

Strength through joy
During Guaman's arraignment in Milford District Court, a prosecutor said that after Guaman's truck dragged Denice for more than a quarter of a mile, Guaman made a turn and drove onto a sidewalk. At that point, Denice became dislodged from the truck. Guaman then backed up over Denice and drove off, prosecutors said. He was stopped by Milford police a short time later.
Guaman's lawyer, Craig Tavares, did not immediately return a call seeking comment.
"We have two major issues here," Denice's mother, Maureen Maloney, told reporters.
"The drinking and driving and illegals driving without a license. I'm not against people coming to this country, it's a wonderful country, but do it the right way and abide by the laws once you're here."
Pablo Guaman, who owns the truck Nicholas Guaman was driving, was charged with allowing an unlicensed operator to drive a motor vehicle. Authorities were unsure whether the two are related.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Funny how this is a problem NOW for you two, but when BUSH and his administration made this move to allow the trucks, you were silent on the issue. I guess in your free thinking world (aka fox news report) you forgot the history of the mexican trucks entering the USA.

Let me remind you two and anyone else who dares enter this thread of the truth of the matter.

Back during the BUSH administration, republican operatives lobbied the bUSH administration for permission for mexican trucks to enter the usa carrying american company goods "duty free" across the border and to their final destinations.

The bush administration agreed but with protests from the IBT and the trucking industry, lawsuits were filed. The issue made it all the way to the supreme court, where the court ruled the mexican trucks could enter the usa even if they failed inspections.

The california 9th circuit of appeals banned the mexican trucks from our roads and the US Supreme Court reversed that decision.

Dont even try to blame OBAMA for this. This goes back to GEORGE W. BUSH.

Its funny how you place blame on San Francisco when the 9th circuit there tried to ban mexican trucks from our roads. If there ruling had stood, nobody would have been killed by a mexican trucker.

You can thank BUSH for that !

There have been many investigations into this ruling by the BUSH administration to allow mexican trucks across our borders and many of them are only now being resolved.

If you want to blame anyone for this, blame the republicans who Created, Crafted, Passed, and sent it to George H. Bush to sign and forcing NAFTA to pass in the Clinton administration.

""NAFTA was signed by President George H.W. Bush, Mexican President Salinas, and Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney in 1992. It was ratified by the legislatures of the three countries in 1993. The House approved it by 234 to 200 on November 17 and the Senate by 60 to 38 on November 20. It was signed into law by President Bill Clinton on December 8, 1993 and entered force January 1, 1994. Although it was signed by President Bush, it was a priority of President Clinton's, and its passage is considered one of his first successes. (Source:, NAFTA Signed into Law, December 8, 1993.""

Along party lines, republicans voted to pass democrats voted against (just in case any of you want to attempt to blame clinton)



golden ticket member
He's getting the stories mixed up, there are so many. San Francisco was where the illegal immigrant driver killed a 4 yr. old kid. I happened to mention the fact that S.friend. is a sanctuary city for illegals. Had nothing to do with Mexican trucks.


golden ticket member
Obama Halts Deportation Of Illegals
WASHINGTON (BHN) - Obviously bowing to pressure from immigrant rights activists, the Obama administration halted deportation against illegal immigrants who meet certain criteria, such as speaking Spanish, displaying artistic aptitude with aerosol-propelled medium, or exhibiting superior automotive audio system removal skills.
The move marks a major reversal for President Obama, who has repeatedly said he does not have the authority to halt deportations, but must follow the laws as Congress has written them.
But in letters sent to Congress Thursday, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said her department does have the discretion under law to focus on "priorities," and that her department's main priority right now is "to get the President reelected."
The administration's move thrilled those on the left. "Today’s announcement shows that this president is willing to use his power to intervene when nice people are treated like criminals simply because they're breaking laws," said Rep. Luis V. Gutierrez :-)censored: - Illinois), a leading proponent of illegal immigration.
My comments: There's no coincidence this announcement comes on the heels of Maxine Water's diss of Barry on behalf of the black community. He no doubt realizes the only group he's not financially destroyed are illegals!


