Case in point. These shuttle drivers. Driving around, setting up meet points, meeting drivers, even though they may not be making driver rate, is costing the Company more money than these shuttle drivers delivering the airs, but that would affect that number on a piece of paper. Hell no.
That reminds of some
I saw last peak, and probably soon this peak. We have our local volume that thanks to some circumstances sometimes we get trailers full of nothing but local volume. It all goes down one belt, and unfortunately for the sorters, that belt is above their heads. But the real reason it's dumb is that belt just can't handle that kind of volume. Hell they can't even handle the volume when it's just normal flow half the time. So their belt shuts off, but management has to have their trailer turns be a certain number to not get yelled at, so they keep ramming it through, and we have a secondary location that it all goes to where they load that flow into a trailer. Yeah. On top of that, when things get really bad and all the other belts shut off too, rather than slow things down or cut the trailers, they'll tell us to just missort all the packages to basically wherever we can just to get the flow out. As you can also imagine, all the hot packages that go this way don't make service, and they go into left in trailers.
tl;dr: Rather than cut the trailers like a smart company, they'd rather get their turn and flow counts higher and waste fuuuuuuckloads of money to move packages from one trailer into another, leaving it for the next shift to deal with. At best they're spending all this money to consolidate some trailers, which I doubt is cost effective, although our feeder logistics are also
ty as stuff gets clogged up really fast.