
UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Who cares about a "Ira Mehlman" opinion.
I'ld still like to hear Romney's opinion, wouldn't you ?

Who are you kidding! You could care less about Romney's opinion! Go have another glass of beer with an ice cold chaser of Cherry Kool-aid with TOS. !!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Who are you kidding! You could care less about Romney's opinion! Go have another glass of beer with an ice cold chaser of Cherry Kool-aid with TOS. !!!

Romneys position of "PERMANENT RESIDENCY" is different than CITIZENSHIP in one GIANT aspect. Permanent residents CANNOT VOTE. A dirty little secret the GOP wants to keep from latinos. Obama wants them to be citizens, of course as citizens they would be able to vote.

Romney and the GOP know that it is most likely that latinos would vote democratic, so giving them citizenship would NOT be in their best interests, so, giving them permanent residency vs citizenship is nothing more than a further PREVENTION to keep latinos from voting.



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Well-Known Member
Romneys position of "PERMANENT RESIDENCY" is different than CITIZENSHIP in one GIANT aspect. Permanent residents CANNOT VOTE. A dirty little secret the GOP wants to keep from latinos. Obama wants them to be citizens, of course as citizens they would be able to vote.

Romney and the GOP know that it is most likely that latinos would vote democratic, so giving them citizenship would NOT be in their best interests, so, giving them permanent residency vs citizenship is nothing more than a further PREVENTION to keep latinos from voting.




You think Obama is doing this out of the goodness of his heart? Hell no! He is losing black votes so he has to try and make up the difference elsewhere. You think all of a sudden, right before the election, he suddenly has as soft heart for gays and lesbians? He could care less about the welfare of anyone but himself. And to think that he thinks people don't see right through that; sorry, I guess there are those that don't see right through that.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You think Obama is doing this out of the goodness of his heart? Hell no! He is losing black votes so he has to try and make up the difference elsewhere. You think all of a sudden, right before the election, he suddenly has as soft heart for gays and lesbians? He could care less about the welfare of anyone but himself. And to think that he thinks people don't see right through that; sorry, I guess there are those that don't see right through that.

You guys keep saying he is losing the black vote, but WHO is saying that other than FOX NEWS and the talking heads that appear on that channel. OBAMA will STILL receive the majority of the black vote, the majority of the hispanic vote, a majority of the asian vote, a majority of the woman vote and a majority of the american people who dont live their lives watching FOX SPEWS.




golden ticket member
The best line of OBAMAS speech at NALEO came at 20.12 where he slams ROMNEY with his own words!

"just saying"~ BARACK OBAMA



Good thing you said your fav. was at 20:12 because there's no way in hell I'd listen to him for 27 minutes!! Why didn't he pass it when he had both houses???? He failed with 3/3 of the power. That's lame.

Why the cartoon of Romney?......apples & coconuts!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Good thing you said your fav. was at 20:12 because there's no way in hell I'd listen to him for 27 minutes!! Why didn't he pass it when he had both houses???? He failed with 3/3 of the power. That's lame.

Why the cartoon of Romney?......apples & coconuts!!

thanks for not disputing what OBAMA said at 20.12 through 20.45 of the video. Ill take that as you agree.




golden ticket member
thanks for not disputing what OBAMA said at 20.12 through 20.45 of the video. Ill take that as you agree.



I didn't praise one second of it........I went straight to the portion you said you liked.......................I never said anything about agreeing with any part of it.

You just think & say and make stuff up as you go along.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
In another victory for president OBAMA, the US SUPREME court has thrown out the MAJORITY of the Arizona immigration law.

