
El Correcto

god is dead
Seems like a total deflection from my post.
Not that I'm surprised.
I know you were going for an imflammatory White people do herion not crack type deal. I’m just saying treating it as a health crisis could be justified from the fact that nearly 8x the amount of people are oding on it not just rich white kids who parents vote.


Inordinately Right
I know you were going for an imflammatory White people do herion not crack type deal. I’m just saying treating it as a health crisis could be justified from the fact that nearly 8x the amount of people are oding on it not just rich white kids who parents vote.
Wow everything is about race to you huh?

Jesus man, no one cares that you're white get over yourself.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I know you were going for an imflammatory White people do herion not crack type deal. I’m just saying treating it as a health crisis could be justified from the fact that nearly 8x the amount of people are oding on it not just rich white kids who parents vote.
It’s easy to make a race argument about crack when the penalties for crack vs cocaine are totally out of whack. Opioids are out of control and no one would care if it was still relegated to the inner cities. It became a public health crisis when it got to the suburbs.


Well-Known Member
Prove it.
If Your Loved One Overdoses on Crack Cocaine, What do You Do
Crack Cocaine Overdose
Unintentional overdoses of crack cocaine are not uncommon and usually come from the user trying to get a more intense high. Smoking crack is dangerous because it enters the bloodstream so quickly. A user can experience chest pains and convulsions during inhalation of the drug. Crack is similar to heroin in the fact that when the user buys it on the street, they never know the percentage of purity. The drug could have been mixed with other substances so you could get 20% purity one time and the next get much more. Not knowing the purity makes the chances of overdose very high.

Another factor to consider is whether or not the individual is combining crack with other substances such as alcohol or other depressants. By doing this, it dulls the effects of the crack leading the user to think that they can use more of the drug to achieve the high for which they are searching.
If Your Loved One Overdoses on Crack
If you have a loved one who constantly binges on crack cocaine, there is a good chance that they will experience an overdose. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that you know the signs of an overdose and what to do in the case of one happening. The signs of a crack overdose are much the same as a crack high, but more intense. There will also be physical signs which indicate that immediate treatment is necessary.

When experiencing an overdose, your loved one may become incoherent and extremely agitated. They may experience severe itching, more than with a typical crack high, and the skin may become cold and clammy. Respiratory problems will appear such as coughing, shortness of breath, and lung trauma with bleeding and coughing up black mucus. Coughing up black mucus is a sure sign that it is urgent to get medical attention for an overdose of crack.

Other indications can be unconsciousness, indications of a stroke, or signs of a heart attack. Any of these implications are symptoms that need immediate attention from medical professionals. If you feel that your loved one is displaying any of these signs of overdose from crack (or any substance of abuse), call 911 immediately and get help. The sooner you get help, the more likely they will survive the overdose

El Correcto

god is dead
If Your Loved One Overdoses on Crack Cocaine, What do You Do
Crack Cocaine Overdose
Unintentional overdoses of crack cocaine are not uncommon and usually come from the user trying to get a more intense high. Smoking crack is dangerous because it enters the bloodstream so quickly. A user can experience chest pains and convulsions during inhalation of the drug. Crack is similar to heroin in the fact that when the user buys it on the street, they never know the percentage of purity. The drug could have been mixed with other substances so you could get 20% purity one time and the next get much more. Not knowing the purity makes the chances of overdose very high.

Another factor to consider is whether or not the individual is combining crack with other substances such as alcohol or other depressants. By doing this, it dulls the effects of the crack leading the user to think that they can use more of the drug to achieve the high for which they are searching.
If Your Loved One Overdoses on Crack
If you have a loved one who constantly binges on crack cocaine, there is a good chance that they will experience an overdose. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that you know the signs of an overdose and what to do in the case of one happening. The signs of a crack overdose are much the same as a crack high, but more intense. There will also be physical signs which indicate that immediate treatment is necessary.

When experiencing an overdose, your loved one may become incoherent and extremely agitated. They may experience severe itching, more than with a typical crack high, and the skin may become cold and clammy. Respiratory problems will appear such as coughing, shortness of breath, and lung trauma with bleeding and coughing up black mucus. Coughing up black mucus is a sure sign that it is urgent to get medical attention for an overdose of crack.

Other indications can be unconsciousness, indications of a stroke, or signs of a heart attack. Any of these implications are symptoms that need immediate attention from medical professionals. If you feel that your loved one is displaying any of these signs of overdose from crack (or any substance of abuse), call 911 immediately and get help. The sooner you get help, the more likely they will survive the overdose
How about you post statistics, oh wait you can’t find any for crack because it’s not causing an OD epidemic like herion.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
All crack related death statistics are merged with cocaine from what I’ve found. 5,500 died in 2014 from crack? and cocaine. I blame cocaine. This compared to about the 40,000+ killed by herion. Crack is not nearly as lethal as herion and I have serious doubts that crack overdose is making up more than a 1/4 of the cocaine/crack 5,500.
Crack and Cocaine are identical.
Crack is a concentrated cocaine.
The biggest difference between cocaine and crack is who are the primary users.
Cocaine - successful Honkies
Crack - Blacks
The other big difference is the legal penalties for coke versus crack.
Crack like most laws targeting Black is very disproportionately severe compared to cocaine.

El Correcto

god is dead
Crack and Cocaine are identical.
Crack is a concentrated cocaine.
The biggest difference between cocaine and crack is who are the primary users.
Cocaine - successful Honkies
Crack - Blacks
The other big difference is the legal penalties for coke versus crack.
Crack like most laws targeting Black is very disproportionately severe compared to cocaine.
Crack is a manufactured by product of cocaine and baking soda. It’s far from concentrated, it’s just more smokeable than free basin cocaine.

Manufactured by products of marijuana are a felony.

Maybe increased crack laws have to do with the manufactured side of it?


Well-Known Member
Crack is a manufactured by product of cocaine and baking soda. It’s far from concentrated, it’s just more smokeable than free basin cocaine.

Manufactured by products of marijuana are a felony.

Maybe increased crack laws have to do with the manufactured side of it?


You don’t know what you’re talking about, this is humorous

El Correcto

god is dead
You're trying really hard to avoid admitting the obvious about why these two epidemics are handled differently.

You don’t know what you’re talking about, this is humorous
I do know what I’m talking about. I’m probably more informed on drugs than most of you. This is my childhood education in one of our fine federally funded public schools in the inner city.


Well-Known Member
I do know what I’m talking about. I’m probably more informed on drugs than most of you. This is my childhood education in one of our fine federally funded public schools in the inner city.

Wow, you just come off like a dumb-ass cracker.

You’re not informed about drugs at all if you’re questioning whether or not someone can OD on crack.

What’s wrong with you?