

Strength through joy
Here's a question that no one has come up with yet.
According to Aunti zietuni , she came to America when her child was attending school here and overstayed.
So where is this grown child now ?
Why can't this person help support the family ?



Strength through joy
Since the arresting officer assumed that omar onyango obama was a US citizen, he could get off on a technicality , no one contacted the Kenyan Consult to ensure that his rights were not violated.


Well-Known Member


golden ticket member
So in addition to posting caloric counts you want restaurants to list their employees by nationality?
Don't be stupid ! I don't want them to hire any illegals no matter what their nationality in the first place. The employers should be fined for hiring illegals.

I have Jorge in Ralph's and our favorite Mex. restaurant is family owned and they're here legally. I don't accept crime...why do you?

This raid happened in Chandler and Mesa AZ. If I had been a regular at that restaurant, I would find a new one. Anytime there's a raid with these results, I would not go to that place again.


Strength through joy

JW Uncovers Documents from DHS Detailing Obama Plan to Impose DREAM Act by Suspending Illegal Alien Deportations
Records Show Obama Administration Began to Implement Provisions of the DREAM Act Rejected by Congress; DHS Official: “And we wonder why ppl [people] FOIA us.”
Highlights from the newly disclosed documents include the following:

  • In an April 20, 2010, email from Melissa Crow, former DHS Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy in the Office of Immigration and Border Security, to Roxana Bacon, Chief Counsel for the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), Crow states: “Since we met, I’ve done my best to encourage ICE to grant deferred action in the DREAM Act cases…brought to my attention.”
  • In an email chain about “one of the DREAM [Act] kids” who was being detained by authorities suggests confusion at DHS regarding how to handle requests for “deferred action” from illegal alien students. In the email chain, ICE (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement) Chief of Staff Suzanne Barr writes to DHS Deputy Press Secretary Matthew Chandler, “we r friend’ed up,” to which Chandler responds, “Yep. And we wonder why pp’l FOIA us.” The student was granted a stay of removal for six months.
  • In response to a USA Today inquiry into whether aliens are required to carry identification, DHS General Counsel John R. Sandweg writes, “Ugh. Yes. Fed law does require aliens to carry their paperwork. I don’t know if it is a criminal offense, but this provision has gone relatively unnoticed by media and [redacted].” “…I think some groups of aliens are exempted from this requirement as they don’t really have paperwork (folks who were issued deferred action). Either way, it is not routinely enforced.”
  • In a memo from Mariela Melero, Chief of the Office of Public Engagement of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to USCIS Director Alejandro Mayorkas, entitled “Stakeholder Input of Administrative Reforms,” Melero sets forth suggested reforms “outside of Comprehensive Immigration Reform,” which includes the opinion that the director – unless otherwise required by law – has the authority to judge if the evidence presented for deferred action is “probably true.” Another reform would allow a 501(c)3 organization in “good standing… to design and implement voter registration programs at USCIS offices across the country.”
  • The Obama administration’s campaign to suspend the deportations of illegal aliens has been subject to intense scrutiny since 2010, when the press uncovered a USCIS memo that contemplated various “administrative alternatives” to bypass Congress and implement stealth amnesty for illegal aliens. A subsequent Houston Chronicle story exposed an effort by the administration to suspend the deportations of illegal aliens who supposedly have not been convicted of any “serious” crimes. Documents uncovered by Judicial Watch show that DHS officials misled Congress and the public about the scope of the immigration enforcement policy change, which gave wide latitude to local immigration officials to dismiss illegal alien deportation cases – including the dismissal of charges against illegal alien criminals convicted of violent crimes. The Obama administration announced last week that it would effectively halt any enforcement actions (on an alleged “case-by-case” basis) against any illegal alien who hasn’t committed any other serious crimes. The administration denied that this was a blanket or categorical amnesty, but these new documents show otherwise.
  • “These documents show the Obama administration is lying about its stealth amnesty activities and its alarming contempt for Congress and the rule of law. Frankly, these documents show that Obama immigration officials don’t even know what the law is! The Obama administration cannot simply pick and choose which federal immigration laws it will enforce. In its zeal to curry favor with the illegal alien lobby and secure Hispanic votes for a second term, the Obama administration is exercising raw executive power to change the law by granting illegal aliens amnesty in a way that strikes at the heart of our constitutional system and the rule of law. This is a festering constitutional crisis,” stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.


golden ticket member
Illegal Workers Used Tax Credit to Pocket $4.2 Billion, Audit Shows

Talk about a tax loophole.

Undocumented workers collected $4.2 billion in a certain tax credit last year, up from less than $1 billion five years ago, according to a new audit.

The report from the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration looked only at a tax benefit known as the Additional Child Tax Credit, a refundable credit meant for working families. The audit found that as a result of vague U.S. law –– as well as an expansion of the tax credit in stimulus legislation and other measures –– the number of illegal workers collecting the money has skyrocketed.

The inspector general's office expressed concern about the trend and urged the IRS and Treasury Department to determine once and for all whether that money should be paid out.

"The payment of federal funds through this tax benefit appears to provide an additional incentive for aliens to enter, reside and work in the United States without authorization, which contradicts federal law and policy to remove such incentives," the report said.

The report highlighted a quirk in U.S. law. Even people who are not authorized to work are supposed to pay the IRS taxes on their income. Many of those people cannot obtain a Social Security number, so to facilitate this the IRS hands out what are known as Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers –– so illegal workers can file returns. However, in doing so many of those workers are claiming tax benefits like the Additional Child Tax Credit. For some, it's a way of making even more money.

"Refundable credits can result in refunds even if no income tax is withheld or paid," the report noted.

The Additional Child Tax Credit is an offshoot of another tax credit worth up to $1,000 per child. Restrictions for the tax credits were loosened in 2001, and eligibility was temporarily increased by the 2009 stimulus bill.

