First off, I'm a Pre-Loader of 3 years, It'll be 4 this August. Also, I'm on the Safety Committee, I have NO attendance problem, I do my best, and I go home.
I've been dealing with harassment from a Full-Time Supervisor for quite some time. By quite some time, I mean the first experience was in 2015. I went to HR and complained about his disrespect, intimidation, hostility, and towards me. I wrote fact sheets of the experiences and verbal exchanges I had with him, and even wrote them (HR) a letter of my concern. I even went as far as calling Corporate complaint.
I'll admit I had a misload problem back then. But when your full time talks down to you on multiple occasions. Denies you an option day. Then screams at you to get off his dock when all your trying to do is give him a written paper for the option day that was owed to you, it's hard to focus mentally. It got to the point where when peak season was in effect, he put me out in the air docks so we wouldn't be around each other. In a nutshell, I now wear glasses, he got moved to a different box line, and I get a 2 week suspension for misloads.
Time goes by, and it's now August of 2016. We have a new system where we have scanners that all us Pre Loaders use to keep misloads down. And the misload problem for me was dang near non-existent. Not much longer (September) this same Full-Time Supervisor comes back to my box line and I start to worry again.
At first he was cool, but my spirit/vibe didn't sit right because it never felt genuine. And I was right. Now, since I'm not meeting his expectations for the PPH (peices per hour) which for him is 225, he's always getting on me. He calls me lazy, said that my other co-worker are saying the same about me, said I was a bad example for a Safety Committee Member, and threatened to fire me.
He's told me and I quote "I don't care if you don't like me. I am your boss. I don't care if you tell your mom, your dad, or write another letter to HR again." I'm back to square one again, I've complained to my shop steward, and I've complained to HR with fact sheets.
Prior to me calling Corporate complaint again, He was giving me the silent treatment since I went to HR. Last Monday, I come in at the usual 2:30 am, but I noticed that everybody was already working, I was over an hour late to work. I called in Friday since I wasn't feeling good. So I had to idea the start times changed, But he never called me to see if I was coming in or anything. Ironically I go to my area, and guess who's loading my area, my Full-Time Supervisor. I told him I was sorry for being late. He never acknowledged me, and just walks away.
A couple days ago, during wrap up, one of my Part-Time Supervisors decided to stack me out which I'm not fond of at all. Next thing I know my Full-Timer walks down to me has the nerve to ask "why my area looked like this," when I wasn't the one that was even stacking. I told him "I'm doing the best I can." His reply to me was "that's not the answer I'm looking for" and goes to ask me the question again, and again. And I give him the same answer. The last thing I said to him before I shut down was "he's (my Part-Time Supervisor) the one stacking, me out not me." The last thing he said to my Part-Time Supervisor was "see, he's (me) disrespecting you and me." It's like he's trying to make my Part-Time Supervisor not like me when we've never had a problem. Sadly My Part-Time Supervisor just stood there and didn't say one word. This is when I called Corporate Complaint again.
I'm starting to get to the point where I'm not liking this place anymore

But I'm still staying strong. Sorry for the long opening post. I just needed to vent.