This is already resolved and over with but I am still curious of the possible outcome that could have happened because I, in my mind, don't think I did anything wrong.
So am I a FT driver on the safety committee (please save your safety committee jokes) and this happened with a preloader who I've worked with for 3+ years and never had a problem with. So a few weeks back on I believe a Tuesday I was doing my daily check of the cars to look for over 70s that needed tape. So I come across this one car with a hazmat package loaded on top of 2 other boxes that looked like it was about to fall over. I told the preloader about it and that it should be properly loaded and all he does it take the hazmat and place it on the floor without loading it securely and bracing it and then starts walking away.
I can't tell at this point if he's just messing around but I told him he should know how to properly load a hazmat it needs to be loaded correctly. So all he does is walk to the car, pull down the rear door closing it, and walk away. So now I know he's probably in a bad mood so I just walk to the PT sup and let me know what happened (I have since realized this is not the proper thing to do and I won't do it again) and ask him to direct the preloader to do his job correctly for the safety of the driver.
The next day the preloader comes up to me and is asking why I had to "taddle tale" on him and I simply responded that if he did his job right to begin with then nothing would have ever happened. So obviously now he is bitter toward me and I can understand why. So Thursday I am again doing my job checking for over 70s and I see an over 70 oragmi cabinet box in the middle of a car which the preloader from before loaded. So I walk into the car and at the time the driver of the route was in the car. As soon as I walk in to tape the box, the preloader follows me in the car and just blurts out "move" and I tell him "I have to tape this box real quick" being how I entered the car before him I should be able to do one simple thing? He responds "Get the friend%$# out of my way, I'm stacked out" and this is all in front of the other driver.
So I kept my cool and scooted forward out of his way and talked to the driver for a few minutes because he was blocking me in while he was loading. During this time he was just grabbing boxes and throwing them on the shelves so I could tell he was upset. Finally he moved to a different car and I taped the over 70 and moved on down the belt.
I think nothing of it until the next day our steward says he needs to talk to me about this preloader but the preloader is saying I am harassing him! So I tell him my side of the story and he lets me know we will have to go in the center manager's office. So I tell the center manager the same story and he says the preloader tells the same story almost and admits to cursing at me and everything. So the center manager calls the preloader in the office and lays everything out and asks us to bury it then and there and not to let it escalate. He asks if I felt harassed and I replied "Not at all" then he asks the preloader the same question and he replies "I do not wish to file harassment charges anymore" and in my mind I'm thinking "No


because I didn't harass you, you are just being a cry sack"
So we shake hands and that was the end of it. So obviously I don't see how I did anything wrong except how I handled the whole hazmat situation, but I would like to get some outside perspective. Do you think I in any way was harassing this preloader? I don't take this kind of thing lightly so I want to make sure I am not displaying any signs of harassment unintentionally because I know it could