policies.
Semi rich? Can you define what you mean? I don't blame others for my decisions and lack of planning, if that's what you mean.