Haha, very good news. There was another restaurant (fastfood) opening up near the AppleBees. Its called "El Pollo Loco" and the guy told me its the first one in NJ. Well, I handed in my application and the guy interviewed me a bit. He asked me if I'll be keeping my UPS job and I said yes. He then asked me questions about the job and it seemed like he though it was somewhat interesting.
He asked me if I have ever dealt with a customer, and I said not directly. I then told him that it could be my fault if a customer doesnt get their item shipped on time (Missorts), he asked me what happens if one gets too many missorts (I told him you get terminated/fired) which then led him to believe "He's not fired yet, so he probably hasn't gotten a lot of missorts". Everything went well, and he called me back for a 2nd interview which is tomorrow. Hopefully everything goes well. I applied full time for the times 9am-5pm. The place doesnt open until Jan 12th, so peak season should be over by then. Then I will go to UPS at regular times..from 5:30-6pm.
Also, I honestly hated UPS at first, I just got fed up and bored. Now I actually enjoy it for some unknown reason. The work is easy as cake. I also just reached the 3 month period so I got my first .50 raise, although my paystub says I make $9.50. It had said that for 2 checks so far, should I ask my P/T Sup if its a mistake? Im still paying the Union off..half way there..Im at $170, about 2 months more and no more $20 off my check! My P/T Sup also said I'm on top of things and I should get promoted, that I'll be a good P/T Sup, I just need a little intensity,..heh. Though I'm pretty sure that was just talk..meh..it felt good to feel appreciated..somewhat <.<