
UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member

You make it sound so nice I am ready to go to Canada. HA HA HA HA !

No seriously... maybe more of the illegal immigrants should head up your way and take advantage of Canadian social system. It would be a win-win! You would get a bunch of people you want to help and we would get rid of a lot of illegals.

In fact, I am sure that if Canada had 15 to 20 million illegals taxing your social justice system coming from the USA or even more southern areas. A fence would go up real fast to keep them out. Your Canadian social system would fall apart - taxes would go up - Sounds very promising.

It is easy to throw stones when it really doesn't affect you. The grass is always greener

When you are sitting in the emergency room with a broken arm and waiting 2 hours because illegals are in front of you ...
When your kid is suffering in school because the classrooms are overcrowded and the text books are 15 years old and there are little to no supplies because the school district can't afford the 40% of illegals sitting in class with your child...
When you are trying to get a job and some illegal is willing to be paid less under the table than you ...
When you dial 911 and find out that the police are back logged because they are going after illegals who are committing crimes or are victims of illegal crime themselves ...

Come talk to us. Until that time your arguments hold no water.


Well-Known Member

You make it sound so nice I am ready to go to Canada. HA HA HA HA !

No seriously... maybe more of the illegal immigrants should head up your way and take advantage of Canadian social system. It would be a win-win! You would get a bunch of people you want to help and we would get rid of a lot of illegals.

In fact, I am sure that if Canada had 15 to 20 million illegals taxing your social justice system coming from the USA or even more southern areas. A fence would go up real fast to keep them out. Your Canadian social system would fall apart - taxes would go up - Sounds very promising.

It is easy to throw stones when it really doesn't affect you. The grass is always greener

When you are sitting in the emergency room with a broken arm and waiting 2 hours because illegals are in front of you ...
When your kid is suffering in school because the classrooms are overcrowded and the text books are 15 years old and there are little to no supplies because the school district can't afford the 40% of illegals sitting in class with your child...
When you are trying to get a job and some illegal is willing to be paid less under the table than you ...
When you dial 911 and find out that the police are back logged because they are going after illegals who are committing crimes or are victims of illegal crime themselves ...

Come talk to us. Until that time your arguments hold no water.

Re "You make it sound so nice I am ready to go to Canada"

I just want to drive my auto there and fill up the tank.

I just want to feel what it is like to have 100 per cent gasoline in my engine.

I heard they do not use ethanol.


golden ticket member
Via Washington Times:

Saying they’re fed up with being told they can’t do their jobs, 10 immigration agents on Thursday sued the Obama administration to try to halt the president’s new non-deportation policy and an earlier memo instructing them not to go after rank-and-file illegal immigrants.

The lawsuit, filed in a federal court in Texas, adds a legal controversy to the political fight that has been brewing over President Obama’s immigration policies, which have steadily narrowed the range of immigrants the government is targeting for deportation.

The 10 U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents and deportation officers said Mr. Obama’s policies force them to choose between enforcing the law and being reprimanded by superiors, or listening to superiors and violating their own oaths of office and a 1996 law that requires them to demand proof of legal status from those they suspect are not in the country legally.

Upping the ante, the agents are being represented by a high-profile lawyer, Kris W. Kobach, secretary of state in Kansas and the chief promoter of state immigration crackdowns such as Arizona’s tough law.
“ICE is at a point now where agents are being told to break federal law, they’re pretty much told that any illegal alien under age of 31 is going to be let go. You can imagine, these law enforcement officers are being put in a horrible position,” Mr. Kobach said.

Last week, at Mr. Obama’s direction, the Homeland Security Department began taking applications from those 30 years of age or younger who came to the U.S. as children and who have kept a fairly clean criminal record.
They are being granted “deferred action,” which is an official notice they are not to be deported, and will be allowed to obtain work permits to stay and get jobs legally in the U.S.


golden ticket member
He'll have them voting by November.....

Oh great, more uninsured drivers on our roads !!

Via SF Gate:
Democratic legislators are working with Gov. Jerry Brown and Department of Motor Vehicles officials to provide driver’s licenses to hundreds of thousands of young undocumented immigrants now eligible to work under President Obama’s new “deferred action” policy.

“In the past, the argument against providing driver’s licenses has been that it would be rewarding someone who has broken the law,” said state Sen. Mark Leno, D-San Francisco. “But now we’re talking about people who, by definition, have not broken any laws.”

The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, announced by Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano in June, allows undocumented immigrants younger than 31 who were brought to this country illegally before they were 16 to apply for protection from deportation for a two-year renewable term. It applies to young people who are in school, completed school or served honorably in the armed forces and who do not have serious criminal records.

It’s a much-watered-down version of the Dream Act for young immigrants, which Obama and his fellow Democrats have been unable to get through Congress.


golden ticket member
Via Washington Times:
The federal government’s system of tracking immigrants’ status is so broken that it gives a green light to one in eight aliens who have been ordered deported, according to an audit Tuesday that found the government has gone on to approve some of those who slip through for work in sensitive areas of airports and granted them benefits such as Medicaid or food stamps.

Some of those aliens who should have been kicked out had serious criminal records, including for assault and extortion, according to the audit by the Homeland Security Department’s inspector general.

All told, some 800,000 immigrants are living in the U.S. who already have been ordered deported but have not yet left — or been removed by the government — from the country.

The Homeland Security Department is supposed to maintain an up-to-date list of those deportable aliens so that other government agencies are aware of their status and know they should be denied benefits. The system is known as the Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements program, or SAVE.

But a random sample of queries to the system found that 12 percent of the time, the system OKs an immigrant who should have been deported.

“The failures in our sample include individuals who applied for unemployment and disability insurance, food stamps, driver’s licenses and other benefits,” the auditors said. “Several individuals had criminal records, including assault with a deadly weapon, extortion, drug convictions and other convictions such as burglary, stalking and child abuse.”


golden ticket member
It's amazing to me that they still allow this man on TV.....

So wanting to see our laws enforced makes you an “idiot?”
Via RCP:
HRIS MATTHEWS: People that believe in border protection, who believe you can stop somebody from coming into this country by higher towers, or more drones, or more people working there, I think are right-wingers or idiots.

If you want to work and you’re looking for a job, you’re going to come to America, Congresswoman.

You’re going to come in here and you’re going to find a way in, whether you have to take a boat, an airplane, or swim. Whatever you have to do, you’re going to get here.

And my question is, are we going to have a work permit situation that’s truly enforced so they’ll be no incentive to do that? Because you can’t work in the United States unless you’re here legally.

If we ever have a system like that, we won’t be having this debate in 20 or 30 years from now all over again.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
I saw the news conference with all the senators yesterday. Their framework for a bill on immigration is right on! This was the first time, I actually believed that there were folks in Congress working together to get something done.

As long as the 2nd termer stays out of it, something might actually get done. I applaud those 8 senators.


golden ticket member
I saw the news conference with all the senators yesterday. Their framework for a bill on immigration is right on! This was the first time, I actually believed that there were folks in Congress working together to get something done.

As long as the 2nd termer stays out of it, something might actually get done. I applaud those 8 senators.

Too late....he ran to Vegas to let everybody know what HE was doing.........he's taking credit. What a narcissist!!!


golden ticket member


Amatuer Malthusian
This mindset is part of what made him one of the greatest Presidents of all time. My ancestor.s came to this country from Europe in the early 20th century and they learned English very quickly.