Is anyone following Wisconsin?


Space Cadet
And this is your logic........You got your money from a vile company that makes tons of money that should be taxed more, you also should pay more since you make so much money you are evil and shame on you making money on the backs of the middle class! If the people in Indiana vote for a Right to Work state that's democracy, seems you don't agree with that.Maybe if the public unions would agree to cut's in health care and pensions they wouldn't have to do this.Your state is in the red, how do u suppose they fix that? In fact most states are in the Red, and most of those states elected republican governor's and legislature. Reality???? the bottom of your page say's so much about u lol

First of all, "right to work" is not about the public employee unions at all. It refers to PRIVATE SECTOR unions.
What is a “right to work” state?
It forbids a union and an employer from agreeing that workers must pay union dues as a condition of employment. The union must negotiate on behalf of all workers they cover, regardless of whether they pay dues.
What that means in practice is, that the Teamsters could not expect a new UPS hire to pay union dues, that UPS would not be required to deduct union dues from an employees' paycheck, and that the Teamsters would be bargaining for everybody, whether they pay dues or not.
As a practical matter, that makes the union redundant, and eventually, most people would choose to freeload since they would get the benefit without having to contribute to the effort. How long do you figure that the Teamsters Union survives under those conditions?

If you are a Teamster or other union member, this should concern you.

Another thing that should concern you is that in Washington, the Republican controlled House of Representatives is looking to completely de-fund the NLRB as part of their "budget repair bill". The NLRB enforces all of the Labor Law in this country. So this would effectively remove all enforcement of Labor Law and Regulation in the US.

Are you getting it yet? The working people, the people who actually produce the value that creates profits, are being screwed over. All of the increased profitability that harder working, more productive workers have created over the last 15 years has NOT been returned to them as better pay, but gone to the top executives and the shareowners. That's not fair.

And, lastly, I am a member of the middle class because I was fortunate to work for a good company that paid a good wage and benefits. Someone starting today, will NOT be that fortunate going forward, since all American businesses are in a race to the bottom with regards to employee pay and benefits. UPS will not be able to pay top wages and benefits when all its competitors are paying less. This WILL come home to roost in contract negotiations, and soon.


Squeaky Wheel
ambivalence [æmˈbɪvələns], ambivalency
the simultaneous existence of two opposed and conflicting attitudes, emotions, etc.
ambivalent adj

IMO it is healthy for an intelligent individual to cast new perspectives onto their beliefs when offered the opportunity. People who are extreme in any direction concern me. When faced with strong emotions they tend to have tunnel vision and may act erratically when faced with alternative views. IMO healthy people seek learning opportunities and embrace ambivalence as a teacher.

"If in the last few years you haven't discarded a major opinion or acquired a new one, check your pulse. You may be dead." Gelett Burgess


Squeaky Wheel
"A hundred times every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life depends on the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the measure as I have received and am still receiving."
Albert Einstein


Well-Known Member
I've not claimed a party, I've claimed common sense! States cannot afford to continue down the same path of fiscal irresponsibility, time for some real change that actually make cents!

Maybe you didn't claim a party, but you certainly disparaged one. You've put down the one true "big tent"party that over the last 70 yrs has become the voice of the average American. The progressive Democratic party accepts liberalism's concern for the poor and the middle class. While agreeing with conservatives that precious tax $ shouldn't be wasted, we also believe in greedy corporations doing whatever the hell they want to. But progressives also agree with the libertarians belief that the government should leave us alone to run our own persoanl lives.


golden ticket member
Hey, I'm an average American and nobody asks me about my party, so don't generalize and think we're all liberal. I don't want people taken care of unless they are completely helpless.....most receivers of gov't monies can get off their butts and go work.

I just can't picture anyone feeling pride with the Democrat reps. being gone now for day was a it's just shirking the responsibility they were elected to take on. What a waste of Wisc.'s money. They are paid not to do their job. They are not leaders, they are an embarrassment.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Hey, I'm an average American and nobody asks me about my party, so don't generalize and think we're all liberal. I don't want people taken care of unless they are completely helpless.....most receivers of gov't monies can get off their butts and go work.

I just can't picture anyone feeling pride with the Democrat reps. being gone now for day was a it's just shirking the responsibility they were elected to take on. What a waste of Wisc.'s money. They are paid not to do their job. They are not leaders, they are an embarrassment.

I wonder if the AWOL dems are staying at a Motel 6 to save tax dollars....NOT!!!


Well-Known Member
ambivalence [æmˈbɪvələns], ambivalency
the simultaneous existence of two opposed and conflicting attitudes, emotions, etc.
ambivalent adj

IMO it is healthy for an intelligent individual to cast new perspectives onto their beliefs when offered the opportunity. People who are extreme in any direction concern me. When faced with strong emotions they tend to have tunnel vision and may act erratically when faced with alternative views. IMO healthy people seek learning opportunities and embrace ambivalence as a teacher.

