

Staff member
This is the position the republican party put itself in. The president simply took advantage of their own rigidly dogmatic box. By early August, look for the president to float a comprehensive debt reduction plan that is ridiculously simple and attractive to all of America and Romney be caught flat-footed not knowing whether or not he can support it. He can't propose it, that's for sure. A republican signing on to tax increases? In 2012? After 2010 gave them their "mandate"? Electorally, this election isn't going to be close.


Well-Known Member
Lets see. The young can now come out of the shadows because it was not them that broke the law. When they come forward and identify the parents that broke the law----deportation and splitting up families.


Strength through joy
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) unlike most agencies, is funded almost exclusively through fees charged for various immigration documents and processes, like obtaining a visa. Deferred actions — the same tool Obama is using for his new immigration program — have traditionally been done for free.
.... a continuing hiring freeze at all levels of the federal government means that USCIS won’t be allowed to hire any new employees to deal with the influx of new immigration cases.
Add to that President Obama’s decision to sidestep Congress, which leaves the program without specifically appropriated funds.
It appears the specifics of the new program are still to be worked out. According to the USCIS website, while the initiative begins immediately, USCIS asks all applicants to wait sixty days to submit an application while the department makes preparations.
“US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) alerts eligible individuals NOT to submit a deferred action request under the Deferred Action Process for Young People memorandum issued by Secretary [Janet] Napolitano on June 15. If you submit now, your application will be rejected. The Secretary’s directive gives USCIS 60 days to create a process to accept these requests and we are unable to accept requests at this time. Please continue to check our website for updates. “


UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Good comments. This really points another finger at the Fed and how politics play a role in all Fed departments and spending. I believe that this decision was made between the campaign committee and the Oval Office with absolutely NO REGARD to the particulars of how to staff, fund and set up the process. This is why we don't trust government. This is exactly how inefficiencies result causing overspending and loopholes as well as fraud.

In private business, new programs and processes are thought out in advance and a cost model is developed and there are even plans for those areas that may put a wrench in the works long before you pull the trigger on a adding something new to your business model.

Bottom Line... government agencies fly by the seat of their pants and play to the political whims of the party in power.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Romney spoke today to a bunch of Latinos about his plan......guess you missed it. Too bad.

I watched that, and for the life of me, I couldn't figure out any specifics of his plan.

As far as I can tell this is about it:
"I'm going to address the problem of illegal immigration in a civil and resolute manner."

Maybe he's planing an amnesty, just like Reagan did. ;)

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Romney spoke today to a bunch of Latinos about his plan......guess you missed it. Too bad.

SO DID ROMNEY! He didnt say SQUAT other than Ill replace obamas law with something else.

Sounds like a great plan if your a latino, on one hand, knowing the extent of OBAMAS action, or putting on a blindfold, crossing your fingers and hoping that ROMNEY doesnt deport you!

Great plan MITT!



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
He's planning a fix that's not just a temporary bandaid, but a legislated bill. Here are a few points he spoke about

Romney: I'd Replace Immigration Plan - Yahoo! News

Great points! too bad they dont mean anything.... lets read this paragraph, shall we?
He also pledged to raise some caps on immigration for certain countries and to streamline the temporary worker visa program. Romney reiterated previous promises to give green cards to immigrants graduating with advanced college degrees and to grant permanent residency to illegal immigrants who were brought to the U.S. as children and serve in the military.

What does this mean?

More guest workers?? What happened to Obama wants to give jobs to illegal aliens?? Yet ROMNEY WANTS TO SPEED UP GUEST WORKERS into this country to take american jobs??

How about "permanent residency"... why would ANY latino want permanent residency over CITIZENSHIP, the two are NOT THE SAME.

AGAIN, more jibberish from the GOP disguised as benefits to the latino community. Latinos are dumb enough to listen to this crapola, and only a maroon would think anything ROMNEY said was a benefit to the latino community.

