

Strength through joy
More like bhos' illegal uncle, who blew a .14 three times, or the Ecuador driver who collided with a motorcyclist , dragged his body and machine and after driving up onto a curb backed up crushing the driver to death , tried to ran away leaving his son in the vehicle, was soon caught, charged with DUI and murder.
Just remember the illegal drunk drivers are only killing Americans that no one else wants to.
You mean just like the BUSH twins of course? Eh?

Any proof that the Bush twins have been charged with DUIs ? Or any proof that they went to college on scholarships? Oh, while we are going on about proof, any proof that Laura Welch Bush was under the influence of alcohol when she had a fatal accident?

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Any proof that the Bush twins have been charged with DUIs ? Or any proof that they went to college on scholarships? Oh, while we are going on about proof, any proof that Laura Welch Bush was under the influence of alcohol when she had a fatal accident?

I think you asked this question before but apparently TOS runs and hides from it.
I think you asked this question before but apparently TOS runs and hides from it.
I have asked this question 4 times now, still no answer. The really funny thing to me is that the first time I asked this question was before he demanded an outline from me on my feelings about Michelle 0bama. He even went as far as preemptively accusing me of avoiding his .....ummm.....request. I even have my response ready and waiting for when (ya right) he provides his proof.
Speaks volumes huh


golden ticket member


Strength through joy
All they are looking for is a list of what relatives he has allowed to overstay their visas; Aunt in Boston , Uncle in Framingham, Aunt's offspring, all of his cousins , only violent criminals { id theft not included ).


Strength through joy
Citing concerns for their citizens, sixteen nations from Latin America and the Caribbean have asked to join in the U.S. Justice Department's lawsuit against South Carolina's controversial law that aims to curb the number of undocumented immigrants in the state.
Mexico, Honduras, Brazil, Ecuador, Chile and other countries filed papers Tuesday, asking to join the Justice Department's litigation in Charleston.
The law would require law officers who make a traffic stop to call federal immigration officials if they suspect someone is in the country illegally. Opponents say the measure would encourage racial profiling.
The 16 nations state in their filings that the law would lead to state-sanctioned discrimination against their citizens.
Justice Department lawyers are asking the court to stop the law from taking effect in January, saying immigration policy is solely the domain of the U.S. government.


golden ticket member
Why do illegal aliens, especially criminal illegal aliens, think they have constitutional rights here ??

(Boston Herald) — President Obama’s illegal alien half-uncle argued in court today his arrest on a drunken driving charge this summer violated his constitutional rights and he wants evidence suppressed and the case thrown out.

Onyango Obama’s lawyer filed a motion to suppress in Framingham District Court today, claiming he questions the legality of the illegal alien’s Aug. 24 arrest on a charge of driving under the influence of alcohol and whether the arrest violated Obama’s Fourth Amendment rights against unlawful search and seizure.

The motion is to suppress the entire traffic stop by police that night, on claims Obama was not committing any motor vehicle violations that night at 7.

Obama blew a .14 on the Breathalyzer, police reported, well above the legal limit of .08.

Obama, a liquor store clerk who entered the United States illegally from Kenya and has defied a deportation order for nearly two decades, is accused of driving drunk and nearly crashing in to an unmarked Framingham police cruiser.
Obama is the half-brother of President Obama’s father.

A hearing on the motion is scheduled for Jan. 12. Obama, who is 67 years old and was called “Uncle Omar” by the president in his book “Dreams From My Father,” has pleaded not guilty.

At last report, Obama had resumed work at Conti Liquors in Framingham after his release from custody.
Why do illegal aliens, especially criminal illegal aliens, think they have constitutional rights here ??

(Boston Herald) — President Obama’s illegal alien half-uncle argued in court today his arrest on a drunken driving charge this summer violated his constitutional rights and he wants evidence suppressed and the case thrown out.

Onyango Obama’s lawyer filed a motion to suppress in Framingham District Court today, claiming he questions the legality of the illegal alien’s Aug. 24 arrest on a charge of driving under the influence of alcohol and whether the arrest violated Obama’s Fourth Amendment rights against unlawful search and seizure.

The motion is to suppress the entire traffic stop by police that night, on claims Obama was not committing any motor vehicle violations that night at 7.

