Is anyone following Wisconsin?


Man of Great Wisdom
Gee you have the resources --Joe blow does not ??? Could it be maybe you educated yourself,worked hard and took responsability for your decisions ???
The U.S. with all our faults is still the country that offers opportunity for all.
Sick and tired of watching the clowns laugh their way through elementary and high school --would not consider any type of additional training,bang out children they cannot afford, work a minimum nine to five and they expect THE GOVERNMENT to pay for his colonoscopy ?? Who the government --no he means YOU !!

We have developed a huge number of "takers" because of too many failed but continuing "entitlement" programs.
When Clinton Pulled back on the "welfare roles" liberals said it would be a disaster --what happened ?? More people got off the dole and worked.

If you want to see unemployment go down ---restrict the benefits .
Look at the classified ads in Major newspapers coast to coast --why are employers paying to advertise for workers when unemployment is at 10% ????

Not everyone has the ability to become a Surgeon or an Engineer. Joe Blow used to be able to get a job at a factory making good money with nice benefits with nothing more than a high school education. Now that job that used to pay $20 an hour was sent oversees and Joe Blow's only choice is to work retail for $8 an hour and no benefits. Many people work very hard and have nothing.


Staff member
Not everyone has the ability to become a Surgeon or an Engineer. Joe Blow used to be able to get a job at a factory making good money with nice benefits with nothing more than a high school education. Now that job that used to pay $20 an hour was sent oversees and Joe Blow's only choice is to work retail for $8 an hour and no benefits. Many people work very hard and have nothing.
Or he could just hurry up and die.


Man of Great Wisdom
Maybe Walker should go after Badgercare if he wants to save the state some money. Why should the tax payer subsidize an employee of a big company like Walmart.


Well-Known Member
Not everyone has the ability to become a Surgeon or an Engineer. Joe Blow used to be able to get a job at a factory making good money with nice benefits with nothing more than a high school education. Now that job that used to pay $20 an hour was sent oversees and Joe Blow's only choice is to work retail for $8 an hour and no benefits. Many people work very hard and have nothing.

Then joe blow needs to go to school and get an education or pick up a trade so that he can get out of that $8/hr. hell hole retail gig. Life isn't about getting things handed to you its about going after what you want. If all the effort Joe Blow wants to put into his life is whatever it takes to keep his $8/hr. job then thats all joe blow is going to get.


Well-Known Member
The Education system need's to be totally revamped, to go back again is a mistake, as Europe and Asia are putting our kid's behind them, we need to re do the Education system over, why do private school's spend less per pupil but get as good and sometimes better results? It;s just not about spending, but spending wisely which this country never has done. As far as industry the one of the reason's they left was high cost in production. They also get killed with cheaper imports. The Gas tax was for the infrastructure, what happened to that, they used it for something else, Do we really trust our Government with our money? SS is broke Medi care is broke Medi cair is broke, I surely don't!

Incredible, you complain about US public schools (actually you complain about anything public). Yet Europe and Asian PUBLIC schools are leading the way!


Well-Known Member
SS is broke Medi care is broke Medi cair is broke, I surely don't!

Wrong on social security. Without even fixing Social security, it is fine til 2039. After 2039, the govt can still pay 75% of what it owes out until 2100!! So in order to fix the problem, all you need to do is raise the cap on the amount of income which is taxable . Today it is about $100,000. So if I am making $100,000 /yr, all of my income is taxed at 6% while Bill Gates only gets taxed on his FIRST $100,000 at 6%!! So both of us pay $6000/yr towards Social security. If you raise that cap big time, the short fall goes away.


Well-Known Member
So you find it perfectly acceptable that public sector unions and politicians team up against you and I the taxpayer? Did you know that the biggest proponent of tax increases are public sector unions? These people are the enemy of the taxpayer and needs to be brought back down to earth on where they stand.

