Well-Known Member
Snopes --
You must be kidding ---"Mostly" untrue that the young attorney Was TOTALLY responsible for the Housing collapse.
Also the suit was not" REALLY" about people who could not afford to pay the loans back--just about not enough minorities and poor people ---who in fact years later could not pay back the loans.
In summary --the lawsuits on banks --Janet Renos red circling--Clinton's Glass/Steagle--Bush bragging about high numbers of minority homeowners --Government backed loans ---NOW AND ONLY NOW --Wall street bundling and selling derivatives.
I know this is all above your pay grade --no-one said Obama was TOTALLY to blame for the housing failure --nor was Clinton or BUSH ---but even the most uniformed and uneducated can easily see --without GOVERNMENT involvement in the private housing market ----WALL street would have had NO RISKY LOANS TO SELL !!
The GOVERNMENTchicken laid the Golden egg for the greedy Wall Street people to sell . No egg --no sale --no collapse!
Snopes --
You must be kidding ---"Mostly" untrue that the young attorney Was TOTALLY responsible for the Housing collapse.
Also the suit was not" REALLY" about people who could not afford to pay the loans back--just about not enough minorities and poor people ---who in fact years later could not pay back the loans.
In summary --the lawsuits on banks --Janet Renos red circling--Clinton's Glass/Steagle--Bush bragging about high numbers of minority homeowners --Government backed loans ---NOW AND ONLY NOW --Wall street bundling and selling derivatives.
I know this is all above your pay grade --no-one said Obama was TOTALLY to blame for the housing failure --nor was Clinton or BUSH ---but even the most uniformed and uneducated can easily see --without GOVERNMENT involvement in the private housing market ----WALL street would have had NO RISKY LOANS TO SELL !!
The GOVERNMENTchicken laid the Golden egg for the greedy Wall Street people to sell . No egg --no sale --no collapse!