

golden ticket member
When you don't enforce the law, you get people hurt & killed........

Thanks Obama!

Via Daily Caller:
President Barack Obama‘s decision not to deport some arrested illegal immigrants has enabled a crime wave — but no American or immigrant victims have been publicly identified, and GOP politicians have mostly remained mute.

Illegal aliens who have been released from custody between 2008 and mid-2011 have been charged with 16,226 subsequent crimes, including 19 murders, 142 sex crimes and thousands of drunk-driving offenses, drug-crimes and felonies, according to a new report from the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service.

“Rather than protect the American people he was elected to serve, President Obama has imposed a policy that allows thousands of illegal immigrants to be released into our communities,” said a statement from Rep. Lamar Smith, the chairman of the House judiciary committee.

The criminals “were in the government’s custody, were identified as illegal immigrants and then let go because this administration has refused to request the resources to hold them and deport them,” said Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
When you don't enforce the law, you get people hurt & killed........

Thanks Obama!

Via Daily Caller:
President Barack Obama‘s decision not to deport some arrested illegal immigrants has enabled a crime wave — but no American or immigrant victims have been publicly identified, and GOP politicians have mostly remained mute.

Illegal aliens who have been released from custody between 2008 and mid-2011 have been charged with 16,226 subsequent crimes, including 19 murders, 142 sex crimes and thousands of drunk-driving offenses, drug-crimes and felonies, according to a new report from the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service.

“Rather than protect the American people he was elected to serve, President Obama has imposed a policy that allows thousands of illegal immigrants to be released into our communities,” said a statement from Rep. Lamar Smith, the chairman of the House judiciary committee.

The criminals “were in the government’s custody, were identified as illegal immigrants and then let go because this administration has refused to request the resources to hold them and deport them,” said Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies.

Figures lie and liars figure...

That's more than 10,000 FEWER than during the first four years of GWB's presidency, nearly a 50% improvement.

Thanks for pointing out another area that President Obama has improved over his predecessor.


Für Meno :)
Wow a whopping 19 murders in 3 years compared to 80.000 per year done (240.000 in 3 years) by legal residents!

I can't recall any illegal alien in the US for mass murdering people, do you ?
Even the 9/11 terrorists were legally in the USA , doing their flight lessons in Florida.


golden ticket member
Wow a whopping 19 murders in 3 years compared to 80.000 per year done (240.000 in 3 years) by legal residents!

I can't recall any illegal alien in the US for mass murdering people, do you ?
Even the 9/11 terrorists were legally in the USA , doing their flight lessons in Florida.

I didn't know you were the "be all" and "end all" for murder stats.
You can't remember the day before yesterday ith the booze fog!!

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
We are kidding ourselves if we think that there are less crimes in the illegal immigrant population. ... AND NOW, with the Feds redefining what a felony is for illegals, we will see less crimes REPORTED. Of course barry will take credit for his policies improving the crime rates!


golden ticket member
I read this headline and couldn't stop laughing. Yeah, the gov't is going to watch for fraud.....just like that catch all that fraud in welfare, Medicare, IRS, voting, etc. The gov't wouldn't know what to do if they uncover fraud !!! It's a joke!

As migrant program begins, officials on alert for fraud - Yahoo! News


Well-Known Member
Interesting....this is from way back in 1907....

Theodore Roosevelt's ideas on Immigrants and being an AMERICAN in 1907. "In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because o friend creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language... and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."

Theodore Roosevelt 1907

reading this makes me proud to be an american.


golden ticket member
In your face, Barack!
PHOENIX – Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer has signed an executive order directing state agencies to deny driver’s licenses and other public benefits to young illegal immigrants who obtain work authorizations under a new Obama administration program.

Brewer’s order issued Wednesday says she’s reaffirming the intent of current Arizona law denying taxpayer-funded public benefits and state identification to illegal immigrants.

Young illegal immigrants could start applying Wednesday with the federal government for work permits under the Obama administration’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals.

The program defers deportations for young illegal immigrants if they meet certain criteria.

Brewer’s order says the program’s federal paperwork doesn’t confer lawful status on illegal immigrants and won’t entitle them to Arizona public benefits.

She directs state agencies to start emergency rulemaking processes as necessary to implement her order.


Well-Known Member
Ours is the actual 'do-nothing-congress' (thanks Truman for the phrase!...I'm sure you're rolling in you're grave)...

Left or right, we all should be ashamed of these clowns in elected office.

Gone are the days when our elected officials 'reached across the isle' to actually get something done.

Shame on all of them, both sides, tell me I'm wrong.

If I ran a small business and these clowns acted like this, I'd fire them.


