Well-Known Member
Yeah. Rubio is terrible.
Rubio did not issue an executive order---silly--- it was Bush.
Yeah. Rubio is terrible.
Rubio did not issue an executive order---silly--- it was Bush.
Who cares about a "Ira Mehlman" opinion.
I'ld still like to hear Romney's opinion, wouldn't you ?
Who are you kidding! You could care less about Romney's opinion! Go have another glass of beer with an ice cold chaser of Cherry Kool-aid with TOS. !!!
Who are you kidding! You could care less about Romney's opinion! Go have another glass of beer with an ice cold chaser of Cherry Kool-aid with TOS. !!!
Romneys position of "PERMANENT RESIDENCY" is different than CITIZENSHIP in one GIANT aspect. Permanent residents CANNOT VOTE. A dirty little secret the GOP wants to keep from latinos. Obama wants them to be citizens, of course as citizens they would be able to vote.
Romney and the GOP know that it is most likely that latinos would vote democratic, so giving them citizenship would NOT be in their best interests, so, giving them permanent residency vs citizenship is nothing more than a further PREVENTION to keep latinos from voting.
You think Obama is doing this out of the goodness of his heart? Hell no! He is losing black votes so he has to try and make up the difference elsewhere. You think all of a sudden, right before the election, he suddenly has as soft heart for gays and lesbians? He could care less about the welfare of anyone but himself. And to think that he thinks people don't see right through that; sorry, I guess there are those that don't see right through that.
The best line of OBAMAS speech at NALEO came at 20.12 where he slams ROMNEY with his own words!
"just saying"~ BARACK OBAMA
Good thing you said your fav. was at 20:12 because there's no way in hell I'd listen to him for 27 minutes!! Why didn't he pass it when he had both houses???? He failed with 3/3 of the power. That's lame.
Why the cartoon of Romney?......apples & coconuts!!
thanks for not disputing what OBAMA said at 20.12 through 20.45 of the video. Ill take that as you agree.
I understand your position, however, the occupant of the White House happens to be the duly elected president and your desire to heap all the blame on him is laughable at best. Seems like those on the right have been "very sad" alot lately. Get used to it.There seem to be a few folks out there that make everything about race. These are folks who need help from a licensed therapist. There is a build up of hate from something or someone in their past that may be very legitimate but they tend to become delusional and focus their hate on all who fit their delusional belief of what a racist is. What a shame. Please get help!
Because of the occupant who lives in the White House, this country is more polarized than it has been since the civil war. The occupant & certain caucuses in Congress choose to continue to deride those who disagree with their policies, using class warfare and racism to polarize this nation. God forbid we need a catastrophic event of the highest magnitude to unite our country one again.
With a little leadership, the occupant in the White House had a real chance to make significant gains in pulling all Americans together back in 2009. He choose not to and this is why are where we are today! Very sad.
There seem to be a few folks out there that make everything about race. These are folks who need help from a licensed therapist. There is a build up of hate from something or someone in their past that may be very legitimate but they tend to become delusional and focus their hate on all who fit their delusional belief of what a racist is. What a shame. Please get help!
Because of the occupant who lives in the White House, this country is more polarized than it has been since the civil war. The occupant & certain caucuses in Congress choose to continue to deride those who disagree with their policies, using class warfare and racism to polarize this nation. God forbid we need a catastrophic event of the highest magnitude to unite our country one again.
With a little leadership, the occupant in the White House had a real chance to make significant gains in pulling all Americans together back in 2009. He choose not to and this is why are where we are today! Very sad.