

Well-Known Member

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
All of you Monday morning quarterbacks. You do realize they have to make an effort at stopping the flow of drugs before you have the luxury to sit back and smugly denounce all of their efforts? Recently a shipment of fentanyl was intercepted that was enough to kill everyone in the U.S.. Do you actually want the government to stop trying to keep that kind of substance out?
Free fentanyl for ALL liberals! MAGA!

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
The Supreme Court is the ultimate arbiter of the law.
Actually the Judicial Branch is the Interpreter of the Law. The Executive Branch is the Arbiter. The Legislative Branch is the author.
Separation of Powers was a brilliant concept established by the Founding Fathers.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
What about the ones that call Nazis very fine people?
If you can find a person that said “Nazis are very fine people” then give em fentanyl!
Perfect example of how the MSM spinned Trumps words into a lie.
Of course, we can see on here who the low brows are when they jumped on that.
There were a lot of fine people protesting in Charlottesville ... none of which were the self proclaimed Neo-Nazis.


Well-Known Member
What about the ones that call Nazis very fine people?
During WWII the Germans were a bunch of Nazis, right? I'm sure you're aware there were a large group of Catholic priests and Protestant ministers who refused to go along and were imprisoned, some even executed? Until recently I assumed that the Muslim world was made up of fanatics who either wanted to kill Westerners or at least supported those who did. Characterizing your political opponents in the worst way, backed by a media that harps on this 24/7, saying they're all this or that, is exactly what has divided us to possibly the point of no return.

El Correcto

god is dead
All crack related death statistics are merged with cocaine from what I’ve found. 5,500 died in 2014 from crack? and cocaine. I blame cocaine. This compared to about the 40,000+ killed by herion. Crack is not nearly as lethal as herion and I have serious doubts that crack overdose is making up more than a 1/4 of the cocaine/crack 5,500.