
UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
LOL. I'm tossing it back at you. You say "If you don't like what Arizona does...." Well, Arizona is part of the US, so "if you don't like what US decides for immigration..."

I believe in upholding the laws that are on the books. I will voice my opinion in the voting booth and I will continue to support the laws of my God, country and state. Something you are unwilling to do. Right back atcha!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I believe in upholding the laws that are on the books. I will voice my opinion in the voting booth and I will continue to support the laws of my God, country and state. Something you are unwilling to do. Right back atcha!

YES, lets toss in JESUS into the equation because we all know JESUS would separate families and throw poor people out of the country.

Theres a reason to believe in him.




golden ticket member
Mexico doesn't like it.? Who the hell even cares what Mexico likes ???!!!

MEXICO CITY (AP) — The Mexican government says it’s disappointed that the U.S. Supreme Court upheld part of an Arizona law requiring police check the immigration status of anyone they stop.

Mexico’s Foreign Relations Secretary notes that Monday’s ruling set aside as unconstitutional three parts of the controversial law, including the ability to arrest suspected illegal immigrants without warrants.

The Mexican government has openly opposed Arizona’s immigration law since it was passed in 2010. The statement said enforcing parts of the law that were upheld by the Supreme Court would lead to violations of the civil rights of Mexicans living in or visiting Arizona. It says the law doesn’t recognize the many contributions immigrants make to their communities.
Mexico filed a “friend of the


Strength through joy
All I ask is that we have the same southern border rules that Mexico has.
Caught once , a year in jail.
Caught twice , 5 yrs in jail.
Caught a third time 10 yrs in jail.
And by the way these prisoners have to supply their own food, the gov't supplies nothing.
Other wise tell Mexico to stick it where the sun don't shine.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
All I ask is that we have the same southern border rules that Mexico has.
Caught once , a year in jail.
Caught twice , 5 yrs in jail.
Caught a third time 10 yrs in jail.
And by the way these prisoners have to supply their own food, the gov't supplies nothing.
Other wise tell Mexico to stick it where the sun don't shine.

UMMM, have you considered the cost of housing illegals caught in this country? IF there are 20 million in the USA, by estimation, where do you think the state will get the trillions of dollars it will cost to detain them?


UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
I say make the illegals live with TOS after all he does have 2 houses and 3 cars. I'm thinking he can house about 50 families with no probs.


golden ticket member
Someboy asked how are they going to check on all those 'rules' listed by Obama........answer, they're going to ignore them and it'll be a free for all!!

They are already cancelling deportation for people who have been here less than 5 years. The "O" said, "you must be here at least 5 years"..........and several other things. They aren't even following the first one!

Lies, Lies....that all he knows.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Making English the official language for America is surfacing again. I just get why people would immigrate to a country and not try to LEARN the language of the people who live in that country. We continue to coddle immigrants who do not speak English and fail to take the opportunity to learn the language. What is really frustrating to me, is to offer a voting ballot in any language other than English (if you are voting in America).

Common Sense?
If you get a ballot - you must be a citizen. If you are a citizen, shouldn't you know how to read and write the language of the country you are voting in?

How can you ever assimilate into the socio-economic and cultural mainstream??

I honestly don't get it!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Making English the official language for America is surfacing again. I just get why people would immigrate to a country and not try to LEARN the language of the people who live in that country. We continue to coddle immigrants who do not speak English and fail to take the opportunity to learn the language. What is really frustrating to me, is to offer a voting ballot in any language other than English (if you are voting in America).

Common Sense?
If you get a ballot - you must be a citizen. If you are a citizen, shouldn't you know how to read and write the language of the country you are voting in?

How can you ever assimilate into the socio-economic and cultural mainstream??

I honestly don't get it![/QUOTE]

Most honest thing you have ever posted on this board.

Look, in Europe, most people speak at least 3 different languages. Thats why we have language classes in school LIFER. I realize your days in school probably didnt teach many things outside the phoney stories of Paul Revere or General Custer, but todays kids are learning all kinds of languages.

