"When To Ask and When Not To" by UpstateNYUPSER
An Etiquette Book that address the ever growing trend of strangers asking other strangers advice on what choices to make concerning their lives .
Details people's increasing reliance on the internet for quick answers instead of taking the time to figure out the answers on their own. While the author suggests that Google can be used to be become familiar with such concepts as "constructive", "time and place", and "work ethic" amongst others, the author makes a strong argument that internet has become a crutch in many people's lives and has replaced Critical Thinking and Self-Reliance, which the author believes should be the key ingredients in any decision.
The book also emphasizes the role of consulting one's own family in major decisions that impact them as opposed to posting polls on the internet.
The reader , once upon finishing the book, will question whether he really needs facebook or any social media for that matter.
The Book is self published and can be obtained through Big Babooba Enterprises at the web site BigBabooba.com .
Money orders, Credit Cards, and Cash!!, yes especially cash can be used to purchase this fine addition to your library.