Bully for your BA. But the National says (a) that Air drivers don't get ground pay for "Exceptions" and (b) that Article 40 overrides all Regional and Local agreements. So your "no exceptions" is contrary to contract, and you need to be careful grieving any violations or you may lose the benefit.
Not necessarily full text (some are only differences), or searchable (some are images only), but see http://www.makeupsdeliver.org/page.php?20 or (better, since it has the 2002 agreement) http://tdu.org/node/1617. The Teamsters site has pulled down their page of contracts (why??? -- because they prefer an ignorant membership?). But see (b) above.
exceptions huh? Somehow I dont think the union would let that kind of language fly. Maybe UPS will make an "exception" and have me deliver ground packages all day as an air driver, maybe they'll make an "exception" and lay off all ground drivers to let part-timers do the work. exception is to ambiguous of a word.
Just for clarification my job title is "exception air driver". So every package i transport is an exception.