NOt, why would public sector unions want their own taxes to go up?? Unions and most working people would prefer taxes go up for the well off over cutting jobs and benefits, absolutely!! Stop calling them "the enemy". They are hard working people who pave our roads, teach our children, patrol our streets, put out our fires, pick up our garbage (and brother you are full of it), drive our kids to school, etc. You are nothing but an ideological fool. People's livelihoods and mortgages are at stake here and you want to blame the victims. Typical right wing reactionary blather. Get used to the fact that the moronic governor of Wisconsin has awakened the labor movement in this country. Moreover, last poll I saw showed we the people are 60% for keeping collective bargaining and only about 35% against (probably the same 35% who thought Bush was doing a great job when he left office)!


Well-Known Member
Hey moreluck, I found a recipe for ya:

The Republican Recipe for a National Policy

Right after you take office (however you got there), you give an enormous tax break from a government that is solvent back to the wealthiest people who do not need it. Then, after you refuse all security help from the previous administration, an unprecedented national attack occurs that horrifies the nation. You use this attack to justify an unnecessary invasion of Iraq which was not at all involved in the attack. This war bankrupts the nation. Then you undo some more of the laws that regulate Wall Street and the banking industry, allowing a financial meltdown that further bankrupts the nation. Then you blame the entire eight-year disaster on the next president who is from the other party while insisting that your own party is "fiscally responsible" and you insist on continuing all tax breaks for the wealthy.

Yes, sounds like you read "The Shock Doctrine" by Naomi Klein. Great book.


Well-Known Member
You are right....the health care we buy goes up each year and not just a little !!! It's now 5x greater than the year we retired back in 2000.

Yeah and that is with a privately run health care system. European countries spend several times less than us PER CAPITA! You want a great health care system, go to Germany.


Squeaky Wheel
Yeah and that is with a privately run health care system. European countries spend several times less than us PER CAPITA! You want a great health care system, go to Germany.

No kidding. My husband and I nursed my Berlin-born aunt for the last two years of her life. Her mom was in a free nursing home there and got better tx than Tanta Evchin got for 6000 a month here.


Space Cadet
Maybe Walker should go after Badgercare if he wants to save the state some money. Why should the tax payer subsidize an employee of a big company like Walmart.
Actually, now that his real budget is out on the table, he IS going after Badgercare....note that about 10,000 Walmart employees are on Badgercare in Wisconsin. So, the Wisconsin taxpayer is subsidizing Walmart.
More details revealed today: he is cutting at least $900 million from the state budget by reducing the money the state provides to all the education districts in the state. They can do anything they like to cover that, except raise taxes. That's verboten by the budget. So much for local control.
Also, he is removing the income caps for those who are able to use vouchers, and allowing any private school to be a voucher school. So the taxpayers will also be subsidizing rich folks who send their kids to private schools.
He is allowing unlimited charter schools, while removing any requirement that their students take any of the state-mandated achievment tests. And, teachers only need a bachelor's degree, not a teaching license.
So, again, accountability goes out the window for the privatized schools, while those onerous No Child Left Behind requirements remain for the public schools.
Hypocrites, hypocrites, hypocrites.
The real agenda just keeps on giving....thank goodness the Senate Democrats held out so that the details of this budget could be seen by all.
The Milwaukee Public School system is screwed up, but this won't fix it, it will simply destroy it. Other school systems in the state will suffer also.

There's more, but this is a true race to the bottom.


Space Cadet
I'm just hanging in there 'til Medicare kicks in .....1 year and 2 months.

That evil, socialistic single-payer health care system that pays out 97% of it's dollars on actual medical services? Most true-blue T.E.A. members would call that un-American.


golden ticket member
I'm pretty sure I have no choice in the matter.....Medicare kicks in at 65. My private insurance won't cover me if I have another option available to me.
I've paid in to Medicare just like I paid into S.S. all my life.
That evil, socialistic single-payer health care system that pays out 97% of it's dollars on actual medical services? Most true-blue T.E.A. members would call that un-American.
Did you miss the part where she said she had been paying into that system since it began?