My daughter knows two languages plus is an AP student in Sign Language.

Your generation isnt the future, my daughters is. IN this country, there are millions of White People who cant speak english. Ive been to Tenneesee, Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky and Texas. Sometimes, I couldnt figure how what the heck was being said, but they all thought they were speaking english.

Why not start with those people before you worry about the world?



UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Making English the official language for America is surfacing again. I just get why people would immigrate to a country and not try to LEARN the language of the people who live in that country. We continue to coddle immigrants who do not speak English and fail to take the opportunity to learn the language. What is really frustrating to me, is to offer a voting ballot in any language other than English (if you are voting in America).

Common Sense?
If you get a ballot - you must be a citizen. If you are a citizen, shouldn't you know how to read and write the language of the country you are voting in?

How can you ever assimilate into the socio-economic and cultural mainstream??

I honestly don't get it![/QUOTE]

Most honest thing you have ever posted on this board.

Look, in Europe, most people speak at least 3 different languages. Thats why we have language classes in school LIFER. I realize your days in school probably didnt teach many things outside the phoney stories of Paul Revere or General Custer, but todays kids are learning all kinds of languages.

My daughter knows two languages plus is an AP student in Sign Language.

Your generation isnt the future, my daughters is. IN this country, there are millions of White People who cant speak english. Ive been to Tenneesee, Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky and Texas. Sometimes, I couldnt figure how what the heck was being said, but they all thought they were speaking english.

Why not start with those people before you worry about the world?



I would like to say go friend yourself. But we are not allowed to do that so I won't. I feel bad for your daughter! She probably knows how to say the word arrogant in 3 or 4 languages huh? And here we go again with the racist "White People" thing. The funny thing is you just don't have a clue how your posts sound. BTW - You missed a couple of them backward southern states padna!


Strength through joy
I currently live in the USA where my forefathers & mothers had to learn English to survive.
I don't care about what is spoken in the future , if you wish to live today in the USA you better learn to speak like everyone else.
I work at a Customer Counter where we all speak English , and if you can't understand it then you have every right to leave.


Strength through joy
November 4th is National Remembrance Day for those killed by illegal alien

Nov. 4, 2012 will mark the second annual National Remembrance Day for those killed by illegal aliens. It is a day upon which we honor those Americans who did not perish in a foreign war, though they did die violently. You might say…they died in a different kind of war.
The National Remembrance Day was conceived by the Tea Party Immigration Coalition (TPIC) and last year, Rep. Steve King (R-IA) announced his sponsorship of a resolution making the first Sunday of every November the day we honor those Americans killed by illegal aliens.
On November 3, Rep. King, stood just outside the Capitol building with Congressman Walter Jones, activists Jeff Lewis and TPIC founder John Stahl stood alongside Jamiel Shaw Sr. and Ray Tranchant (both of whom lost their children to the reckless and even murderous actions of illegal aliens) and said: “These are real human stories, there’s real pain and real agony going on on a daily basis in the United States of America, and we treat it as if it’s just some kind of tolerable interruption of our lives. It’s not. It’s an interruption of innocent lives that takes place because we have an administration that refuses to enforce immigration law.”

One Old Vet


Strength through joy
Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa), an outspoken critic of just about everything President Obama supports, is considering introducing a bill that would repeal everything Obama has signed into law.
King put forward this suggestion to an Iowa audience on Tuesday, when he also reiterated his threat to sue the Obama administration for its June decision not to deport younger illegal immigrants. Under that policy change, illegal immigrants who are in school or have served in the military would get a two-year deferral from deportation.
“I am bringing him to court, and we’re going to defend the Constitution of the United States and the separation of powers,” King said Tuesday, according to The Messenger in Iowa.
The Messenger reported that King said his lawsuit would likely be filed before Labor Day. “He has prosecutorial discretion, but he does not have the ability to grant blanket amnesty to entire classes of people,” he said.
Report: Rep. Steve King mulling bill to repeal everything Obama has signed - The Hill's Floor Action
