Is anyone following Wisconsin?


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure I have no choice in the matter.....Medicare kicks in at 65. My private insurance won't cover me if I have another option available to me.
I've paid in to Medicare just like I paid into S.S. all my life.

I hope you know that in the Obama thousands of pages care plan was a 500 billion savings called "doc fix" to reduce Medicare payments to doctors by over 20%. As I have already stated you will have to buy"medigap" insurance from that great senior representative company AARP--who sold out the seniors for profit !! That insurance will be very expensive to you on a pension.
The dems have a problem --claim Obama care will lower cost with "doc fix" and forcing American"s to purchase health insurance --even the "joe blows"
If doc fix goes through --many ,many doctors will simply not see medicare patients ,sticking with business,unions,and private insurance.
Millions of more people so called covered --not enough medicare doctors to see them. A real problem for long term hard working baby boomers to be thrown into that mess !!!:sad-little:
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Well-Known Member
Really, Island? Really? In your world the d-bags and a-holes just deserve to die? If that's what the "free market" have to offer, you can have it.

Thats not how I would have Identified them ----but I would imagine you always call them as you see them!!!:wink2:

A black man from a broken home that was dragged to live in different countries,faced poverty and discrimation --EDUCATED himself and became the most powerful man in the world.

But the people you named only want to leech off the workers ???
Also if you check facts you will see that many more people on the right contribute much more than the left when it comes to charitable giving.

A safety net by the government along with the massive generous hearts of the American people are more than enough to support the people that truly need help.

The people you named --if they are truly as you named them --can leech from you.

I believe every Liberal on here should voluntarily agree to have THEIR taxes raised to support bbsm's named groups -----Not demand that "others" should have their taxes raised --when In most cases you have no idea how others have earned their money through sacrafice,hard word and many years of dedicated education.


Strength through joy
(Examiner)Senator Joe Kyrillos today called for the immediate termination of 17 paratransit workers who apparently left 174 would-be passengers waiting for buses that never came on the day of the two clashing rallies in Trenton.
The senator issued this press release at about 6:05 p.m. today, in response to reports like this one, describing the apparent coordinated sick-out by 17 workers for Monmouth County SCAT (Special Citizens’ Area Transportation). Apparently all 17 of them, including 14 bus drivers, called in sick that day without notice. 174 passengers waited for buses that never arrived, and SCAT supervisors had to scramble to transport some of them to urgent medical appointments, including dialysis sessions.
It is outrageous that 174 disabled and elderly clients who depend on SCAT were stranded by what appears to be a coordinated effort by employees to disrupt service without notice. The actions of these workers is completely unbecoming of any public servant, and should make every taxpayer in Monmouth County furious. CWA, the union representing these employees, needs to denounce their members for putting the well-being of these vulnerable individuals at risk, and the employees in question should be fired.
The APP report said initially that no one knew any reason for a labor action on their part. The Communications Workers of America, who represents the 17, has no pending contract negotiations or grievances. CWA officials were not available for comment.


golden ticket member
It's my understanding that with medicare I need to purchase (something) and my ins. broker says it will cost me @$200 a month and that will be like getting a huge raise considering what I pay out in private ins. costs. AARP is out of the question.....I'm told many ins. companies offer this additional coverage I'll need over & above the medicare for approx. the same amount....$200 a month.

I've checked for right now, my doctors all see medicare patients. I'm sure that could change.


Well-Known Member
It's my understanding that with medicare I need to purchase (something) and my ins. broker says it will cost me @$200 a month and that will be like getting a huge raise considering what I pay out in private ins. costs. AARP is out of the question.....I'm told many ins. companies offer this additional coverage I'll need over & above the medicare for approx. the same amount....$200 a month.

I've checked for right now, my doctors all see medicare patients. I'm sure that could change.

I agree !!!


Well-Known Member
Nice seeing these multi-millionaire union people on "the front line" Nice jeans !!
This has nothing about maintaining power and money flow !!


Strength through joy
( — This afternoon, a group of Wisconsin citizens joined by labor, community organizations and clergy announced a campaign to recall the eight state senators leading the charge to take away the rights and voices of working families in Wisconsin.
Let us know how you’re willing to support the recall efforts by filling out the form to the right. We’ll make sure an organizer gets your information so you have an opportunity to put your signature on a recall petition, canvass a neighborhood, make phone calls or contribute.
It will take at least 15,000 signatures in each district for a successful recall petition to be filed and there’s a way for everyone to get involved, so sign-up today.


Browncafe Steward
Totally impressed with your ability to shout in caps, dude! You are so misinformed by the worthless liberal websites you dig up it's truly pathetic! SO YOU CAN RELATE I'LL TYPE IN CAPS FOR YA. PUBLIC UNIONS ARE HISTORY JUST LIKE THE SOCIALIST PARTY YOU ASCRIBE TO! CHEERS!

This move has awoke a sleeping giant that sat home and didnt cast their voes in the last election. The Republicans have just lost all their momentum going forward.


Space Cadet
Did you miss the part where she said she had been paying into that system since it began?

Do you guys understand sarcasm? I was throwing darts at the T E A party, which constantly rants about the socialistic federal government? Many T E A party folks demonstrated with signs that said "Keep the government out of my Medicare!", which demonstrates their sad misunderstanding of the world.

I was NOT throwing darts at Moreluck!

You all do understand that Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid are targets for the GOP and T E A Party, right? And have been since their inception?


Squeaky Wheel
Did you miss the part where she said she had been paying into that system since it began?

I'm pretty sure I have no choice in the matter.....Medicare kicks in at 65. My private insurance won't cover me if I have another option available to me.
I've paid in to Medicare just like I paid into S.S. all my life.

Really? I thought you were a homemaker for a lot of years before your UPS division manager husband retired.


Well-Known Member