Is anyone following Wisconsin?


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Giffords shooting leads to national civility institute

Former presidents Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush will serve as honorary chairmen for the National Institute for Civil Discourse.

The non-partisan center will focus on research, education and policy about civility in public discourse.

I guess this guy didn't get the memo...:dissapointed:

Democrat urges unions to 'get a little bloody when necessary'

"I’m proud to be here with people who understand that it’s more than just sending an email to get you going," Capuano said, according to the Statehouse News. "Every once and awhile you need to get out on the streets and get a little bloody when necessary."

Political observers have been the lookout for potentially incendiary rhetoric in the wake of January's shooting in Tucson, Ariz., where Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D) survived an assassination attempt, six were killed, and 12 others were injured.


golden ticket member
OK, I have a Louisville slugger also.....that doesn't mean I'd use it on somebody. I can't count the # of times I've said, "I'm gonna slap you upside your head". It's a joke.


golden ticket member
I usually don't like anything Susan Estrich has to say.....BUT, she just said about the teachers, "You undercut your argument when you jeopardize kid's education in the process."


Space Cadet
Again please stick to the talking point's, first if yur in the top 1% of earner's than what are you doing here? millionaire's pay 50% of taxes, 47 don't pay any at all, do u c the math??According to who ? low taxes ? show proof or else it's a lie a liberal attack method, the Koch bros? are they a private company? and where's the proof the GOP will be coming after Teamster's? stop lying!
I'm in the top 1% because I retired from UPS; and bought lots of stock when I was young. UPS? Remember UPS?
And in Indiana, the state legislature is trying to pass not only busting of state employee unions, but also make Indiana a right to work state, and remove the right of unions to collect dues from their members. Go to google news, you can't miss it.
I don't know who you are or where you are getting your information from, but I find your remarks to be completely reality-free.


Well-Known Member
Well, I'm dissappointed to report that my state will not become a right to work state this year. Maybe next year, although I have to admit I'm more annoyed that the democrats bad behavior here is getting rewarded and now they are making demands on other bills before they return. This is not how our democratic process is supposed to work. If I don't show up for work I could jeopardize my job, and I don't believe it should be any different for the children who call themselves democrats.


Well-Known Member
I'm in the top 1% because I retired from UPS; and bought lots of stock when I was young. UPS? Remember UPS?
And in Indiana, the state legislature is trying to pass not only busting of state employee unions, but also make Indiana a right to work state, and remove the right of unions to collect dues from their members. Go to google news, you can't miss it.
I don't know who you are or where you are getting your information from, but I find your remarks to be completely reality-free.

Your way behind the times on our state employee unions. When Mitch Daniels took over as governor in 2005 his very first act was to remove collective bargaining rights for state employees. Right to work isn't going to happen, but even worse than that is school vouchers and teacher merit pay could die as well if the children (ie democrats) get their way.


Well-Known Member
I'm in the top 1% because I retired from UPS; and bought lots of stock when I was young. UPS? Remember UPS?
And in Indiana, the state legislature is trying to pass not only busting of state employee unions, but also make Indiana a right to work state, and remove the right of unions to collect dues from their members. Go to google news, you can't miss it.
I don't know who you are or where you are getting your information from, but I find your remarks to be completely reality-free.

And this is your logic........You got your money from a vile company that makes tons of money that should be taxed more, you also should pay more since you make so much money you are evil and shame on you making money on the backs of the middle class! If the people in Indiana vote for a Right to Work state that's democracy, seems you don't agree with that.Maybe if the public unions would agree to cut's in health care and pensions they wouldn't have to do this.Your state is in the red, how do u suppose they fix that? In fact most states are in the Red, and most of those states elected republican governor's and legislature. Reality???? the bottom of your page say's so much about u lol


Squeaky Wheel
"The process of collective bargaining, as usually understood, cannot be transplanted into the public service."- FDR

In 1937, Franklin Delano Roosevelt acknowledged that public workers could demand fair treatment in a letter to the National Federation of Federal Employees, but insisted that "militant tactics have no place" in the public sector. The man many consider the true father of the union movement in the United States went on to say "a strike of public employees manifests nothing less than an intent on their part to prevent or obstruct the operations of the government. "

"A union's monopoly over bargaining makes it a cartel that prevents employers from hiring workers who would do the same job for less than union wages. Without providing financing for the mandate, the act will force governments to either cut services or raise taxes. It is impossible to bargain collectively with the government."- George Meany, former president of the AFL-CIO in 1955

Frank Zeidler, former mayor of Milwaukee in the 1950s and legend among American socialists, wrote in 1960 that government unions "can mean considerable loss of control over the budget, and hence over tax rates."

Doh :surprised:

Now let’s get those cowards hiding out at Red's house back to work before it's time to impeach them for not doing their jobs.

Oh...if they, the cowardly dems that left their jobs don't come back after two legislative session their auto deposit payroll will be stopped and they will have to come back to the senate floor to pick up their pay. :happy-very:

Not that they deserve it for running out on their responsibilities. LMAO!

Dude, it's the 21st century. Time to catch up, not revert to the past. What happens with the public sector unions will soon follow in the private ones. The governor in WI has been purchased by private industry and his allegiance is clear. Corporations like those owned by the Kochs are ultimately after private unions. They see public unions as the easiest place to start. If they get everything they want you will work until you die and kiss your pension bye-bye.


Well-Known Member
And in Atlanta, Tea Party backers urged "freedom-oriented folks" to show up — armed or otherwise — at a Wednesday afternoon rally at the Georgia State Capitol to counter planned rallies by public employee union members. If you're going to ask the Tea Party prostesters to show up armed. Why not take to the next level? Maybe incite a Civil War?

Cmon MSNBC stop it they r so one sided I want you to prove me wrong, When have they reported anything nice about the Tea Party?? In fact they report lies like the spitting incident when the witch and Dems paraded into congress before the health care vote, well nothing was proven about the spitting nor the racial slurs but MSNBC still reported it, LIARS LIARS LIARS


Staff member
Well, I'm dissappointed to report that my state will not become a right to work state this year. Maybe next year, although I have to admit I'm more annoyed that the democrats bad behavior here is getting rewarded and now they are making demands on other bills before they return. This is not how our democratic process is supposed to work. If I don't show up for work I could jeopardize my job, and I don't believe it should be any different for the children who call themselves democrats.

LOL. Yes. That's the power of minority status. Republicans used it beautifully for the past two years. I didn't know the Dems knew how to play this role. Good for them.


Well-Known Member
Dude, it's the 21st century. Time to catch up, not revert to the past. What happens with the public sector unions will soon follow in the private ones. The governor in WI has been purchased by private industry and his allegiance is clear. Corporations like those owned by the Kochs are ultimately after private unions. They see public unions as the easiest place to start. If they get everything they want you will work until you die and kiss your pension bye-bye.

Prove the Koch's are after private union's! Stop spreading lies! prove what you post here please if it is not well known!