""""The Supreme Court on Monday struck down key parts of Arizona’s immigration law, and upheld one controversial piece of it as constitutional.
In a 5-3 ruling handed down by Justices Anthony Kennedy, the high court held that most of the provisions being challenged encroached on turf that is constitutionally reserved for the federal government. The court overturned parts of the law that criminalize one’s presence in Arizona without documentation, criminalize working or looking for work without legal status, and permit police to arrest people without a warrant if there’s suspicion that they’ve committed a deportable crime.
But the provision of the law permitting police to check a person’s immigration papers during lawful encounters was deemed valid and not a preemption of federal law.
Joining Justice Kennedy in the majority were John Roberts, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor. Justice Elena Kagan, who worked on the issue as Obama’s solicitor general, did not participate in the case.
Arizona argued that the law cooperatively assists the U.S. with immigration enforcement, but the court mostly agreed with the Obama administration that key parts of the law encroach on the federal government’s exclusive right to make policy on the matter.
Overall, the decision is an election-year victory for President Obama, who led the challenge.
The decision is a blow for Republican Gov. Jan Brewer and serves as a warning shot to other state legislatures supportive of similar measures. On one hand it could help Republicans energize conservatives, who are strongly supportive of the law. On the other hand, the decision could help Democrats galvanize Hispanics, who would be disproportionately targeted by the law and broadly oppose it."""

BREAKING: Supreme Court Strikes Down Key Parts Of Arizona Immigration Law | TPMDC

DESPITE the spin that JAN BREWER and FOX NEWS is trying to put on it, the majority of the AZ law was tossed to the curb. AZ has spent millions in this losing battle and intends on spending even more money to fight it again.

The state has always had the right to ask for papers, and that part of the law is no big deal.

CONGRATS to the ANTI RACIST GROUPS who argued against this law.



UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
There seem to be a few folks out there that make everything about race. These are folks who need help from a licensed therapist. There is a build up of hate from something or someone in their past that may be very legitimate but they tend to become delusional and focus their hate on all who fit their delusional belief of what a racist is. What a shame. Please get help!

Because of the occupant who lives in the White House, this country is more polarized than it has been since the civil war. The occupant & certain caucuses in Congress choose to continue to deride those who disagree with their policies, using class warfare and racism to polarize this nation. God forbid we need a catastrophic event of the highest magnitude to unite our country one again.

With a little leadership, the occupant in the White House had a real chance to make significant gains in pulling all Americans together back in 2009. He choose not to and this is why are where we are today! Very sad.


Staff member
There seem to be a few folks out there that make everything about race. These are folks who need help from a licensed therapist. There is a build up of hate from something or someone in their past that may be very legitimate but they tend to become delusional and focus their hate on all who fit their delusional belief of what a racist is. What a shame. Please get help!

Because of the occupant who lives in the White House, this country is more polarized than it has been since the civil war. The occupant & certain caucuses in Congress choose to continue to deride those who disagree with their policies, using class warfare and racism to polarize this nation. God forbid we need a catastrophic event of the highest magnitude to unite our country one again.

With a little leadership, the occupant in the White House had a real chance to make significant gains in pulling all Americans together back in 2009. He choose not to and this is why are where we are today! Very sad.
I understand your position, however, the occupant of the White House happens to be the duly elected president and your desire to heap all the blame on him is laughable at best. Seems like those on the right have been "very sad" alot lately. Get used to it.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
There seem to be a few folks out there that make everything about race. These are folks who need help from a licensed therapist. There is a build up of hate from something or someone in their past that may be very legitimate but they tend to become delusional and focus their hate on all who fit their delusional belief of what a racist is. What a shame. Please get help!

Because of the occupant who lives in the White House, this country is more polarized than it has been since the civil war. The occupant & certain caucuses in Congress choose to continue to deride those who disagree with their policies, using class warfare and racism to polarize this nation. God forbid we need a catastrophic event of the highest magnitude to unite our country one again.

With a little leadership, the occupant in the White House had a real chance to make significant gains in pulling all Americans together back in 2009. He choose not to and this is why are where we are today! Very sad.

You are correct, there is hate out there, and that hate has been fueled by ANTI black rhetoric from the GOP. ANTI hispanic rhetoric used by JAN BREWER and her monkeys in her state ended up in the gutter with this supreme court ruling.

JAN BREWERS attempt to turn her state into a modern day nazi germany checking for papers while stopping people on the street who have done nothing wrong just because of their color of their skin.

This is RACIST.

As the rhetoric heated up, AZ took the lead on immigration and lost. NOW all the other states who mirrored AZ's law will have to dump them into the garbage can.

Sweet victory for President Obama.




golden ticket member
Jan Brewer had a victory today......the most important part of the bill was upheld by the SCOTUS. Pour the champagne !!!