

golden ticket member
Lifer, I understand your point on the impact to those who are currently unemployed, but the majority of the jobs these immigrants will fill are jobs that most Americans think are "beneath" them. Besides, if I can get paid to sit home on my ass why in the world would I bust my ass for 10-12 hours a day working in the fields?
I think you're over-dramatizing with the "picker" jobs. These young people have to have a diploma (GED or military) to they will be going for regular jobs....clerking, sales, etc. All the jobs the citizen kids will be going for too.


golden ticket member
......."We are not talking about illegals ........."(upstate)

Do you hear yourself? They're not illegals, but they are here illegally! I see no difference!!


Staff member
It is definitely Congress' job but they have been in lame duck session for nearly 4 years so I don't blame Obama for taking action on his own.

Yup. I remember quite clearly candidate Obama telling us HE was the one who could cross the aisle and gain consensus.

If he could have done that one thing, I would forgive all his other lies and vote for him.

Instead he doesn't even try, and spends a majority of his time attending fundraisers for himself....


golden ticket member
Originally Posted by UpstateNYUPSer It is definitely Congress' job but they have been in lame duck session for nearly 4 years so I don't blame Obama for taking action on his own.

"lame duck" session - When Congress (or either chamber) reconvenes in an even-numbered year following the November general elections to consider various items of business. Some lawmakers who return for this session will not be in the next Congress. Hence, they are informally called "lame duck" members participating in a "lame duck" session. (I don't think this goes for 4 years)


Staff member
I know Upstate wasn't going for the exact definition of "lame duck session". I understood him to mean the dead-lock, or gridlock that Congress has been in. Congress (IMHO) is pretty much non-effective.

We need LEADERSHIP that we do not currently have, to break this cycle.


Für Meno :)
You know what the biggest benifit is about immigration, Moreluck ?
It's that countries benifit from people already being educcated, and in most cases already have a skilled trade, college or university degree.
Which was already paid for by their homeland.

If you don't want those well educated illegal immigrants - in most cases Canada will take them in.
Esspecially if they have some sort of technical skill, such as in the oil & gas field, computer sceince, or even in healthcare.

And Obama is talking exactly about those people and not the field workers.
Who wouldn't want immigrants with a nice US university degree and or technical training ?
We'll take them :)


golden ticket member

You talk like the Americans are dumb , stupid and uneducated and the people wanting in are all diploma'd out!! All of your comments are condescending!!

I'ts not about educated or not.....I personally dont want illegal anything!!! The name "illegal" means you broke a law.

Only so many jobs are available and already our college grads have difficulty getting a job....throw 800K people in the mix, and jobs are even harder to find.

So, if you want all these illegals.....they can come and eat up the available jobs up there.


golden ticket member
If Obama has the power to do this.....Why didn't he do it 3 years ago like he promised his Latino voters ?

It's a political gimmick and it makes him very transparent. (not in a good way)


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Why would we educate people, and once their education was complete demand that they leave the country?

This ruling applies to a very small minority of people, educated people who were brought here when they were very young. It doesn't apply to the teenager who crossed the border illegally.


golden ticket member
Overcrowded schools?
The number is 800K and it's big, when they are on your state's support. Billions & Billions of dollars are spent on illegals and their medical and their schooling and their free school lunch etc. and other stuff.

If your state is going to go bankrupt and your basic services are threatened, you might look at it differently.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Willard would like to cut funding to public schools. The Tea Party is all for charter schools, if they are faith based, even better, unless that faith is Islam.


Staff member
If Obama has the power to do this.....Why didn't he do it 3 years ago like he promised his Latino voters ?

It's a political gimmick and it makes him very transparent. (not in a good way)
It might be a political gimmick, but it was a pretty slick one.


Staff member
Why do we need Congress at all? If Obama can do this, we'd save a LOT of money by dis-banding Congress.
I meant slick strictly in a political sense. I agree that the growing power of the executive branch is an issue and this is just the latest example, though hardly the most troubling one.


Strength through joy
Why do we need Congress at all? If Obama can do this, we'd save a LOT of money by dis-banding Congress.
That only creates more problems; what to do with that empty building , do some states really want those fools to come "home" ?, the increase of unemployment from the local people who support these fools ?, and who will be left for bhos to blame?


Well-Known Member
Why do we need Congress at all? If Obama can do this, we'd save a LOT of money by dis-banding Congress.

Congress was created to represent the people. Now we have the internet; let us vote ourselves, cut the dead weight, save the money, save social security, and make those deadbeats EARN a real living.


golden ticket member
Congress was created to represent the people. Now we have the internet; let us vote ourselves, cut the dead weight, save the money, save social security, and make those deadbeats EARN a real living.
Could they also be made to have Obamacare ?? know, because they claim it's so good!!


Retired 23 years
Just out of curiosity, do you normally trust politicians?

Good point. The short answer is "no" -----------power corrupts. Some more than others. Its been many years since I've voted "for" somebody. Now days I find myself voting "against" somebody. I don't get all bent out of shape on politics because I figure for the most part there isn't anything in national politics the average Joe Schumck can do that will change anything.


Well-Known Member
Sure! Let them suck out of the same straw they expect us to drink from. Make them give up their pensions and draw S.S., let them earn their raises instead of voting themselves undeserved pay increases, let them see what it really is like in the trenches.