

Für Meno :)
"Socialist" Canada pulls it off :

Hello, bonjour: language tests to become mandatory for some immigrants

SASKATOON - Some immigrants hoping to say hello or bonjour to Canada are now going to have to prove they actually know how to say it.
Starting this July, certain people immigrating under the provincial nominee program will face language testing.
The tests will be mandatory for those applying for semi- and low-skilled jobs and will assess listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities.

The program allows provinces to cherry-pick immigrants they want to meet labour needs but Kenney says there's concern that it's also being used to unite families.
He says he intends to work more closely with provinces to ensure that stops.

The new requirement is one of a number of changes to the immigration system discussed in last month's federal budget.


golden ticket member
"Socialist" Canada pulls it off :

Hello, bonjour: language tests to become mandatory for some immigrants

SASKATOON - Some immigrants hoping to say hello or bonjour to Canada are now going to have to prove they actually know how to say it.
Starting this July, certain people immigrating under the provincial nominee program will face language testing.
The tests will be mandatory for those applying for semi- and low-skilled jobs and will assess listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities.

The program allows provinces to cherry-pick immigrants they want to meet labour needs but Kenney says there's concern that it's also being used to unite families.
He says he intends to work more closely with provinces to ensure that stops.

The new requirement is one of a number of changes to the immigration system discussed in last month's federal budget.
Well, you just keep up that "cherrypicking" (?) !!


Für Meno :)
Has nothing to do with racisum. But if they want to come hear so badly, they can take English or French courses in their homeland before they apply.
If you want something so badly, then , just maybe, you got to do some of your own homework to get here.

Tell me now, you wouldn't like that to be the same for the US (except for the French part).

But, then again, you can't do it, since you don't have any official language.


golden ticket member
Yeah, just like he promised in the first year of his first term....liar!!

Obama vowed in an interview with Univision to pursue comprehensive immigration reform and attacked Romney and GOP lawmakers, saying they would oppose his efforts.
President Obama promised to pursue immigration reform in his second term, but said Republicans in Congress may keep him from succeeding.
“I can promise that I will try to do it in the first year of my second term,” Obama said in an interview with Univision set to air on Sunday. “I want to try this year. The challenge we’ve got on immigration reform is very simple. I’ve got a majority of Democrats who are prepared to vote for it, and I’ve got no Republicans who are prepared to vote for it.”


Strength through joy
DREAM on hold: Supreme Court considers Florida Bar admission for undocumented immigrant - South Florida
Illegal immigrant seeks admission to Florida Bar State Supreme Court to consider whether lack of legal status can bar FSU grad
Can an immigrant without a green card get a Florida Bar card?
Aspiring lawyer Jose Godinez-Samperio, 25, a Tampa-area resident, is hoping the answer is yes.
A native of Mexico who entered the United States legally with his parents 16 years ago on a tourist visa, Godinez-Samperio is a graduate of the Florida State University College of Law, the valedictorian of the Armwood High School class of 2004, an Eagle Scout — and an undocumented immigrant.
Godinez-Samperio has been candid about his status at every opportunity, disclosing it on college and law school applications (his application to law school included an essay titled "The Consequences of my Criminal Childhood," although being in the country illegally is a civil infraction, not a crime).


Für Meno :)
Definite sign that K is working.....he'd be on here in a sec. saying how all Americans are running to Canada because it's better!.

Don't care More.
But, I did have a dream last night that the C$ hit 1.29US exchange rate.
And Canadians travelled to the US in record numbers.

I can see that dream comming true in the near future, too.


Strength through joy
There's nothing like a 300lb Canadian man on the beach in York Maine wearing a speedo , you just know that summer has arrived.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

Why dont you enlighten the rest of us by telling US exactly what the answer is? Or are you like the GOP in general who disagree with policies yet dont have a legitimate solution to offer instead?

Enlighten us please, and if you don supply the solution, tell us what that would cost in application to both enforcement and the economy.


Why dont you enlighten the rest of us by telling US exactly what the answer is? Or are you like the GOP in general who disagree with policies yet dont have a legitimate solution to offer instead?

Enlighten us please, and if you don supply the solution, tell us what that would cost in application to both enforcement and the economy.


Part of the answer is to stop leftist judges from blocking states anti-illegal immigration laws. It would be beneficial to have his agencies already in place do their jobs as the federal illegal immigration reads and deport those that should be deported. Instead of suing states for trying to enforce current laws they could instead sue cities that refuse to cooperate with the already existing federal laws (think San Fran) thus making sanctuary cities illegal, and that's just a start.