

golden ticket member
Holder can't keep track of his own involvements.........

Via Beltway Confidential:
Attorney General Eric Holder, noting that the Supreme Court ruling today did not give “a license to engage in racial profiling,” warned Arizona law enforcement officials that the Justice Department will “closely monitor” their efforts to check the immigration status of state residents.

“We will closely monitor the impact of S.B. 1070 to ensure compliance with federal immigration law and with applicable civil rights laws, including ensuring that law enforcement agencies and others do not implement the law in a manner that has the purpose or effect of discriminating against the Latino or any other community,” Holder said in a statement on the ruling.

“I remain concerned about the impact of Section 2, which requires law enforcement officials to verify the immigration status of any person lawfully stopped or detained when they have reason to suspect that the person is here unlawfully.”


Staff member
Jan Brewer had a victory today......the most important part of the bill was upheld by the SCOTUS. Pour the champagne !!!

Buying into the spin, are you? So law enforcement can ask for the papers, but the SCOTUS struck down the portion that required papers be carried. Need me to connect the dots? SCOTUS just told Brewer she can ask for documents that don't have to be provided. Figure it out yet? Oh, and Obama told AZ not to bother calling to check status because they aren't answeing. Still want to call it a win?


Staff member
Wrap from Scotusblog:

Online symposium: Supreme Court (mostly) guts S.B. 1070

This is the first post in our online symposium on today’s decision in Arizona v. United States, the federal government’s challenge to Arizona’s S.B. 1070. During the next few days, we will be posting a series of essays on the decision by lawyers and scholars in the field.
This is a nominally split decision, but the Court’s opinion in Arizona v. United States is mostly a victory for S.B. 1070’s opponents. Although the Court upheld the “check your papers” provision, it struck down three others that would have had much greater impact on the ground. Justice Kennedy’s opinion validates broad federal authority over immigration, allowing only marginal participation on the part of states. The decision will take a lot of wind out of restrictionist sails at the state level.
The result could have been predicted coming out of the oral arguments in April. More surprising is the tone, which is solicitous of state power only in passing.
The Court struck down three provisions. Section 3 would have criminalized the failure to carry federal registration documents. Section 5(c) looked to penalize aliens who engaged in unauthorized employment. Section 6 would have allowed warrantless arrests of suspected undocumented aliens. The Court gave the back of the hand to each.
It did so by situating immigration as a matter of national foreign relations, a context in which tolerance for state activity is low. “It is fundamental that foreign countries concerned about the status, safety, and security of their nationals in the United States must be able to confer and communicate on this subject with one national sovereign, not the 50 separate States,” writes Justice Kennedy. “Decisions of this nature touch on foreign relations and must be made with one voice.” The foreign relations framing allowed the Court to apply a relaxed threshold for trumping the state law.
The decision here continues a tradition of immigration law exceptionalism. The Court refused to use the case to advance its federalism agenda, which has been increasingly protective of state power.
Restrictionists may cheer about the Court’s holding on Section 2(B), which mandates that state law enforcement officials make a determination of immigration status where there is reasonable suspicion to believe that an alien is illegally present in the United States. That provision got the lion’s share of media attention leading up to the decision, and the early headlines are playing up this part of the bottom line. On this score the decision shows some tolerance for state-level action, not a foregone conclusion from the precedents.
But Section 2(B) lacks teeth: it may require state law enforcement to make immigration status determinations, but there isn’t much that the state can do with determinations once made. The state can pass the information along to federal immigration authorities, who are then free to do nothing. In other words, Section 2(B) won’t result in anybody being deported. Justice Kennedy was, moreover, careful to keep the door open to subsequent challenges of Section 2(B) to the extent that it’s applied in an unreasonable fashion – if it were used, for instance, to justify prolonged detentions. By implementing Section 2(B), the state will buy itself little more than another round in court as immigrant advocates inevitably press civil rights challenges on an “as applied” basis.
Now that the Supreme Court has spoken, eyes will shift back to the political landscape. Supporters of S.B. 1070 and restrictionist state laws have a strategic choice to make: do they claim victory on Section 2(B) and try to secure adoption of similar measures in other states, or do they concede defeat and redouble their efforts to win an immigration crackdown in Washington? The decision will cramp restrictionist efforts in state capitals, on top of growing headwinds from business constituencies. Washington presents other sorts of obstacles, of course. Perhaps this is the worst of both worlds for S.B. 1070’s proponents: no clear defeat to use as a rallying call with Congress, no clear victory to secure broad laws in other states.
Peter Spiro teaches law at Temple University. He blogs at Opinio Juris.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Jan Brewer had a victory today......the most important part of the bill was upheld by the SCOTUS. Pour the champagne !!!

There is NO VICTORY for JAN BREWER ANYWHERE in the decision handed down today. That last portion is still awaiting trial in the 9th circuit and that SURELY will be thrown out as well as the other three components.

BREWER now has to spend millions more of tax payer money on a losing proposition. The 9th circuit will toss out the "show us your papers" portion.

There is NO WAY JAN BREWER ends up back at the supreme court on this last issue.

BREWER had her ASH handed to her in this ruling and NO LEVEL of spin by FOX SPEWS can make this a victory.

ON a side note, above all the nonsense heard on fox spews, OBAMA has DEPORTED more illegals in 4 years than BUSH did in 8 years.




golden ticket member
Buying into the spin, are you? So law enforcement can ask for the papers, but the SCOTUS struck down the portion that required papers be carried. Need me to connect the dots? SCOTUS just told Brewer she can ask for documents that don't have to be provided. Figure it out yet? Oh, and Obama told AZ not to bother calling to check status because they aren't answeing. Still want to call it a win?
And every illegal has a driver's license???
And why would Eric Witholder bother mentioning that his dept. was going to keep a close eye on this in AZ.? What's to watch if nothing changed??


