I will never understand....


Shop Steward
In our center the shuttle drivers are allowed to deliver nda and nda savers. Then management has them move misleads between drivers and even do pick ups to help drivers that have containment issues.

RolloTony Brown Town

Well-Known Member
To be fair, our air shuttle runs are coded to feeders. Maybe the carry over with shuttle (miles) gets charged to feeders in some applications?

When we were told to stop what we were doing every day for 10-15 min and search the load for misloads they told us to code it "approved meeting".

Heck, we could've charged that to feeders too!:no:

Bid air shuttles are coded to feeders because they are in the schedule that way. They’re moving packages from one building to another like a feeder.

Late air that is shuttles out is coded as unscheduled air shuttle and is charged to the center. 2 different things. I’m speaking about this specific issue. You have 4-5 drivers moving late air but let them deliver a stop and everyone freaks. The cost to the center is the same though.


Well-Known Member
They won’t be able to code them off for safety all day if they deliver. They would go up routes which would affect a center manager’s bonus. It’s like legalized insider trading.
Totally ridiculous... isn’t it.... because it shows another car out on the road..... this company is going to nickel and dime itself out of business way before our pay per hour does....


Well-Known Member
Like I said, they have to lie, cheat and steal to achieve that number on that piece of paper,
You know how many mgt people have been fired over the years over cooking the books???? The allowances are way out of whack and everybody knows it but they still try to spoon feed us this :censored2: ....whatever


Well-Known Member
I don't complain about it and I do have an answer for it.

Let the Center Managers do their job and manage.

It may look good to IE and Corporate on paper, but that's not necessarily the real world.

A center manager should have been able to make the call and let the shuttle drivers deliver that air and save the Company money.

He may not have met that number, but he met the Company's number one goal....make money.
Because ups would rather loose a million dollar air account than have a air driver work 4 hours delivering some air because it “screws “ with the centers stops per car.... absolutely comical

wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
this is not why

it’s because they get yelled at by their DM, who will get yelled at by the ops manager, who will get yelled at by some loser in region who is looking at a SPC rollup

pure and simple
People get yelled at everyday. Why can’t the manager grow some balls and just do what the customers want. A few years back I had a center manager close to retirement and he wouldn’t care and went up 2-3 routes per day.

Netsua 3:16

Driver: "man my on car is a wuss and he never does what I think he should do"
On Car: "god these drivers whine about every little thing, I'm just doing what I'm told to do"
Center Manager: "the on cars and drivers better do what they're told or I'm gonna get reamed"
One thing I've realized is that we all get bent over by the logo, just in much different ways. If you have a sup who's a jerk, it's because he's a jerk, not because he's a UPS sup. We get pitted against each other and I swear it's intentional sometimes...ultimately we are all on the same team and are just trying to cover our own individual asses and survive.


Well-Known Member
Driver: "man my on car is a wuss and he never does what I think he should do"
On Car: "god these drivers whine about every little thing, I'm just doing what I'm told to do"
Center Manager: "the on cars and drivers better do what they're told or I'm gonna get reamed"
Man this sums up my ups experience so well. A :censored2: snowball all the way down management, and at every level, it seems like the person above you is not responding appropriately to the situation and making unreasonable demands given your situation. And because things are so compartmentalized and communication is so bad, everyone just sees the results of people's actions and not the reason they're doing it and conclude it must be because they're :censored2:s or stupid and everyone hates everyone because of it.