What "we" need is for guys like you to be educated and learn to formulate your own thoughts based on the facts on the ground vs. some ideological nonsense told to you by a political party. I presented to you the facts of immigration and all you counter with is name calling? Uber this, uber that, thats the best you can come up with?
You may live in a border state, but that doesnt mean you have insight on how your state became infiltrated with illegal aliens. Simply seeing them on your streets doesnt make you an expert. You seem to pride yourself on repeating the talking points of a political party that occupys your thoughts because they know how to strike a cord with people like you. It isnt that tough. Hatred is the easiest feeling to motivate.
How about you educate yourself instead of demonstrating your lack of education? How about some links to inform you?
HB 2757 - The Guest Worker Program for the Republican Party | Facebook
"""Republicans can fill the void left by Democrat leaders, who seek unlimited
immigration with no rules and no restrictions — in other words, open borders.
What might Republican immigration reform legislation look like? Consider the
- The U.S. Congress, to resolve the immigration crisis, could pass a new guest
worker program improving on the 1942 Emergency Farm Labor Importation Program,
known as the Bracero program. This informal agreement between the United States
and Mexico created a legal guest worker program that permitted Mexicans to do
agricultural work in the United States as part of the war effort. The agreement
was finalized as law in 1951 and terminated in 1964.
- A new guest worker program could provide foreign nationals with work visas
and biometric identification cards, allowing them to enter and reenter the
United States legally to work in agriculture, hospitality, and other areas
needing workers. Employers would file a need-based application for workers, and
guest worker visas would be based on the unavailability of U.S. citizens to fill
positions. Employers would pay minimum wage, maintain insurance for that type of
work, pay worker compensation premiums, and deduct taxes from guest worker
salaries. Guest workers would have the same work-place complaint remedies as
citizen workers.
- Guest workers would be admitted for a defined period of months for
agricultural and unskilled jobs and for a defined period of years for
skilled/specialty work. Guest
worker visa renewals would be streamlined. Criminal activity by a guest
worker would result in deportation and would prohibit future application to the
- The U.S. State Department and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
could manage the entry and exit paperwork for guest workers to ensure that these
foreign nationals returned to their homelands as required.
- Guest workers would be required to pass a health screen before entering the
country, as do legal immigrants. Guest workers who remain in the United States
for a number of years would be required to have an annual health check.
Read more on Newsmax .com: Republicans
Can Fill Void With New Guest Worker Program
WHile you complain about liberals this and liberals that, your OWN PARTY is trying to issue more guest worker visas and not only for our agriculture jobs. Technology jobs are being threatened by the GOP. You better learn to understand WHO is threatening your state and INVITING the ALIENS into your state and why your streets are filled with them.
Since 2000, the GOP has allowed over 12 million undocumented workers into this country and they never left. Now, in 2012, the GOP believes that there is a JOB VOID and feel that GUEST WORKER VISAS are the answer to fill those voids.
Arlen Specters view of guest workers in the USA
workingimmigrants.com: Sen. Specter Guest Worker bill to expand foreign worker programs for professionals
Now, I can post literally hundreds of stories of GOP members attempting to flood our country with guest workers who OVERSTAY the visas and become illegal, but I would hope this peek into reality opens your eyes to the real problem of immigration.
Once a guest worker enters this country, according to todays laws, he is on his own to go home, if he doesnt, nothing happens. That person then works, saves money, and uses the coyotes to bring his family across the desert, or if he saves enough, applies for tourist visas for his family and they simply FLY INTO LAX.
You can stand at the border and shake your fist all you want, but you wont stop the 92% of the remaining illegals coming into this country.