Anything other than orders barked at you (aka "work as directed") are lies. I've barely ever heard a truthful thing from management. The only important thing (once you make book) is what's in the Master; ignore everything else. The S-word (Safe) is the only word that makes management back off; UPS fears safety, they don't respect it.
#1 lie (mentioned by the center manager during Peak orientation): “This job is long-term; we’re planning on keeping you for many years after Peak.” – Translation: “You’ll be out on the street the week after Christmas, mid-February at the latest, just before you make book after Free Time is over. I’ll be transferred to another hub or center in a couple of weeks so luckily I won’t have to hear you whine about this.”
#2) (from the shift-sup) “If you learn the sort, we PROMISE you’ll get a dollar per hour skilled-worker wage increase” Translation: “We’re penny-pinchers and not obligated to give you Peak temps anything. This is just a carrot to tease and keep you mules motivated.”
#3) (from the PT sup) “This is gonna be a light day” = “This is the heaviest day of the year. Don’t expect to leave early unless you’re not coming back. If you ask to leave early I'll throw you back in the damn truck myself.”
#4) “This is gonna be a heavy volume day” = “We’re gonna kick you out in an hour ‘cus you’re not seniority so we’re not obligated by any hourly limits. You probably won’t even be able to pay for gas commuting here and back.”
#5) (from the center manager) “UPS hires from the inside”= “UPS fires from the inside a lot more. Step out of line and that’s where you’ll end up.”