Is anyone following Wisconsin?


Staff member
You are right in that they do pay taxes up front but they get all that they pay in back plus Earned Income Credit, which can be substantial.

This is why I support the Fair Tax.
Fair tax would be great for the very poor and the very rich. Everyone else would take it in the back end. Everybody pays taxes. Real estate tax, property tax, payroll tax, state and local sales tax, etc, etc. The only thing the poor get a break on is federal income tax, all the other taxes are paid by everyone and the poor actually end up paying a higher percentage of their income on flat rate taxes like a sales tax.


Well-Known Member
I was in a grocery store yesterday listening to the produce clerk bitch because "some people" have free healthcare. I was in a hurry, so I didn't correct him. My body pays a lot for my healthcare. The demonization has started to work. The UPS Driver use to be respected. Now, we get free healthcare. Good job, people. Way to stick together.

Divide and conquer!


Man of Great Wisdom
"It could cost as much as $7.5 million to repair damage protesters have done to the Capitol Building marble say officials in Madison. Fixing posters to the marble with tape and glue appears to have done the bulk of the damage.

During testimony Thursday, a representative from the Attorney General’s office said a contractor estimated it would cost $500,000 to remove all of the posters and garbage. He says it would cost $6 million to restore the marble inside of the Capitol building and another $1 million to touch up the marble outside of the building.

Officials with the Department of Administration say the marble must be restored immediately. They say normally, tape isn’t used on the walls of the Capitol by rule because of the historic nature of the building. Easels are normally used for signs."

Tea Party Trash...

There are buildings made of Marble still standing after thousands of years and some tape is going to ruin it? Ever hear of Goo-Gone? This is the problem with Govt. Pay 7 million for a job their own janitors could do and then lay people off. Idiots. You could pay 140 people for a year at $50,000 each for 7 million.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Interesting, neither Colorado nor Missouri allow state employees to bargain collectively. That's their existing state law. Both state governers are Democrats...


Well-Known Member
I must also say I don't understand this whole "hate the rich/corporation" thing you :censored2:s like to do as its those very same "evil" rich people and corporations that create the jobs we all have. I've never been employed by a poor person and my guess is none of you have either.

Most are "poor" examples of a human being. Dont hate rich folk. Just think they should pay their fair share. Corporations were created to serve the public as well as make a profit. When they do only one of those functions, it is up to each state to revoke that corporation's license.


Well-Known Member
Wow, maybe you should go and live in some of those third world and second world countries--many that you have named would not even exist if it were not for the military strength of the United States.
Also you keep hanging around with the flag burners, America haters,cop killers,low lives if thats what suits you .

LOL, I was waiting for that typical reactionary blather : "you should go and live there , blah blah blah". LOL! It took you long enough. Lets not forget, when WW2 ended, they chose social democracy over our system. Now I am a "flagburner, America hater, cop killer" because I critique how our economy works or doesnt work?? Like I said, typical blather.


Well-Known Member
You are right in that they do pay taxes up front but they get all that they pay in back plus Earned Income Credit, which can be substantial.

This is why I support the Fair Tax.

Some do get some $ back with EITC, while others dont qualify or are not aware that they qualify. On the " fair tax", just like the flat tax, it rewards the poor (those making under $15K/yr ) and the well off (those making over $200K). Those of us in the middle it is not that "fair" for.


Well-Known Member
[INDENTOfficials with the Department of Administration say the marble must be restored immediately. They say normally, tape isn’t used on the walls of the Capitol by rule because of the historic nature of the building. Easels are normally used for signs."

Tea Party Trash...

Tea Party= Trash


Well-Known Member
There are buildings made of Marble still standing after thousands of years and some tape is going to ruin it? Ever hear of Goo-Gone? This is the problem with Govt. Pay 7 million for a job their own janitors could do and then lay people off. Idiots. You could pay 140 people for a year at $50,000 each for 7 million.

I agree brownmonster, $7.5 million?? Hmm, it read "a contractor estimated" . Maybe the same contractors that over bill the government for everything from hammers to jet planes to feeding our troops. I like the Goo Gone line, LOL!


Bad Moon Risen'
Was in the capitol this morning. Most signs were put up with painters tape. Maybe $7million would be the estimate for Koch Bros Cleaning & Restorative Services. A good UNION maintenance contractor could do the job for a mere $2 thousand!


golden ticket member
Most are "poor" examples of a human being. Dont hate rich folk. Just think they should pay their fair share. Corporations were created to serve the public as well as make a profit. When they do only one of those functions, it is up to each state to revoke that corporation's license.

Maybe some think you should pay your fair share of your health the majority of Americans do.


Bad Moon Risen'
Walked the picket line when UPS tried to take over my pension. Can do the same if they screw with my benefits again!

However, if they want to increase my wages by $2/hour I will gladly pay $1.50/hour towards my health care. TOTAL compensation should not decrease when they are making billions in profit every year.


Well-Known Member
LOL, "those countries are not 'free' nor the people" LOL!

Dude again you speak from your AH, I have Aupairs that take care of my child I have had them from Germany, and Austria, the first thing the girl's notice is how free we are!!! they love it here so much they wish they could stay( I tell them to walk across the southern border and they could stay), If those countries where so GREAT why do these girl's want to stay here and they come form loving families to!


Well-Known Member
From one Christian to another: Jesus was quite clear on tas policy. "Give unto Cesar what is Cesars and give unto God what is God's." So if you want to justify yourself by Jesus, then do so. But don't tell Cesar how to spend what is his. And it is his. Make no mistake about that. (Sometimes it sucks to be a "Christian" nation, doesn't it?)

Jesus say nothing about Governments taking it away from you and giving it to somebody else!!! Like I said Jesus want's you to do it from your heart, take care of the poor, less fortunate, I heard it tonight at mass, stop being talker's and get out and do something for the poor for this is how you get into heaven.