Is anyone following Wisconsin?


Staff member
Question for all of you who defend the Dems fleeing their state:

How long is it ok for them to stay away? Can they never return, and this would still be considered "doing their job"?


golden ticket member
One of the Dems. just said he has checked into another hotel for the weekend, so that should answer the question of....are they coming home now??

I don't understand how any Democrat can be proud of this kind of shennanigans. One day is a ploy or a strategy....BUT going on over 2 weeks is dereliction of duty. When the Dems. were the majority, Republicans voted, lost the vote, accepted it, but didn't run away & hide. Can't you see what message this sends....especially to kids. It's OK to get phony excuses to miss school or other obligations. It's ok to turn tail & run instead of facing your problems. Stinks!!


Browncafe Steward
One of the Dems. just said he has checked into another hotel for the weekend, so that should answer the question of....are they coming home now??

I don't understand how any Democrat can be proud of this kind of shennanigans. One day is a ploy or a strategy....BUT going on over 2 weeks is dereliction of duty. When the Dems. were the majority, Republicans voted, lost the vote, accepted it, but didn't run away & hide. Can't you see what message this sends....especially to kids. It's OK to get phony excuses to miss school or other obligations. It's ok to turn tail & run instead of facing your problems. Stinks!!

What about anyone that supposts a republican :censored2: nut governor who has actually discussed using violonce on his own people? Get off your soap box lady!!!!!! The :censored2: your selling were not buying!


Well-Known Member
You seem to live in a very narrow world.
The dopey Billionaire YOU QUOTE -BUFFET-does not give himself an income. His cash flow comes from muni bonds,treauries,dividends,capital gains etc.
Some with no tax ,others at different rates.
Liberal Gates senior in Washington state made me laugh recently. While his son has given him millions of dollars-he does not have an "income"
He sided with the libs and wanted to put a state tax on income for hard working people in the State that would not apply to them.
Everyone wants someone elst to pay ?? I say no outrage toward BROWNMONSTER --how ever he pulls it off he pays LESS than 10% --way less than what I pay --Does He pay his share ???
Flat Tax for all !!!:wink2:

Wrong, I am willing to pay too. But people like Buffet and Gates have the means to pay more. It is a matter of fairness!


Well-Known Member
I see how up to speed you are --Obama in his recommended cuts got rid of the heating oil entitlement also it Obama is the Boss of all Federal Public Workers who have very limited Collective bargaining rights --alot less than Wisconsin --collective bargaining rights taken away by the great Democrat JIMMY CARTER !!!

Obama is trying to out republican the repubs. Not a smart move. Working people and poor people lose! Carter was good, but I wouldnt label him great!


Well-Known Member
Do not hear too many people staying away at 35% -even though that is alot of money ---it is so many liberal fools yelling "HIGHER--HIGHER--HIGHER--always on someone else --not them -
You never hear about what would be the limit !!! How much is FAIR to take ???? 40% --50% --60% 100% ??????

Brownmonster seems to think it is fair for him to pay less than 10 % He is making well over 100 grand --Fair ???
Always good for the "bogey man" rich --not me !!:dissapointed:

Was Ike a fool, he was ok with the top rate at 90%!! Nixon a fool for being ok with 70% top rates?? Bush sr raised taxes on the top folks from 28% to 31% was he a fool too??

I think the richest among us paying 40% would be good. Our economy had its longest expansion under 39.6 % in the Clinton yrs, lots of growth, no recessions, over 22 million jobs. Cant deny that bro!


Well-Known Member
1time pickup,
As the great Reverand AL has stated many ,many times: "NOT EQUAL OPPORTUNITY --I WANT EQUAL RESULTS " ??????

Then the Socialist cannot show us in History in any country where this has worked.
The unions are in real danger of linking with the socialist radicals --they know not what they are asking for !!!!

There are real sociaists in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Germany, France, England, Spain, Italy, Ireland, Scotland, Portugal, Poland, Czech, Belgiuim, etc . In those countries, real socialists are part of there governments. Social Democracy is the name of the game in Europe. I dont see these countries as failures. Why are you scared of the word socialism. Public schools, public libraries, public hospitals, post office, social security, medicare, vets care- these are all examples of socialism. And they all basically work and are popular. Get used to it!

Oh by the way, those "socialist radicals" started the labor movement. LOL! "in danger" LOL That is all the right brings to the table : FEAR!


Well-Known Member
Question for all of you who defend the Dems fleeing their state:

How long is it ok for them to stay away? Can they never return, and this would still be considered "doing their job"?

