

Well-Known Member
This coming from a non-believer who makes fun of Christians yet has the gall to claim knowledge and cites sources from the Bible. Just like you claim: "You can't have it both ways". I would like proof to your claims and not just what you think.

What's with the minority white kid cutting my yard line? Why allude specifically to a white kid? Is it because your black and this is your way of "getting back"?
You are great at condemning hate, but it flows freely from your soul.

TOS is Hispanic.


In order to receive unemployment benefits all one needs is a SSN and work record.

I may have told this story before but I will tell it again as it is appropriate. When my daughter and son-in-law were living in NC they were 5 minutes away from one of her cousins and his family. We stopped to visit them when I was down there on vacation--he had lost his job and when we went there he was outside building a deck. More recently I heard that he had used up his 99 weeks of unemployment and is now going back to school on the GI Bill (he was a Marine). By the time he is done school he will have spent 4 years living in one form or another off of our taxpayer dollars.

I guess you, I and most of the older folks here are cut from a different cloth.

GI bill is one of the benefits of being in the service. And I know you served(I didn't ) and you know more about this. Regardless of his taking advantage of the educational benefits of the GI , alone, or tacking them onto the tail end of his stint on unemployment, he is still entitled to them.

As for building a deck, that's better than sitting on the couch , I suppose.

If if he is playing the game completely, the joke will be on him in 2 years when he( if he is completely idle) ends up with a paper that says he has some knowledge but in reality he learned next to nothing as well as any work ethic being completely obliterated by his 4 years of doing nothing mentally and/or physically stimulating or challenging.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Comments like "I only hope as a minority, a white kid will be cutting my lawn" just help to cement and make the point of ultimate hypocrisy. I actually have a deep respect for those people who utilize their talents to the fullest to earn a decent living. I often told my son to go out and start a gardening business. WOW! It is interesting how a person like views a RESPECTABLE profession.

Also TOS - Unlike you, I can't speak for the Catholic Church hierarchy but I can speak about what I know from those Catholics who I associate very closely when life starts. I don't care about propagating the faith. I do believe that life starts at conception. This is the issue. I respect the sanctity of conception. What you do is your choice and is between you and your maker.


golden ticket member
One of the rules on the list of rules is that the applicant must have a high school diploma or have served in the military. How do you serve in the military when you are not a citizen?


Staff member
So she served in the military under false pretenses.....Isn't that 2 strikes?
JMHO, but anyone who wants to serve this country in wartime so badly that they are willing to lie just to get the chance has earned the right to stay. I'm probably the wrong guy to ask though.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The serving the country part makes me more sympathetic than the G.E.D. part.

Look, again, you have to go back to BUSH to find out where this immigrants in the military started. BUSH was running out of people, and knowing that a draft would not be favorable with the american public, BUSH recruited and sought out illegals for our military with a promise that they could get ahead in line for citizenship by serving the United States.

BUSH needed bodies, and plenty of illegals have died for this country on the battlefield. Not that any of you give a crap. To you guys, its just another illegal.

Show some respect. OBAMA didnt create the mess, he's just trying to clean it up. IF you want to blame ANYONE, blame BUSH for starting two wars that he didnt have the manpower for.




golden ticket member
I'm surprsed TOS isn't asking himself, why didn't 'O' do this 3 years ago ?? Why now?? In this instance, 'O' is very transparent..........he's going after votes......that's all that matters to him and we see right through President Saran!!.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I'm surprsed TOS isn't asking himself, why didn't 'O' do this 3 years ago ?? Why now?? In this instance, 'O' is very transparent..........he's going after votes......that's all that matters to him and we see right through President Saran!!.

Are you kidding us? How many things do you think could have happened three years ago? The republicans made health care a disaster for almost two years in congress preventing anything else from being discussed on the floor.

I would have like to have seen congress ( back then ) take on fed ex status under the national railway act, but it wasnt. Now its too late with the GOP in charge of the house. There are literally hundreds of things that should have been taken up ( back then ) but werent.

This action by OBAMA is good policy and its not like ROMNEY was going to get the hispanic vote in the first place. Just like Reagan, OBAMA has done something that insures that the hispanic vote goes his way. ( mine included )

Reagan gave AMNESTY to millions of illegals and you all LOVE REAGAN, so you must really love this action by OBAMA. I would hate to call you guys hypocrites ( again ) for being against something when you were for it before.




Für Meno :)
I'm surprsed TOS isn't asking himself, why didn't 'O' do this 3 years ago ?? Why now?? In this instance, 'O' is very transparent..........he's going after votes......that's all that matters to him and we see right through President Saran!!.

It's all like a chesse game !
Probably wanted to see how the republicans would respond.
But, no responses there, either.
Romney just talks around the issue.


golden ticket member
It's all like a chesse game !
Probably wanted to see how the republicans would respond.
But, no responses there, either.
Romney just talks around the issue.
Marco Rubio was poised to present almost the same thing, but Obama jumped him!


golden ticket member
Wow! What a coincidence....I can hardly believe it !!!! – Seven hours after President Barack Obama announced that some illegal aliens would be allowed to stay in the United States and could be allowed to work here, Katherine Archuleta, Obama’s national campaign director, e-mailed a fundraising letter seeking donations to his re-election effort.
The e-mail, with the subject line “wonderful news,” contains links to the website, where visitors can listen to Obama’s speech on immigration he gave at 2:08 p.m. on Friday in the White House Rose Garden.

Archuleta – who was hailed as the first Latina to run a major presidential campaign when she was named director in June 2011 – sent the e-mail at 9:08 p.m.

“Thanks to our president, this nation’s immigration policy just became more fair and more just,” the letter begins