Strength through joy
Press Release
National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers calls for new immigration policy to be rescinded.
Group says that policy will encourage further illegal immigration and damage respect for law by foreigners; says President has abandoned duty to law. The administration announced last week that it would implement a new policy that will permit hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens to remain in the United States despite being in deportation proceedings already. This policy is clearly designed to sidestep congressional authority to regulate immigration. It should cause great concern amongst Americans who demand a secure border and desire only fair, even-handed enforcement of our nation’s immigration laws.
In a letter to selected senators, Janet Napolitano, Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, cited public safety and clogged immigration court dockets as justification for the new policy. She asserts that DHS resources “must continue to be focused on our highest priorities” in order to avoid having resources diverted away from “individuals who pose a threat to public safety.” Americans should understand that the policy has just granted amnesty in fact to approximately 300,000 illegal aliens already in deportation proceedings. The new policy means that they will be permitted to stay in the United States without fear of removal and will be given employment authorization valid for the foreseeable future. Past experience tells us that ultimately they will be given permanent residence and then citizenship. The policy promises similar haven to millions more. Those who are arrested in coming years will have a legitimate claim to this benefit if their “only” crime was entering the United States illegally or overstaying their visa. Thus, the incentive for following our nation’s legal immigration process has been effectively removed. Aliens in deportation proceedings did not get there by happenstance. They have already had their circumstances individually reviewed by an officer who is trained and legally empowered to determine alien age. This official determined they were here in violation of the law with no apparent legal right to remain in the United States. After examining all factors, a deportation hearing before an Immigration Judge was determined to be in the best interest of the United States.
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Strength through joy
Nuestros Reconquistos Warns of Aztlán War
Latino group claims Aztlán war in next five years

Phoenix-based Nuestros Reconquistos claims that there will be a war very similar to the Civil War fought in the next five years. “La Raza and MEChA have already talked to Latinos and Phoenix and explained that Latinos need to arm themselves for war,” says Nuestros Reconquistos President Manuel Longoria.
Cecilia Maldonado of Chicanos Unidos Arizona isn’t hoping for any sort of war, but believes it may be unavoidable. “For generations, our people have prepared us to take back the lands of the Southwest that were stolen from our Mexican ancestors. Because of the bad economy and many racist laws, Latinos will be forced to fight sooner than later,” says Mrs. Maldonado.
Latino groups believe they have enough people in states such as California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas to successfully wage a war on the United States. Who’s side will you be on?


golden ticket member
Nuestros Reconquistos Warns of Aztlán War

Latino group claims Aztlán war in next five years

Phoenix-based Nuestros Reconquistos claims that there will be a war very similar to the Civil War fought in the next five years. “La Raza and MEChA have already talked to Latinos and Phoenix and explained that Latinos need to arm themselves for war,” says Nuestros Reconquistos President Manuel Longoria.
Cecilia Maldonado of Chicanos Unidos Arizona isn’t hoping for any sort of war, but believes it may be unavoidable. “For generations, our people have prepared us to take back the lands of the Southwest that were stolen from our Mexican ancestors. Because of the bad economy and many racist laws, Latinos will be forced to fight sooner than later,” says Mrs. Maldonado.
Latino groups believe they have enough people in states such as California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas to successfully wage a war on the United States. Who’s side will you be on?

Seems to me that amnesty just puts them closer to their enemy.


Strength through joy
moreluck, here's how it will happen; since only convicted criminal aliens are subject to bhos' new policy, uncle's arrest will be dropped down to a non-felon charge, possible continued without a finding { meaning after 6-12 months of good behavior the charges disappear }, then his high price lawyer { who seems to work for free for this family , I know it's just out of the kindness of her heart } will seek a new hearing to have him granted a special consideration to stay here. Just like she got his sister. Maybe even get him some free public housing and right on to the welfare rolls.


golden ticket member
moreluck, here's how it will happen; since only convicted criminal aliens are subject to bhos' new policy, uncle's arrest will be dropped down to a non-felon charge, possible continued without a finding { meaning after 6-12 months of good behavior the charges disappear }, then his high price lawyer { who seems to work for free for this family , I know it's just out of the kindness of her heart } will seek a new hearing to have him granted a special consideration to stay here. Just like she got his sister. Maybe even get him some free public housing and right on to the welfare rolls.
entitled *******!!