Yes, by standing up for those rights that the repubs want to take away. It is a galant fight. Sure the are not in the state but look what ******* kasich did in ohio. He had the votes and pushed a similar power grab of collective bargaining of his state's public unions. He even went after the cops and firemen!! There job is to keep Walker from completing his power play. By any means necessary. Repubs in Congress something similar the past 2 yrs!
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Well-Known Member
Was Ike a fool, he was ok with the top rate at 90%!! Nixon a fool for being ok with 70% top rates?? Bush sr raised taxes on the top folks from 28% to 31% was he a fool too??

I think the richest among us paying 40% would be good. Our economy had its longest expansion under 39.6 % in the Clinton yrs, lots of growth, no recessions, over 22 million jobs. Cant deny that bro!


Do you really believe the gov took 90 % ?? Deductions were triple what they are today.

Because people get educated ,work longer hours and many are alot smarter ---they should pay 40% .
You yell and screan about over 9.5 or start times etc etc and expect to pay what ? 15 to 20 % --Who do you think you are to say anyone should pay more than the next. Equal rights for all --equal tax bill for all.

Clinton ?? I am sure you have never heard about the dot com false economy that imploded the last Q Clinton-gore --get real !


Well-Known Member
Do you guys understand sarcasm? I was throwing darts at the T E A party, which constantly rants about the socialistic federal government? Many T E A party folks demonstrated with signs that said "Keep the government out of my Medicare!", which demonstrates their sad misunderstanding of the world.

I was NOT throwing darts at Moreluck!

You all do understand that Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid are targets for the GOP and T E A Party, right? And have been since their inception?


Think about this just a second. The republicans for 6 years owned the White House, the Senate, the Congress and 7 of the 9 justices on the Supreme Court were republican appointed. Now with such a stacked deck, I'm talking homefield and spotted 2 touchdowns before the kick off, if they ever really wanted to touch Social Security, Medicare or for that fact cut any service of gov't out, you'd think they would have done it during those 6 years. Yet instead, the size of gov't only increased, the debt zoomed up and our money and property values both headed south like ducks in winter.

Now because the GOP voters drink that Kool-Aid of "we'll limit gov't" like a bunch of thirsty vampires doesn't mean you should go smelling that mess and then telling the booboisie what the GOP wants them to hear!



Well-Known Member
LOL,to the reactionary right, everything that smacks at fairness is socialist. LOL, I guess than Jesus would qualify as a socialist !! Give me a break!

Making rich people pay more is Social Justice, the Fair Tax is a consumption Tax, hence fair, if you buy more stuff you will pay more Tax, that simple. Jesus did not say things would be fair! Jesus said there would be less fortunate people, or poor people, if you are a christian then in the Bible it says you are responsible for taking care of the poor, which I agree with, just not through the Government! I am a christian and I volunteer at a soup kitchen, this is how we are suppose to take care of the poor thru Action's. Socialist on the other hand argue about "Fair" or social justice, and take money form people making a lot and give it to people not. The prob is You want Government to make everything FAIR, which is Social Justice, Nowhere in the Bible does it mention Governments responsible for the Poor, but the Individual, I don't mind helping the poor, I do mind the government taking it from me in the name of social justice.


Well-Known Member
There are real sociaists in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Germany, France, England, Spain, Italy, Ireland, Scotland, Portugal, Poland, Czech, Belgiuim, etc . In those countries, real socialists are part of there governments. Social Democracy is the name of the game in Europe. I dont see these countries as failures. Why are you scared of the word socialism. Public schools, public libraries, public hospitals, post office, social security, medicare, vets care- these are all examples of socialism. And they all basically work and are popular. Get used to it!

Oh by the way, those "socialist radicals" started the labor movement. LOL! "in danger" LOL That is all the right brings to the table : FEAR!

Those Country's are not "Free" nor the people! That's why we don't like Socialism, The USA was founded under Natural Law, which is God's law. God meant Men and Woman to be free, not ruled by government.


Staff member
Making rich people pay more is Social Justice, the Fair Tax is a consumption Tax, hence fair, if you buy more stuff you will pay more Tax, that simple. Jesus did not say things would be fair! Jesus said there would be less fortunate people, or poor people, if you are a christian then in the Bible it says you are responsible for taking care of the poor, which I agree with, just not through the Government! I am a christian and I volunteer at a soup kitchen, this is how we are suppose to take care of the poor thru Action's. Socialist on the other hand argue about "Fair" or social justice, and take money form people making a lot and give it to people not. The prob is You want Government to make everything FAIR, which is Social Justice, Nowhere in the Bible does it mention Governments responsible for the Poor, but the Individual, I don't mind helping the poor, I do mind the government taking it from me in the name of social justice.

From one Christian to another: Jesus was quite clear on tas policy. "Give unto Cesar what is Cesars and give unto God what is God's." So if you want to justify yourself by Jesus, then do so. But don't tell Cesar how to spend what is his. And it is his. Make no mistake about that. (Sometimes it sucks to be a "Christian" nation, doesn't it?)