"If in the last few years you haven't discarded a major opinion or acquired a new one, check your pulse. You may be dead." Gelett Burgess

:happy-very:People in glass houses ---should not ?? Take showers ? Throw stones ?? ETC,ETC,ETC.:wink2:

I can easily support hard working people of any stripe -support and respect.
A company like UPS and the Teamsters can negotiate and come up with good and fair contracts for both -not spending the TAXPAYORS money.

If the public section unions worked the same great --they do not --Unions take union dues give them to Democrats to get elected and then the Politician "PAYS UP" makes unsustainable deals that WE pay for.

In New Jersey recently it was even much worse. The Democrat Governor Corizine was dating the Union President who he eventually married . Can anyone figure out why Gov Christy is now fighting to actually save the long term viability of these vile agreements ???

Do good Union people see things only one way ??? No , I believe that many good Union People know when something is wrong and must be changed!!!:wink2:


Well-Known Member
Maybe you didn't claim a party, but you certainly disparaged one. You've put down the one true "big tent"party that over the last 70 yrs has become the voice of the average American. The progressive Democratic party accepts liberalism's concern for the poor and the middle class. While agreeing with conservatives that precious tax $ shouldn't be wasted, we also believe in greedy corporations doing whatever the hell they want to. But progressives also agree with the libertarians belief that the government should leave us alone to run our own persoanl lives.

Wow, 804 who do you collect a pay check from ?-----better look again it think it is from one of those bogey men you speak of . Can anyone say hypocrite ??
Do you also realize that unions do not create jobs nor wealth ?? Without Corporate America you nor the unions would have a job--talk about biting the hand that feed your family !!!:happy-very:


Space Cadet
Wow, 804 who do you collect a pay check from ?-----better look again it think it is from one of those bogey men you speak of . Can anyone say hypocrite ??
Do you also realize that unions do not create jobs nor wealth ?? Without Corporate America you nor the unions would have a job--talk about biting the hand that feed your family !!!:happy-very:

Without the workers, corporate America has nothing. Labor -AND- capital are necessary to produce wealth. Both are necessary, but neither is sufficient.


Well-Known Member
Without the workers, corporate America has nothing. Labor -AND- capital are necessary to produce wealth. Both are necessary, but neither is sufficient.

Tech ,
Gee , Do you realize you have identified one of the unions problems. LABOR can be found anywhere. Ask Liberal John and Teresa Kerry Heinz -A very large percent of their products are made by non union labor in different countries.
Wow ?? Would Liberals really do that ??? When it is their Capital --Of course !! How do you like them tomatoes ??:happy-very:


Well-Known Member
Any reasonable person would have to agree that our educational system is failing in many ways. In wisconson over half of the children above seventh grade do not have proficient reading levels.
Our President Obama does not send his daughters to Public schools in D.C.
During the election Obama promised to look at the charter schools in DC that were truly having major success with children from the very poor and ghetto areas.
One week in office after one of the UNION leaders visited the White House -all funding was stopped ,the charter school closed and the parents unlike Obama can not afford to pay taxes for public school and pay tuition for private schools.
Who really cares about childrens education or the poor ?? Of course the democrats and the unions.
Many years ago in NYC Teacher Union Albert Schanker stated "I will be concerned with a childs education when they pay union dues " Nice !!!!:sad-little:

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Tech ,
Gee , Do you realize you have identified one of the unions problems. LABOR can be found anywhere. Ask Liberal John and Teresa Kerry Heinz -A very large percent of their products are made by non union labor in different countries.
Wow ?? Would Liberals really do that ??? When it is their Capital --Of course !! How do you like them tomatoes ??:happy-very:

Kerry...the good little Liberal that did not want to pay taxes on his Yacht: Shocker!!!! Its the Huffington post just so the left wont get upset. :)


This action in Wisconsin is realistically Labors seige of berlin. Anyone who believes this is anything but a full blown attack on labor is sadly mistaken. With union membership declining over the years the destruction of public sector unions would be the kiss of death for all unions.Thus a tepid response by the IBT in enlisting Jesse Jackson is so dissapointing.National sick outs and walk outs by all is required not an appearance by Jesse "got a cause, give me a call" Jackson.


