Innocent until proven guilty? yeah ok


Well-Known Member
I also think he means flagging pickups, which is where you ask the customer to put a sign out if he/she has pkgs going. This can be a huge timesaver but can also come back to bite you because we have had instances where the driver has gone by the pickup, did not see a sign, and then the customer puts the sign up after the driver has already gone by, calls the toll-free with a missed p/u concern. I have several customers who insist upon doing this but I still stop every day and go in to see if they have anything going. We have one driver here who has started calling his p/u customers on his cell--again, huge timesaver but it has bit on him on the butt on several occassions. He has 70+ pickup stops so you can see where he can save a great deal of time but these customers are paying $14/week (maybe less as the daily P/U charge is on a sliding scale depending upon volume shipped) for this service plus the cover driver catches grief because he stops and they ask him why the regular driver doesn't. Puckin is a cover driver so he should NEVER use this shortcut or any other for that matter.


Pineapple King
Flagging a package means when you don't actually deliver a package but put a driver cross on it and put NI 1 and then bring it back to the building undelivered.
OK. I knew what "flag" p/u accounts were like said above but never heard that term used for undelivered pkgs. Thank you. Oh and you mean "service cross" right?

old levi's

blank space
Flagging a package means when you don't actually deliver a package but put a driver cross on it and put NI 1 and then bring it back to the building undelivered.

Well if that's what it means and you do it, then you're gone. And you should be. (What else are you lying about?)


your missing the point.. I DID those things as a rookie years ago... never did it again... point being is Ive had a very smooth 4 years as a driver up until this year with a rash of customer complaints.... like I said just bad luck first 3 years were pretty good overall... so dont accuse me of lying at all.. Ive been nothing but forthcoming about my situation... the bottomline is Im very good at my job.. I have a great rapport with alot of customers INCLUDING ones Ive had an issue in the past with.. but UPS refuses to even acknowlegde that fact... I am NOT a liability in any way shape or form.. I dont miss pickups.. I deliver every package.. I send messages when I have an offroute and I dont lollygag out there.. I get the job done... like I said... lately Ive just come across people who I guess have nothing better to do than complain... I mean I rolled through a stopsign trying to make a NDA delivery on time and someone called up on me...... your gonna tell me thats not just some bad luck?? you all are gonna tell me you all stop completely at EVERY stop sign in residential areas at 10:30 in the morning?


Bleeding Brown from ears
you all are gonna tell me you all stop completely at EVERY stop sign in residential areas at 10:30 in the morning?

Yep, thats what they are gonna tell you, after all, it is the "method", unless you think everyone in a 200 ft diameter is OK with you risking their lives on the road so you can make it to lunch on time.


you all are gonna tell me you all stop completely at EVERY stop sign in residential areas at 10:30 in the morning?
YES...unless theres 2 feet of snow and stopping completely would get me stuck.
I find your username here offensive.I wish I could change it but I can't.
I realize you play hockey but choosing a name like this shows all of us why you have trouble interacting with others.I've seen drivers get fired for having attitudes many times,so IMHO you should be thankful they are giving you so many chances.You must have some redeeming qualities or you would not be there anymore.I think its time you stopped blaming your customers for your indiscressions and slow down and think before you say or do things that may get you in trouble.


Well-Known Member
Well if that's what it means and you do it, then you're gone. And you should be. (What else are you lying about?)

Yes that is what it means, but I don't do it, I am not a driver, work inside....Just heard the term before.. Geesh, people read things the wrong way and are ready to crucify. RELAX. Unless I am reading your post wrong and it was not meant for me. Then my apologies.
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UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member

You really got to change your handle....sorry.... That is just plain negative and maybe this "doom & gloom" energy is affecting your demeanor.

I agree with upstateNYUPSer 100%.

Please add this additional perspective from someone who has had to arbitrate cases as well.

Based on your assessment only.... I would rule in favor of the company and give you the two options (preload or resignation). My opinion is that the company is in their rights to terminate your employment based on your demonstrated history of customer concerns. At this point in your career (since March 2007) you have consistently demonstrated customer dissatisfaction. You cannot justify 9 "rude" concerns. To offer you the preload job means that your management team feels that you still have something to offer. However, you have already stated that you feel that the preload is "slave work"... Your words not mine!!! This confirms to me the abrasive nature of your current situation.

