

Strength through joy
And also make them actually move their families back to their districts .
Let them spend their weekends traveling to & from DC.


golden ticket member
Everyone screams about splitting families.......this does it too.

What if only 2 of your 5 kids have the qualfications for this new program and in applying for it, your entire family is exposed ?
The 2 can stay and the rest are subject to deportation. That's some gimmick there Barack!


Well-Known Member
Lets see ---not citizens---Drivers license 0/k --U.S. address and utility bills---- Working visa and permit ---next Voter registration and vote.

Of course we do not voter I.D.'s for American citizens ---Anyone can vote .

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Lets see ---not citizens---Drivers license 0/k --U.S. address and utility bills---- Working visa and permit ---next Voter registration and vote.

Of course we do not voter I.D.'s for American citizens ---Anyone can vote .

Nobody is saying that ISLAND.

Cmon bro, stay away from the hype.




Well-Known Member
All any family needs is just one anchor baby to keep themselves and future generations from being deported.

Reminds me of what "longshanks" proclaimed in Braveheart --"We will breed them out" Just what the Muslims are doing in Europe ---Europeans --one or two children --Muslims --eight to ten children --just a matter of time and numbers !!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Reminds me of what "longshanks" proclaimed in Braveheart --"We will breed them out" Just what the Muslims are doing in Europe ---Europeans --one or two children --Muslims --eight to ten children --just a matter of time and numbers !!

Too bad life isnt a movie ISLAND. With a movie, you can turn it off and the problem goes away. Here, you want to have BOTH sides of an argument and end up argueing with yourself.

On one hand, you ARGUE that the goverment shouldnt require religious groups from providing coverage for birth control. You say that its the churches right to enforce this, and in the process, encourage teen births, and out of wedlock births to adults that end up on welfare (something you hate)

ON the other hand, you ARGUE that too much money is being spent on welfare for single moms both teen and adult, and you claim its driving us into the poorhouse.

Well, which is it???

Do you want to support the restraint of birth control and allow free love and GOD to make a decision to make a baby that ends up on welfare or do you want to cut welfare?

You cant have it both ways.

The church should have no say on what happens to society at large with beliefs from 2000 years ago that end up costing us millions of dollars in tax money for welfare to pay for births they dont want to prevent.

The church's position is one that is self serving, and NOT one that serves GOD. There is nothing in the bible that proves that GOD was against birth control. There is some silly story about ER and ONAN where GOD ends up killing both men, but that story is SOOOO STUPID it hardly proves GOD was against birth control.

The Church's only purpose to increase its following by having wreckless births. In my opinion, sort of like Amway. Bringing people in behind you.

The reality is, the church uses the story of ER and ONAN as some sort of interpretation that birth control is against GODS will, but this aint 2000 years ago when the world wasnt overcrowded and underfed.

You have to pick a side ISLAND, either you want uncontrolled births that ultimately drive YOU into the minority race, or YOU jump on the contraception method and limit the amount of births to races you dont particularly like.

Someday, you will indeed by a minority, just as MORELUCK is in CALIFORNIA.

Hispanics are now the majority of the state, and someday , I could only hope as a minority, a white kid will be cutting my lawn.




Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
A 61 YO kid (assuming he started when he was 16)? Are you sure he's not an indentured servant? Do you call him a kid, or just boy?

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Lifer, I understand your point on the impact to those who are currently unemployed, but the majority of the jobs these immigrants will fill are jobs that most Americans think are "beneath" them. Besides, if I can get paid to sit home on my ass why in the world would I bust my ass for 10-12 hours a day working in the fields?

This has always been a talking point. But I was a 16 year old once (I think) and I took a dishwashing job to make money. I kept looking for a better paying job. I just want some other legal citizen to have the opportunity I had to take that dishwashing job.

I agree with you on the able bodied collecting benefits. But our politicians have given these folks way to much of a safety net. You are 100% right. Why would anyone try and get a job if they could get paid for months and months to sit on the couch. We are a nanny state that can't afford it and we don't need to add more (possibly 800k) to the mix.

I have a question.... Do these illegals qualify for unemployment after they work the minimum required amount of time? Why wouldn't they be able to get benefits that we pay for? Nobody has addressed that yet right? Then we will have the potential of another 800K standing in those same line theoretically.


Strength through joy
If most of bhos' plans never seem to be fully carried out, then why should anyone believe this "new" immigration idea will ?


Well-Known Member
The church's position is one that is self serving, and NOT one that serves GOD. There is nothing in the bible that proves that GOD was against birth control. There is some silly story about ER and ONAN where GOD ends up killing both men, but that story is SOOOO STUPID it hardly proves GOD was against birth control.

The Church's only purpose to increase its following by having wreckless births. In my opinion, sort of like Amway. Bringing people in behind you.

The reality is, the church uses the story of ER and ONAN as some sort of interpretation that birth control is against GODS will, but this aint 2000 years ago when the world wasnt overcrowded and underfed.

Hispanics are now the majority of the state, and someday , I could only hope as a minority, a white kid will be cutting my lawn.



This coming from a non-believer who makes fun of Christians yet has the gall to claim knowledge and cites sources from the Bible. Just like you claim: "You can't have it both ways". I would like proof to your claims and not just what you think.

What's with the minority white kid cutting my yard line? Why allude specifically to a white kid? Is it because your black and this is your way of "getting back"?
You are great at condemning hate, but it flows freely from your soul.


Well-Known Member
In order to receive unemployment benefits all one needs is a SSN and work record.

I may have told this story before but I will tell it again as it is appropriate. When my daughter and son-in-law were living in NC they were 5 minutes away from one of her cousins and his family. We stopped to visit them when I was down there on vacation--he had lost his job and when we went there he was outside building a deck. More recently I heard that he had used up his 99 weeks of unemployment and is now going back to school on the GI Bill (he was a Marine). By the time he is done school he will have spent 4 years living in one form or another off of our taxpayer dollars.

I guess you, I and most of the older folks here are cut from a different cloth.