Strength through joy
You are correct, there is hate out there, and that hate has been fueled by ANTI black rhetoric from the GOP. ANTI hispanic rhetoric used by JAN BREWER and her monkeys in her state ended up in the gutter with this supreme court ruling.

JAN BREWERS attempt to turn her state into a modern day nazi germany checking for papers while stopping people on the street who have done nothing wrong just because of their color of their skin.

This is RACIST.

As the rhetoric heated up, AZ took the lead on immigration and lost. NOW all the other states who mirrored AZ's law will have to dump them into the garbage can.

Sweet victory for President Obama.



And the unchecked racists who decided that only they know how to handle justice in Florida; by openly declaring a bounty ( dead or alive ) on an innocent man, not waiting for our established legal system to finish their tasks, having the MSM alter their reports to stir up more illegal justice, all could have been avoided if bhos was a leader not a divider .


Staff member
I've been listening to Goldstein of SCOTUSBLOG. I could see him being nominated to be a SC justice someday.


golden ticket member
The president is tying hands and making it so the State of AZ. can't even enforce a federal law. He acts lke a spoiled brat against AZ..trying to one up them with an "I'll show you" attitude.

He has ordered ICE not to cooperate How do you order dysfunction? So, the pres. wants Federal Law to be ignored. I thought he swore to uphold the constitution.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Viva La Arizona!
I think it is great having a Governor who knows how to lead. Where I live I can walk into the DMV and get a license or plate in 20 minutes. No long lines - state agencies are efficient and know how to cut waste and spending. Even my liberal city government here in Sedona balances the budget and makes the hard fiscal decisions that are necessary. All but one has my support.

Jan is not very elequent in her speech but she is willing to take on the occupant. She shows more courage in her little finger than BS I mean BO has in his whole administration. We will continue to lead the charge against federal tyranny and oppression. The occupant has declared war on Arizona and he has just unified us. I am fairly confident yesterday's decision to de-deputize our law enforcement is a watershed moment for the occupant. He turned a purple state to a red state yesterday!!:yesssmiley:

Viva La Arizona!!!
It is pretty simple.... If you are not happy with Arizona.... DON"T COME HERE! :kickedoutsmile: A lot of illegals have moved to California from AZ ... our loss is your gain! :congrats:

California is in good hands! Go!! Jerry Brown:hangin: - former mayor of struggling Oakland!! I know ... If it wasn't for Bush....:itwashim3:


Staff member
Um, Lifer, your side lost. I admire the spirit, but, you know, if you don't like how the Union (via the SCOTUS) does things, maybe you could...I don't know, join Mexico?


golden ticket member
Um, Lifer, your side lost. I admire the spirit, but, you know, if you don't like how the Union (via the SCOTUS) does things, maybe you could...I don't know, join Mexico?
I wonder how you will react to Thursday's SCOTUS decision if they strike down the mandate or all of Obamacare. Will you join Mexico then?


Staff member
I wonder how you will react to Thursday's SCOTUS decision if they strike down the mandate or all of Obamacare. Will you join Mexico then?

Lifer was the one who stated, "If you are not happy with Arizona........ don't come here." And secession of Arizona would soon become annexed by Mexico, so....


Staff member
I wonder how you will react to Thursday's SCOTUS decision if they strike down the mandate or all of Obamacare. Will you join Mexico then?

And if they strike down any part of Obamacare, I will probably go on paying monthly for my insurance just like I have for the last 5 years. Shockingly anti-climactic, wouldn't you say?

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Um, Lifer, your side lost. I admire the spirit, but, you know, if you don't like how the Union (via the SCOTUS) does things, maybe you could...I don't know, join Mexico?

I guess you didn't read the post. 1) Illegals have fled our state for greener pastures. 2) BO just unified the state by de-deputizing law enforcement. 3) I don't live in California and 4) Arizona has efficient government leadership that knows how to balance a budget.... I say that makes Arizona a winner!


Well-Known Member
And if they strike down any part of Obamacare, I will probably go on paying monthly for my insurance just like I have for the last 5 years. Shockingly anti-climactic, wouldn't you say?

The major insurance carriers have already indicated that they would continue to allow "children" up to the age of 26 to remain on their parents plan. They would also continue to cover preventive services and would remove a lifetime cap. The one thing they would probably not do is extend coverage to those with preexisting conditions.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Lifer was the one who stated, "If you are not happy with Arizona........ don't come here." And secession of Arizona would soon become annexed by Mexico, so....

Not quite sure what this is eluding to?? Arizona is not going to secede and Mexico would never try to take Arizona back. The folks of Mexican heritage are overwhelmingly US citizens who would never want to be part of war torn, corrupt and impoverished Mexico.


Staff member
Not quite sure what this is eluding to?? Arizona is not going to secede and Mexico would never try to take Arizona back. The folks of Mexican heritage are overwhelmingly US citizens who would never want to be part of war torn, corrupt and impoverished Mexico.
LOL. I'm tossing it back at you. You say "If you don't like what Arizona does...." Well, Arizona is part of the US, so "if you don't like what US decides for immigration..."


golden ticket member
Maybe all illegal immigrants should have to go only to the Sanctuary Cities!! That would put them in San Fran Nan's backyard. Also, Salt Lake City, that has no foreign borders........then they could experience the strain on their state's budget and experience their god-like choice to become a sanctuary.


Staff member
Maybe all illegal immigrants should have to go only to the Sanctuary Cities!! That would put them in San Fran Nan's backyard. Also, Salt Lake City, that has no foreign borders........then they could experience the strain on their state's budget and experience their god-like choice to become a sanctuary.

Why? We could just make the whole country a Sanctuary Country.