Obama blew a .14 on the Breathalyzer, police reported, well above the legal limit of .08.

Obama, a liquor store clerk who entered the United States illegally from Kenya and has defied a deportation order for nearly two decades, is accused of driving drunk and nearly crashing in to an unmarked Framingham police cruiser.
Obama is the half-brother of President Obama’s father.

A hearing on the motion is scheduled for Jan. 12. Obama, who is 67 years old and was called “Uncle Omar” by the president in his book “Dreams From My Father,” has pleaded not guilty.

At last report, Obama had resumed work at Conti Liquors in Framingham after his release from custody.
at least he isn't camping out on the white house a tent...with a hibachi......and no toilet.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
This is typical of the Obama adminstration:

Republican Threatens Legal Action Against DHS Over Immigrant-Data Subpoena
A top House Republican is threatening to enforce a subpoena for criminal immigrant information "to the fullest extent" of the law, after claiming the Obama administration "stonewalled" his request.
House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith for months has been seeking a comprehensive list of names and other information for the thousands of immigrants who are flagged, but not taken into custody or deported through a program known as Secure Communities.

Earlier this month, a subcommittee on his panel subpoenaed the Department of Homeland Security for the information, claiming it was "not acting in good faith." It was the first subpoena issued by the committee since it came under GOP control.

Read more: Republican Threatens Legal Action Against DHS Over Immigrant-Data Subpoena | Fox News


golden ticket member
(Washington Examiner) — Attorney General Eric Holder and the Department of Justice (DOJ) have filed a lawsuit against Utah, the fourth state so challenged, arguing that the illegal immigration enforcement underway per a recent state law could interfere with people whose immigration status is currently under federal review.

“A patchwork of immigration laws is not the answer and will only create further problems in our immigration system,” Attorney General Eric Holder said in a statement.

DOJ contends that Utah “law enforcement could lead to harassment and detention of foreign visitors and legal immigrants who are in the process of having their immigration status reviewed in federal proceedings and whom the federal government has permitted to stay in this country while such proceedings are pending.”

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Those two cartoons strike a nerve with me....

My biggest concern over our failed immigration policies is that our country allows these illegals to "blend in" because there is no reason to assimilate into the American way of life.

I consider myself an American above all other cultural or nationality overtones. I visited the area where I grew up, Monterey Park California and found that I no longer could read any of the store front signs. I felt like I was in the Orient. I went to a restaurant in Corona CA, and could overhear 3 separate table conversations in a foreign language.

Why should I feel that I am a visitor in my own country? I feel that we need to protect our American heritage.

In most other countries, I could not survive without assimilating into their culture.

These people pick up and go at a drop of the hat when the government starts to crack down. I watched that happen here in Arizona. Anyone who will leave at a drop of the hat does not have roots here. They are taking what they can and moving on.

OK - I am done with my rant!


golden ticket member
(ABC News) — Presidential candidate Mitt Romney told a Boston talk radio host on Wednesday that he supports the deportation of President Obama’s Kenyan-born uncle who was arrested this fall on drunken driving charges in Massachusetts.

Romney told a Boston talk radio host on Wednesday that he supports the deportation of President Obama’s Kenyan-born uncle who was arrested this fall on drunken driving charges in Massachusetts.

When asked by Boston radio personality Howie Carr whether the president’s relative, Onyango Obama, should be deported, Romney said, “the answer is ‘yes.’”

“Well, if the laws of the United States say he should be deported, and I presume they do, then of course we should follow those laws,” Romney said. “And the answer is ‘yes.’”

When Carr brought up Onyango Obama case, Romney first sought clarification: “Who is Uncle Omar, Howie?” the former Massachusetts governor asked the radio host.

Carr explained that the uncle, nicknamed “Omar,” was recently arrested in Framingham, Mass.

“Now he’s claiming he’s got a Social Security number and drivers’ license and no one knows how he got them,” Carr told Romney, “but they’re apparently legit even though he’s in the country illegally.”


Nine Lives
It would seem that the governments of these countries would simply kill the members of the DoD gang since there is nothing in these countries' culture/society to prevent them from doing so.

Perhaps it is because the DoD gangs are actually doing the bidding of the countries' officials. Politicians have been known to be hypocrites.