"As such, more taxpayers could claim the ACTC or claim a greater amount," the report said. The inspector general's office said 2.3 million undocumented filers claimed the credit in 2010, adding up to $4.2 billion worth of refunds.

Not all immigrants who are unauthorized to work are necessarily illegal immigrants. However, any legal immigrant who works without authorization would be in violation of his or her immigration status.

The report said that if the administration determines the credits should not be paid in the future, then the IRS needs the authority to stop them.

According to the audit, the IRS agreed with that recommendation.

This is the kind of wasted money that needs to be roped in ....... and this is just one in many, many areas where $$$ is thrown away!!


Strength through joy
A few years back I posted about some south and central american countries sending their citizens consular id cards which they then used as proof of id in the USA. Many thought that these cards were like drivers licenses , which I keep hearing about over the police scanners.
Now I see NDA letters from with a return address in spanish from LA., which all seem to be going to bogus addresses around here.
I know since I did a web search on them all.
They contain Guatemalan passports.
Interesting point is that they have no US stamp of entry on them.
Since we are required to obtain legal form of gov't from everyone who picks up a package , everyone of these people who drive into our parking lot is going to have a problem. No ID , no passport. Once I had some guy bring along his cousin as proof of id. I didn't stop laughing for 5 minutes.


Strength through joy
Obama Administration Nears Its Millionth Deportation
With the Congressional budgetary battle and debt ceiling debacle of 2011, one issue that been put on the back burner in Congress is the illegal immigration. That of course doesn’t mean the Obama administration forgot about it. In fact, his administration is nearing its one millionth deportation.
Related: Joe Wilson Claims Vindication for His ‘You Lie’ Moment
Adam Serwer at Mother Jones dug around the U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement’s website and found that 982,548 illegal immigrants have been deported since Obama took office between January 2009 and July 2011. So it’s possible that Obama has already hit 1 million deportations since the end of July, although in August his administration announced a review of 300,000 cases of “low-priority” illegal immigrants. During the 28 months prior to that period, while George W. Bush was in office, there were approximately 200,000 fewer illegals booted from our borders, meaning that deportation has been revved up under the Obama administration. That surprises some of the president’s liberal supporters.

One million gone already, so only 21-22 million to go.


golden ticket member
He wants to be a dictator !!
Obama: “Until Pelosi Is Speaker Again — I’d Like To Work My Way Around Congress”…
Aspiring dictator.
(Beltway Confidential) — Facing growing opposition to his economic proposals and dimming prospects that Congress will pass other parts of his agenda, President Obama told a Hispanic group in Washington Wednesday that when it comes to the issue of immigration, “I’d like to work my way around Congress.”

“As I mentioned when I was at La Raza a few weeks back, I wish I had a magic wand and could make this all happen on my own,” Obama told a meeting of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. “There are times where — until Nancy Pelosi is speaker again — I’d like to work my way around Congress.”

As he continued, Obama conceded that “we’ve got laws on the books that have to be upheld.” But he quickly added there are different ways to uphold the laws on the books. “You know as well as anyone that . . . how we enforce those laws is also important,” Obama said. Last month, the administration made a major, unilateral change in immigration law enforcement when it announced that the government will not initiate deportation proceedings against illegal immigrants unless they have committed serious crimes. To critics, Obama had indeed worked his way around Congress. To the Hispanic Caucus, Obama said his new policy will “prioritize criminals who endanger our communities, not students trying to achieve the American dream.”


Strength through joy
Let's make our southern border just like Mexico's .
Get caught and it's a few years in jail, no more catch & release { they are currently brought in for a hearing and they all promise to return in 30 days for their trial }. We have plenty of open spaces in which to corral them, fingerprint them all, take a DNA sample too. Any with a criminal record will be shipped off to a jail for years , far from the border, and where it is always cold and wet.
There are many isolated islands in Alaska that would be suitable .


Strength through joy
Illegal immigrant arrested for 6th OUI
Police arrested an illegal immigrant for Operating Under the Influence.
It's his 6th offense, something he'd been deported for previously. A Boxboro,Mass. police officer pulled a car over after noticing an expired inspection sticker on Saturday night.

The driver, who gave police a name that was not in any databases, failed a field sobriety test and was taken to the police station where his fingerprints were entered into the Automated Fingerprint Identification Service.

AIFS identified him as Eduardo Torres.
The 48-year-old was living in Marlborough.

It was determined that Torres was a previously deported fugitive, wanted by Homeland Security and ICE.
Torres has 5 previous OUI convictions, 3 in California and 2 in Massachusetts.

Torres later failed a Breathalyzer test.
Eduardo Torres was ordered held without bail and will be arraigned in Ayer on Monday.

Ya, those borders are really secured.


golden ticket member
Illegal immigrant arrested for 6th OUI

Police arrested an illegal immigrant for Operating Under the Influence.
It's his 6th offense, something he'd been deported for previously. A Boxboro,Mass. police officer pulled a car over after noticing an expired inspection sticker on Saturday night.

The driver, who gave police a name that was not in any databases, failed a field sobriety test and was taken to the police station where his fingerprints were entered into the Automated Fingerprint Identification Service.

AIFS identified him as Eduardo Torres.
The 48-year-old was living in Marlborough.

It was determined that Torres was a previously deported fugitive, wanted by Homeland Security and ICE.
Torres has 5 previous OUI convictions, 3 in California and 2 in Massachusetts.

Torres later failed a Breathalyzer test.
Eduardo Torres was ordered held without bail and will be arraigned in Ayer on Monday.

Ya, those borders are really secured.

Oh, he's a lucky dui, they'll give him a full scholarship to the college of his choice....:dissapointed: