Is anyone following Wisconsin?


Strength through joy
China's holdings of US bonds reached $1.16 trillion at the end of December, almost $270 billion more than previously estimated, new data showed Monday.
Beijing, which has converted much of a huge trade surplus with the United States over the past two decades into buying up US treasuries and other securities, held 26.1 percent of the total of $4.44 trillion held by foreigners, the Treasury said.
The figures came as the US government recalculated its data on foreign holdings of US securities from June 2010.
Chinese-held Treasuries have fallen since hitting a high of $1.18 trillion in October, under the revised figures. Japan remained by far the second largest holder of US government debt, with $882 billion in December, around $1.3 billion less than original estimates.
Britain was third at $272.1 billion.


Well-Known Member

You need a class in comprehension. Your remark makes it so obvious you hear only what you want. He slammed both "sides" equally.

??????? HUBRAT,
That avitar you use reflects the age of your thought process ???? Do you know what planet you are on ??
I have praised the private union process
I have condemed the public union process
I have condemed the greed of wall street
I have condemed many entitlements that are bankrupting us.

I have a very open mind and agree with the dopey movie of slamming both.

You have one way vision --liberal-union--liberal -union-liberal talking points ---read your own posts.
Then you say people are not open minded--- you obviously do not have the mental capacity to understand what I am saying or you are just pulling my leg.
In any event I find you reflect a lack of education and knowledge of current events --go back to one time pick up ---I am not wasting any more time on you.:peaceful:


Well-Known Member
??????? HUBRAT,
That avitar you use reflects the age of your thought process ???? Do you know what planet you are on ??
I have praised the private union process
I have condemed the public union process
I have condemed the greed of wall street
I have condemed many entitlements that are bankrupting us.

I have a very open mind and agree with the dopey movie of slamming both.

You have one way vision --liberal-union--liberal -union-liberal talking points ---read your own posts.
Then you say people are not open minded--- you obviously do not have the mental capacity to understand what I am saying or you are just pulling my leg.
In any event I find you reflect a lack of education and knowledge of current events --go back to one time pick up ---I am not wasting any more time on you.:peaceful:

Once a rat always a rat...Some people just don't get it!! There are plenty of sheep on here..Baaaahhhhh.....:)


Well-Known Member
That's a distinction without a difference. The members are the union, and they elect their leadership.

If they are anything like my local a very small minority actually participates in the election of said union leadership, and when it comes to politics these people certainly don't represent my view or the views of the majority of my fellow co-workers. There is a difference between the people on the front lines doing the hard jobs like teaching, police work, etc., and their union bosses who are just interested in keeping the dues money flowing in so they can keep their cushy job padding the political warchests of their politician allies. Case in point when Scott Walker initially proposed the changes in healthcare and pension contributions the union leadership told him it wasn't going to happen. As soon as it became clear they were going to lose all that dues money they caved and have agreed to the economic concessions in order to save their own hides.

I don't know where you got all that. The Wisconsin teacher's union (WEAC) was founded in 1853. The American Federation of Teachers (an AFL-CIO affiliate)was founded in 1916. In both cases they were founded by their own members, not politicians looking for money. Regardless of why you think they unionized, any class of workers has a basic right to organize and bargain collectively for their labor.
Wisconsin state employees have only had the right to collectively bargain since 1959 so perhaps these organizations began as professional organizations who lobby the government just like everyone else has too. They need to be relegated back to having to rely on voluntary contributions to pursue their cause rather than use the Wisconsin State government as their collection agency to collect dues money that ultimately gets funneled back into the politicians pockets. Even FDR saw this and did not support unionized public workers, so if one of history's biggest union proponents didn't support this why should we now?

Union members can't (and don't) "elect their own bosses", the fact that Rick Walker is their elected boss should make that point obvious. The comparison to Scott Davis would only be valid if everyone else in the USA got to vote for the leader of UPS as well, in which case the worker's vote would just be one drop in a very large bucket, which is a lot closer to the reality of the public union member's vote in the Wisconsin election. And even then unions don't vote as a block, they vote as individuals just like everyone else.
This is why I have to salute Scott Walker for doing what is best for the future of his state because from here on out he is going to be the target of every public sector(and sadly private sector) union in this country. Millions of dollars from all 50 states will get funneled into his opponents campaign in an effort to shutup someone who is simply exposing public sector unions for the frauds that they are. Its just not the union vote, but the millions of dollars of union dues money which is funneled to primarily socialist democrats who push for more public sector unions who then help use taxpayer dollars to fund those same politician's campaigns. Its a racket and whether you want to admit or not that is the truth.

No, that wouldn't make it ok with me, but so what? As has already been pointed out numerous times, the unions have already stated their willingness to accept all the economic provisions in this bill. It's not the unions who are being unreasonable about this.
That is exactly what your saying. Borrow more money on the backs of our children and grandchildren so certain politicians today can help make their own jobs more secure. I just cannot agree with you with this on any level.


Staff member
Are they still soaking in the Illinois hot tub mailing in their demands, or have they come back to work?

(See? I didn't say "Fleebaggers"!)


golden ticket member
There'll be no direct deposit of their paychecks....I wonder if the cowards will send the spouses to pick up their checks?


Staff member
The baby boomers have and will come out to vote against major changes in Medicare that are presently in OBAMA-CARE.

To pay for Obama care or to claim it would reduce cost the "doctor fix" of reducing medicare payments to doctors by 25% is part of it-the so called 5oo billion of savings.

Many doctors have told me that with increased cost of liability insurance because of lack of tort reform when the medicare payments are reduced by 25% they will simply no longer see medicare patients.
Many union people support Obama care -not really too concerned with the cadilllac tax but better look ahead --at 65 you are out of your company-union coverage.
You are now part of Obama revised medicare--less doctors for many ,many more people.
The "Liberal" AARP sold out the retiring baby boomers by supporting Obama care ---WHY ? because it would be good for seniors --no --They are a big business that will soak you for very expensive "medigap" insurance --that will cost you as a senior --thousands in your retirement.

Union,union union !!! Be careful what you support. When you are a senior citizen your union will not be there to hold your hand.
Also SENIORITY --forget when you are over 65 and you need a kidney or liver transplant --guess what even if you are first on the list --seniority does not count ---now your age and all the years of hard work mean nothing --the liberals push for the "young " even if they have never worked .:sad-little:

But of course -you will be a teamster forever---forever young --will never be in that 65 yr old group !!
I stopped being a teamster in 1996. Been buying healthcare insurance for the last 11 years and it's not once has it gotten cheaper year to year. I already spend thousands on healthcare.


golden ticket member
You are right....the health care we buy goes up each year and not just a little !!! It's now 5x greater than the year we retired back in 2000.


Well-Known Member
I stopped being a teamster in 1996. Been buying healthcare insurance for the last 11 years and it's not once has it gotten cheaper year to year. I already spend thousands on healthcare.

I am not being a wise guy --I feel for you-many of my family and friends in your situation.
Presently covered by great UPS plan but in the future will be thrown into medicare.
I do not agree with people being "forced" to buy health insurance but until that option of Obama care kicks in --private insurance has no choice but to skyrocket costs. The government has mandated that "children" up to the age of 26 must be covered, pre-exiting conditions cannot prevent you from buying -etc,etc.
While those changes sound good --they cost MONEY-- the private insurance rates are going to continue to skyrocket. What may off-set some of that cost --will be the forced buying option --only if the penalty for not doing so is higher. When and if millions of people are forced to buy --the cost basis will go down ---although I still believe all the good changes in healthcare could take place and open up the entire health care industry to the free market.

A good analogy the delivery business --if Fedx could only operate in the east --Ups CENTRAL --AND DHL west --package rates would soar.. Because of the free market across state lines competition puts some restraint on costs !!


Staff member
Well let's not pretend that a free market even exists in this country.
Children are not mandated on their parents plan until age 26. Parent may opt to do so, but it is not mandated.
It is erroneous as well as insulting to suggest that the health care changes are causing insurance companies to raise premiums. As I stated earlier, they've been doing that for years. The sky-rocketing rates were going to happen anyway.
What good is it to have insurance if the company's going to drop the insured as soon as the insurance is needed. The only one who get's anything out of the provider/insurer relationship is the insurer.
Premiums are going to force companies to stop offering health insurance. In 30 years we will have single payer. Will I have to wait for for a kidney? Maybe. But why should Joe Blow die because he doesn't have a colonoscopy until the cancer is untreatable? Because I have the monetary resources and the insurance that he doesn't? Maybe that's what a free market is. You are free to enjoy the market if you have the resoures to do so. Or you could just die early.


Well-Known Member
Well let's not pretend that a free market even exists in this country.
Children are not mandated on their parents plan until age 26. Parent may opt to do so, but it is not mandated.
It is erroneous as well as insulting to suggest that the health care changes are causing insurance companies to raise premiums. As I stated earlier, they've been doing that for years. The sky-rocketing rates were going to happen anyway.
What good is it to have insurance if the company's going to drop the insured as soon as the insurance is needed. The only one who get's anything out of the provider/insurer relationship is the insurer.
Premiums are going to force companies to stop offering health insurance. In 30 years we will have single payer. Will I have to wait for for a kidney? Maybe. But why should Joe Blow die because he doesn't have a colonoscopy until the cancer is untreatable? Because I have the monetary resources and the insurance that he doesn't? Maybe that's what a free market is. You are free to enjoy the market if you have the resoures to do so. Or you could just die early.

Gee you have the resources --Joe blow does not ??? Could it be maybe you educated yourself,worked hard and took responsability for your decisions ???
The U.S. with all our faults is still the country that offers opportunity for all.
Sick and tired of watching the clowns laugh their way through elementary and high school --would not consider any type of additional training,bang out children they cannot afford, work a minimum nine to five and they expect THE GOVERNMENT to pay for his colonoscopy ?? Who the government --no he means YOU !!

We have developed a huge number of "takers" because of too many failed but continuing "entitlement" programs.
When Clinton Pulled back on the "welfare roles" liberals said it would be a disaster --what happened ?? More people got off the dole and worked.

If you want to see unemployment go down ---restrict the benefits .
Look at the classified ads in Major newspapers coast to coast --why are employers paying to advertise for workers when unemployment is at 10% ????


Squeaky Wheel
Another re-write of history but it is all fiction. Here are the real facts--it has been government INTERVENTION-with banks and the mortgages that was the root cause of the disaster.

WRONG. It has been the unrestrained GLUTONY of too many Americans.

Fannie mae was started a very long time ago --FDR --probably before you were born. Carter the COMMUNITY REINVESTMENT ACT ---Clinton --the repeal of Glass/steagle --Obama's Community organization ACORN -sued City bank for not having enough MINORITY mortgages.

Zero down payment RISKY GOV BACKED loans went like wildfire for over 20 years --all politicans even Bush wanted to shout about the great housing growth with more minorities than ever owning homes--{forget that many were unable to pay for them) . At this point --this all liberals can remember--because of the stupid liberal policy Wall street greed created the derivatives -we all know where we are today.
If Liberals would stop pushing these these dopey policies and PEOPLE took responsability for themselves --we may get out of this mess.
The housing bubble burst under Bush true --but the cause of the "housing bubble" were over 60 years of liberals pushing banks to make risky loans or the:sad-little: race card would be used against them. Keep yelling wallstreet--wallstreet--without the liberal push for minority house ownership it would have NEVER HAPPENED !!

Sadly , you have spoken of "closed minds" While I can easily see the greed oF Wall street( the so called right) -I also see the cause (liberal policies -so called left)
Can see and condemn both --you --"open minded " can only see what your left eyes will permit you --very sad:sad-little:

Yep, you see both sides alright...right up to the end of your elitist nose.


Staff member
Gee you have the resources --Joe blow does not ??? Could it be maybe you educated yourself,worked hard and took responsability for your decisions ???
The U.S. with all our faults is still the country that offers opportunity for all.
Sick and tired of watching the clowns laugh their way through elementary and high school --would not consider any type of additional training,bang out children they cannot afford, work a minimum nine to five and they expect THE GOVERNMENT to pay for his colonoscopy ?? Who the government --no he means YOU !!

We have developed a huge number of "takers" because of too many failed but continuing "entitlement" programs.
When Clinton Pulled back on the "welfare roles" liberals said it would be a disaster --what happened ?? More people got off the dole and worked.

If you want to see unemployment go down ---restrict the benefits .
Look at the classified ads in Major newspapers coast to coast --why are employers paying to advertise for workers when unemployment is at 10% ????

Really, Island? Really? In your world the d-bags and a-holes just deserve to die? If that's what the "free market" have to offer, you can have it.