

golden ticket member
Do you need a greencard to rent now, or what ?
And what will you do with all these Canadian homeowners (that own the most US property/houses/real estate, from any other country in the world?

I suppose , sell them back to you, the tax payer, too.

Make a new rule : American property only for Americans, and that's it.

You always pull every topic to the most extreme made up situation.!! Like a grade schooler....."well, what if the monster comes out of the cave.....??!!!!!!!
If you rent from me, I did a complete credit check on you. That's from being stiffed one too many times by trusting people.


Für Meno :)
Good luck getting a credit check outside the US (from Canadians or Mexicans), but I guess you just rent or sell to Americans.


golden ticket member
Good luck getting a credit check outside the US (from Canadians or Mexicans), but I guess you just rent or sell to Americans.
If I was unable to get a credit check, you were unable to rent! I didn't care where you were from. It was my right as an owner.
I don't have to go outside the U.S. for your 'good luck' remark is wasted.
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UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Do you need a greencard to rent now, or what ?
And what will you do with all these Canadian homeowners (that own the most US property/houses/real estate, from any other country in the world?

I suppose , sell them back to you, the tax payer, too.

Make a new rule : American property only for Americans, and that's it.

We have a saying here in America... "Put your money where your mouth is". You should come down to the Arizona border and buy an apartment building and become a landlord. It will be interesting to hear your POV after that experience.

Another American saying.... "You have no skin in the game" or here is another one ..."Talk is cheap"!

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Canadians alreay own over 10% of properties in AZ. I don't think I'll join that group, though.

And just to go on record.... we are happy to have and welcome Canadians to our state. BTW, I don't care what race, creed, religion or NATIONALITY you are. You are welcome into our state LEGALLY.
People who are legally here have SKIN IN THE GAME. Those who are illegally here don't have social security cards. Their identification is not real. Nobody is collecting taxes from them. Chances are they are being paid in cash. A lot of illegals send cash back home. They don't spend it all here! They have no skin in the game. They are like ghosts. They could skip out at any time if something goes wrong. Generally speaking, illegal immigrants take advantage of our already over burdened public infrastructure.

I have lived in a southern border state ( So. California and AZ) since I was 6 months old. I find it hard to understand why you think you are qualified to talk about what American citizens on the southern border are going through.


bella amicizia
I hear there are bus loads of people coming there to buy the cheap properties. Is that true? I'd move there. Wait. You guys have all sorts of funky bugs and critters, don't you?

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member

This whole issue has been political from the start. The democrats were playing to their base and courting the Latino vote. What do they have to lose. NOTHING! They were trying to make this about racial and ethnic profiling which it was not. Even BO was caught on video making statements about profiling. The Solicitor General was asked directly about that statement (racial and ethnic profiling) and the Solicitor General said that this case in not about that at all.

The liberal loons in California tried to create a nationwide boycott against Arizona and that failed. We stood our ground, held fast and did not waiver in our commitment to the cause. Actually most of us in AZ really don't want a bunch of liberal loons in our state anyway, so you did us a favor by staying away! We got support from fair-minded and reasonable people. The kind of people who we welcome with open arms.

And now this...

I think that Arizona is going to be vindicated.


golden ticket member
This whole issue has been political from the start. The democrats were playing to their base and courting the Latino vote. What do they have to lose. NOTHING! They were trying to make this about racial and ethnic profiling which it was not. Even BO was caught on video making statements about profiling. The Solicitor General was asked directly about that statement (racial and ethnic profiling) and the Solicitor General said that this case in not about that at all.

The liberal loons in California tried to create a nationwide boycott against Arizona and that failed. We stood our ground, held fast and did not waiver in our commitment to the cause. Actually most of us in AZ really don't want a bunch of liberal loons in our state anyway, so you did us a favor by staying away! We got support from fair-minded and reasonable people. The kind of people who we welcome with open arms.

And now this...

I think that Arizona is going to be vindicated.
Hope so!

I wish our female politicians were like Jan Brewer!


Well-Known Member
Smells Asses.jpg
Smells Asses.jpg


Strength through joy
Drove a lot of those back in the late 80's into the early 90's ( P300's ), funny thing as I recall they all had six numbers starting at 3------ , this has only five. And all of the Ford logos were removed.


golden ticket member
Huge abuse of power and it's all political for hispanic, that's sure transparent!! More young people scramblng for more of the low number of jobs out there. Does not sound like a winning combination to me.

President Obama will announce a new immigration policy this morning that will allow some undocumented students to avoid deportation and receive work authorization.

Under the president’s “deferred action” executive order, students in the U.S. who are already in deportation proceedings or those who qualify for the DREAM Act and have yet to come forward to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officials, will not be deported and will be allowed to work in the United States.

An estimated 1 million young people could benefit from the deferral. To be eligible, applicants have to be between 15 and 30 years old, live in the U.S. for five years, and maintain continuous U.S. residency. People who have one felony, one serious misdemeanor, or three minor misdemeanors will be ineligible to apply.
“Deferred action” will last for two years and can be renewed.
Obama is expected to speak about this new policy later today.