Well-Known Member
Maybe you didn't claim a party, but you certainly disparaged one.
Doesn't matter to me which party it is, it is what they did or do. If the other party tucked tail cowardly and shirked their elected responsibilities I'd feel the same way. It does seem to me that this does not matter to you and you would support them at all COSTS!
You've put down the one true "big tent"party that over the last 70 yrs has become the voice of the average American.
You're kidding right? Where are the hot air ballons to go with the big tent party? Last time I checked this country was pretty much 50/50 and it seems with the last election in November that many are tired with the circus tent party spending spree and fiscal irresponsibility.
The progressive Democratic party accepts liberalism's concern for the poor and the middle class. While agreeing with conservatives that precious tax $ shouldn't be wasted, we also believe in greedy corporations doing whatever the hell they want to. But progressives also agree with the libertarians belief that the government should leave us alone to run our own persoanl lives.
Actions speak louder than words my friend! Many of the unemployed poor and middle class aren't looking inside themselves for answers but instead waiting for the government to come in and rescue them. Talk to someone from the Greatest Generation to gain some perspective.


golden ticket member
One of the dems. said today that they left the state to give the people the time to see what is actually in the bill.........gee, why didn't the dems. do that when it came to the health care bill for the country???


Squeaky Wheel
"Fallout continues following the release of the prank phone call involving Governor Walker. It concerns the moment where he discusses planting troublemakers in the crowd.

Walker said during the call “My only fear would be is if there was a ruckus caused is that would scare the public into thinking maybe the Governor's got to settle to…avoid all these problems."

Thursday, Madison's Police Chief Noble Wray wants answers from the governor. Wray sent out a statement Thursday which reads in part, "I find it very unsettling and troubling that anyone would consider creating safety risks for our citizens and law enforcement officers. Our department works hard dialoging with those who are exercising...their first amendment right, those from both sides of the issue, to make sure we are doing everything we can to ensure they can demonstrate safely. I am concerned that anyone would try to undermine these relationships."

Here is Madison Police Department’s statement in full:

"The men and the women of the Madison Police Department train for crowd situations where an agitator or provocateur may try to create safety risks for citizens and officers. During the demonstration around the Capitol Square no such situation has arisen. Crowd behavior has been exemplary, and thousands of Wisconsin citizens are to be commended for the peaceful ways in which they have expressed First Amendment rights."

Chief Noble Wray would like to add the following to our response: " I spent a good deal of time overnight thinking about Governor Walker's response, during his news conference yesterday, to the suggestion that his administration 'thought about' planting troublemakers among those who are peacefully protesting his bill. I would like to hear more of an explanation from Governor Walker as to what exactly was being considered, and to what degree it was discussed by his cabinet members. I find it very unsettling and troubling that anyone would consider creating safety risks for our citizens and law enforcement officers. Our department works hard dialoging with those who are exercising their First Amendment right, those from both sides of the issue, to make sure we are doing everything we can to ensure they can demonstrate safely. I am concerned that anyone would try to undermine these relationships. I have a responsibility to the community, and to the men and women of this department - who are working long hours protecting and serving this community - to find out more about what was being considered by state leaders."
Noble Wray"


Well-Known Member
"Fallout continues following the release of the prank phone call involving Governor Walker. It concerns the moment where he discusses planting troublemakers in the crowd.

Walker said during the call “My only fear would be is if there was a ruckus caused is that would scare the public into thinking maybe the Governor's got to settle to…avoid all these problems.

Thursday, Madison's Police Chief Noble Wray wants answers from the governor. Wray sent out a statement Thursday which reads in part, "I find it very unsettling and troubling that anyone would consider creating safety risks for our citizens and law enforcement officers. Our department works hard dialoging with those who are exercising...their first amendment right, those from both sides of the issue, to make sure we are doing everything we can to ensure they can demonstrate safely. I am concerned that anyone would try to undermine these relationships."

Here is Madison Police Department’s statement in full:

"The men and the women of the Madison Police Department train for crowd situations where an agitator or provocateur may try to create safety risks for citizens and officers. During the demonstration around the Capitol Square no such situation has arisen. Crowd behavior has been exemplary, and thousands of Wisconsin citizens are to be commended for the peaceful ways in which they have expressed First Amendment rights."

Chief Noble Wray would like to add the following to our response: " I spent a good deal of time overnight thinking about Governor Walker's response, during his news conference yesterday, to the suggestion that his administration 'thought about' planting troublemakers among those who are peacefully protesting his bill. I would like to hear more of an explanation from Governor Walker as to what exactly was being considered, and to what degree it was discussed by his cabinet members. I find it very unsettling and troubling that anyone would consider creating safety risks for our citizens and law enforcement officers. Our department works hard dialoging with those who are exercising their First Amendment right, those from both sides of the issue, to make sure we are doing everything we can to ensure they can demonstrate safely. I am concerned that anyone would try to undermine these relationships. I have a responsibility to the community, and to the men and women of this department - who are working long hours protecting and serving this community - to find out more about what was being considered by state leaders."
Noble Wray"

Ok time to post so LIb heroes here like Van Jones who hoo