Strength through joy
I want to go on the record as personally supporting and encouraging as many ILLEGALS as possible to sign up for ObamAmnesty, as soon as possible.
That way when we rid America of Obama we will have the names, addresses, fingerprints and family histories of 1.8 million job stealing ILLEGALS that we can deport!
One Old Veteran​

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
One executive order deserves another executive order. I am glad I live in a state where the governor (Brewer) has a backbone and has no problem taking on barry and the Chicago gang. Tit for tat as they say. brewer.jpeg This is definitely one of my favorite pictures and makes me proud to be from Arizona.

Unfortunately, illegals just move on to greener pastures and more illegal friendly states. I feel bad for my friends and relatives in Southern California. I admire governors that stand up for state's rights and don't let barry push them around.


Für Meno :)
Oh, am I bad !
I had an illegal American girl working for me yesterday, from Oklahoma.
She's been living over 7 years now here illegally. Basically all she can do is work cash jobs.

But, I must admit, 1 of the best helpers I had, and she is definitly hired for future jobs I may have for her.
I did manage to have a lttle chit chat with her about which country she prefers, she just said, why do you think I'm still here ! :)

Even asked how she disliked liked our brutal winters - but she is one of those that love to ski and snowboard - winter is 1 of her favorite seasons !
I wished I could say the same for myself !

I had her gay g/friend working along with her, too (mind you they were both very cute, and were being "hit" by guys a lot), but they sure like the fact that they are free to marry here, and they sure don't miss the guns AND crime that go along with it.

I gave both of them $320 combined for a days work, cash, they were pleased, but so was I with their work effort.


golden ticket member
Oh, am I bad !
I had an illegal American girl working for me yesterday, from Oklahoma.
She's been living over 7 years now here illegally. Basically all she can do is work cash jobs.

But, I must admit, 1 of the best helpers I had, and she is definitly hired for future jobs I may have for her.
I did manage to have a lttle chit chat with her about which country she prefers, she just said, why do you think I'm still here ! :)

Even asked how she disliked liked our brutal winters - but she is one of those that love to ski and snowboard - winter is 1 of her favorite seasons !
I wished I could say the same for myself !

I had her gay g/friend working along with her, too (mind you they were both very cute, and were being "hit" by guys a lot), but they sure like the fact that they are free to marry here, and they sure don't miss the guns AND crime that go along with it.

I gave both of them $320 combined for a days work, cash, they were pleased, but so was I with their work effort.

You should've called the authorities.


Für Meno :)
Why? They weren't hurting anybody, they worked hard and Klein paid them fairly well for their efforts. It's not as though they are a burden on the system.

I agree with Upstate, and at 1 time she actually did have a temporary resi and working card, but like many others, she made the mistake going back home for longer than 6 mths, and now has to re-apply for all that paperwork/government issues.

The way I see things, we are just 1 world anyways, some of you complain because the Queen or King is only because of birth rights.
Well, isn't it the same for people born everywhere ? Such as you being an American because of place of birth or me Canadian ?
We should consider ourselves lucky, too, being born on this part of the planet.

Anyways, I'll hire her for future work. She needs the money badly (behind on her rent, etc), and does a hell of a great job. (You got to love it when people have that natural instinct for work, and don't need to tell them everything what to do).

She even went on her self, selling brtezels into the beer garden and handing out free chicken samples. She did good for sales ! Approached everyone, too :)


Well-Known Member
Why? They weren't hurting anybody, they worked hard and Klein paid them fairly well for their efforts. It's not as though they are a burden on the system.
Because it's against the law!! They do not have the required work permits." Our northern neighbor has a large immigration program but little illegal immigration, because Ottawa won't tolerate it. No country with generous entitlements can afford a growing population of low-income workers." Froma Harrop: U.S. could learn from Canada’s immigration policy - Houston Chronicle


Strength through joy
Immigrants protest 'illegal' label

A small group of immigrants gathered in Woodbury Monday to protest the use of the word "illegal" to describe those who have entered the United States without documentation.
"By saying illegal, they're assuming that we broke a criminal law," said Jackeline Saavedra, 27, of Bay Shore, a Touro Law Center student who identified herself as undocumented. "Not everybody enters illegally."
Coordinators said they prefer the phrase "undocumented immigrant."

The "Drop The I-Word" campaign was organized by The Applied Research Center, a New York City-based racial justice think tank. Its goal, according to its news website,, is to "eradicate the slur 'illegals' from everyday use and public discourse."
Campaign coordinator Monica Novoa said that in two years, 14,000 people have signed the group's pledge.

Still, the word "illegal" makes Elias Llivicura, 18, who described himself as undocumented, feel "uncomfortable."
"We also have feelings too," said Llivicura, of Bellport, who came to Long Island from Ecuador at age 8. "It makes me feel like I'm different from everybody else," he said. "It makes me feel like really bad inside."

Immigrants protest 'illegal' label