Well-Known Member
You do realize that we still have to wait for 243 and western Pennsylvania to renegotiate and vote on their supplements right? You will be waiting a lot longer then April!
Not necessarily, Western PA will be voting April 6th. Not sure about 243...
When you say the company was "complicit" in regressive bargaining, is that to
say.... that the Union was also ? I hope not.
I thought it was the company that simply took items off the table.
Complicit in the same sense that a father would be complicit to a violent act if his children were attacked on the subway and he was forced to crack some skulls. When the first supplement got voted down, UPS pulled everything that was beneficial to the members off the table. Our negotiating committee took 4/10s away at that point. From then on, UPS would only entertain agreeing to MOUs from 2008 & 2013, no new TAs. We will know what is in the 3rd & final offer Monday, feeling optimistic. Thank you to all who have supported us.