I would recommend, based on your words, that you do not take the preload job. It would ruin your social life and your wife would also be upset. Again, these are your words. You would not be happy.

Just to help you in the future. Customers appreciate hearing power words with a positive energy such as CERTAINLY, ABSOLUTELY, NO PROBLEM, I WOULD BE HAPPY TO DO THAT!

Also for future reference....
Anytime I can hear packages bouncing around in back compartment of a package car, the packages are not being handled properly!!

Hand to surface means there is no noise. Who are you kidding!


Retired 23 years
I like his handle (it sure beats boring ones like UPS Lifer or Tie Guy or really stupid ones like Rod)


Well-Known Member
I think that this thread has run its course. Puckin (please change this), the ball is in your court. You have received a lot of advice and it is up to you as to what you next course of action will be. I think Lifer summed it up very well for you, although I do disagree with the part about the preload position as I still think that you have something to offer to the company and you would be hard pressed to find the benefit package elsewhere. Besides, I think it would do you some good to bust your butt for peanuts so that you may gain some appreciation for what you had and, with a lot of hard work, may have again. Of course, when your new co-workers find out that you consider the preload to be "slavework" you may find it rather lonely at break time.

You needed a wake-up call---hopefully you found it here. Best of luck to you.
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I dont see how my handle is offensive?? I play hockey ALOT... and spend alot of time at the rink sometimes til 3 am and get home slepep 2 hours and get to work.. why? because we are puckin idiots... one of the teams I am on is called the " the puckin idiots" we are all friends and we have all beein playing hockey together since we were in middle school and would all play roller hockey in the street or at the park in the tennis courts... sometimes even in pouring rain... why you ask?? because we are " puckin idiots" and we still are here today 14 years later playing together... its like a brotherhood... definately not a negative thing at all.. all of us are and always will be " puckin idiots" and its something we are proud of... thats the explanation.. sorry if you are offended by it... once again I am misunderstood....

as far as your " hand to surface methods" I would love to see you move 35lb boxes from the shelf to the floor without a sound, but of course some of you have aspirations to be a supervisor so why would you ever ever be " understanding " of what I mean...

BTW... I have 3 years safe driving never had an on road accident.. got charged with one in year 1 driving a Van and backing it up with a mechanic in the building waving me back... mirror caught something mounted on the wall and bent the top of the door a little bit... totally my fault for not watching for that but other than that.. I have been nothing but safe on the road out there.... ont judge me just because I rolled a stop sign when noone was around...


Well-Known Member
Have you ever heard the saying "The customer is always right"? It seems you need to remember that sometimes even when they aren't right. As UpstateNYUPSer said, you should have just apologized when you dropped the box. It would have eased all the tension if you would have said "Sorry about that. I tripped. I'll mark the box "possible damage" just in case something broke." Sometimes you just have to swallow your pride and say "Sorry about that" or "Have a nice day."

You say all of this has just happened in the last year and you had no concerns before this. Does this coincide with the timing of your steroid or HGH use for hockey!!??:winks:
Seriously, if there has been something going on outside of work recently that is affecting your attitude toward your customers and your job in general, you need to leave it outside of work. Don't be so confrontational with the customers even if you know you are right. It's kind of like being married...sometimes you just have to say "Yes Dear!" and move on. Pick your fights carefully.

You say you want management to sit down with you and help you handle some of the situations like these that you may encounter during your day. Why should they? You have gotten all kind of help here on these posts but you aren't heeding any of it. You meet them with excuses. I sense a lot of "IT'S NOT MY FAULT" attitude. Not feeling well is no excuse for being rude. Body language speaks volumes. When you told her a simple "I didn't throw anything", HOW did you say it?

As I have said in other posts, I am not the perfect driver or the perfect person. I am sure someone could pick me apart on a critique. But you wanted some input and I (we) are giving you some based on what you have told us. Good luck!

ps- I like the name. Just a little play on words and it fits!
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Browncafe Steward
Let me get this right, ups allows you to go back ptime after 4 plus years of fulltime? Does this happen anywhere else in the country? Here in chicago once you attain your seniority (40 working days in 90) you can never go back ptime, unless a lay-off happens.