Is anyone following Wisconsin?


golden ticket member
OK, the cost to clean up the mess from those protesters....$7million !! Apparently the protestors didn't know about using blue painter's tape. All the signs and tape residue needs to be taken from the marble. How does making a $7million expense help your budget ?? All the protesters should be made to clean it up.


Well-Known Member

Do you really believe the gov took 90 % ?? Deductions were triple what they are today.

Because people get educated ,work longer hours and many are alot smarter ---they should pay 40% .
You yell and screan about over 9.5 or start times etc etc and expect to pay what ? 15 to 20 % --Who do you think you are to say anyone should pay more than the next. Equal rights for all --equal tax bill for all.

Clinton ?? I am sure you have never heard about the dot com false economy that imploded the last Q Clinton-gore --get real !

A quick summary of my personal tax summary for 2010 will show that deductions are not only for the wealthy:

Gross income 65,277
AGI 65,189
Taxable income 46,388
Federal tax 6,351

Effective tax rate: 9.7%


bella amicizia
I was in a grocery store yesterday listening to the produce clerk bitch because "some people" have free healthcare. I was in a hurry, so I didn't correct him. My body pays a lot for my healthcare. The demonization has started to work. The UPS Driver use to be respected. Now, we get free healthcare. Good job, people. Way to stick together.


Well-Known Member
Gallant ?? You have a warped sense of gallantry. Cowardice !! And you are paying them !!!

When it is your only recourse, you use it. They are allowing the people to push their state senators to change their minds on this power grab. By any means necessary!!


Staff member
Doing the right thing by denying these reactionary mtea party corporate- bought reTHUGlicans? Absolutely!!

Seeing that anytime they return they will still be outnumbered by the Republicans, do they simply stay in Illinois for the remainder of their terms?

Makes no sense to me.


Strength through joy
OK, the cost to clean up the mess from those protesters....$7million !! Apparently the protestors didn't know about using blue painter's tape. All the signs and tape residue needs to be taken from the marble. How does making a $7million expense help your budget ?? All the protesters should be made to clean it up.
Wisc should equally bill all the organized groups that called for demonstrations at the capital for the clean up costs. After all they encouraged the masses to show up, provided many with signs, and they have the money.


Well-Known Member

Do you really believe the gov took 90 % ?? Deductions were triple what they are today.

Because people get educated ,work longer hours and many are alot smarter ---they should pay 40% .
You yell and screan about over 9.5 or start times etc etc and expect to pay what ? 15 to 20 % --Who do you think you are to say anyone should pay more than the next. Equal rights for all --equal tax bill for all.

Clinton ?? I am sure you have never heard about the dot com false economy that imploded the last Q Clinton-gore --get real !

FDR implemented the 91% rate to help pay for WW2. Bush jr should have raised taxes to pay for his wars. Oh thats right, he cut them for the richest. Good move??

Who am I to say anyone should pay more?? We have had a progressive tax system since about 1909. During WW1 top tax rate was 77% to pay for the war . They were lowered to about 24% in the 1920s, but to help stimulate the economy during the great depression was raised to 63%. During WW2, FDR raised it to 91% to pay for the war and Eisenhower even raised it to 92% for two yrs to help lower the federal debt from WW2!

Are you getting it yet?? When this country has needed funds to pay for wars and stimulate the economy and pay off debts, we have asked the richest among us to pay more! It is about fairness!

On Clinton, it is par for the course. Reagan grew the economy by heavy government spending on the military (putting it all on the government's credit card that we are still paying off) and lets not forget the Savings and Loan scandal happened during his term. The dot coms also was a false idol but fact is taxes were raised during his term from 31% to 39.6 % and the economy still grew. I would make a joke about Clinton and the dot coms and something to do with dots on a cetain dress, but I digress!


Well-Known Member
FDR implemented the 91% rate to help pay for WW2. Bush jr should have raised taxes to pay for his wars. Oh thats right, he cut them for the richest. Good move??

Who am I to say anyone should pay more?? We have had a progressive tax system since about 1909. During WW1 top tax rate was 77% to pay for the war . They were lowered to about 24% in the 1920s, but to help stimulate the economy during the great depression was raised to 63%. During WW2, FDR raised it to 91% to pay for the war and Eisenhower even raised it to 92% for two yrs to help lower the federal debt from WW2!

Are you getting it yet?? When this country has needed funds to pay for wars and stimulate the economy and pay off debts, we have asked the richest among us to pay more! It is about fairness!

On Clinton, it is par for the course. Reagan grew the economy by heavy government spending on the military (putting it all on the government's credit card that we are still paying off) and lets not forget the Savings and Loan scandal happened during his term. The dot coms also was a false idol but fact is taxes were raised during his term from 31% to 39.6 % and the economy still grew. I would make a joke about Clinton and the dot coms and something to do with dots on a cetain dress, but I digress!

By cutting taxes GWB increased the amount of money circulating in the economy. This caused an increase in economic activity increasing the total tax revenue collected by the government. Lets not also ignore the fact that during GWB's tenure as President the rich actually shouldered a larger portion of the taxes payed to the government while the lower income payed less.


Well-Known Member
I must also say I don't understand this whole "hate the rich/corporation" thing you :censored2:s like to do as its those very same "evil" rich people and corporations that create the jobs we all have. I've never been employed by a poor person and my guess is none of you have either.


Well-Known Member
There are real sociaists in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Germany, France, England, Spain, Italy, Ireland, Scotland, Portugal, Poland, Czech, Belgiuim, etc . In those countries, real socialists are part of there governments. Social Democracy is the name of the game in Europe. I dont see these countries as failures. Why are you scared of the word socialism. Public schools, public libraries, public hospitals, post office, social security, medicare, vets care- these are all examples of socialism. And they all basically work and are popular. Get used to it!

Oh by the way, those "socialist radicals" started the labor movement. LOL! "in danger" LOL That is all the right brings to the table : FEAR!
Wow, maybe you should go and live in some of those third world and second world countries--many that you have named would not even exist if it were not for the military strength of the United States.
Also you keep hanging around with the flag burners, America haters,cop killers,low lives if thats what suits you .


Well-Known Member

What planet are you on ??
Fact --today ---poor pay zero -----upper pays 35% ???? What are you talking about ?

The poor do pay taxes! If you are single and making up to about $10k, your federal tax rate is 10%. If you are single making up to about $35k , your federal tax rate is 15%. This doesn't include state and local taxes as well as sales taxes and other fees we all pay like tolls. Granted you might call them working poor since they work, but they are nonetheless poor.


Well-Known Member
The poor do pay taxes! If you are single and making up to about $10k, your federal tax rate is 10%. If you are single making up to about $35k , your federal tax rate is 15%. This doesn't include state and local taxes as well as sales taxes and other fees we all pay like tolls. Granted you might call them working poor since they work, but they are nonetheless poor.

You are right in that they do pay taxes up front but they get all that they pay in back plus Earned Income Credit, which can be substantial.

This is why I support the Fair Tax.


golden ticket member
Obama is a gangsta!



Well-Known Member
Making rich people pay more is Social Justice, the Fair Tax is a consumption Tax, hence fair, if you buy more stuff you will pay more Tax, that simple. Jesus did not say things would be fair! Jesus said there would be less fortunate people, or poor people, if you are a christian then in the Bible it says you are responsible for taking care of the poor, which I agree with, just not through the Government! I am a christian and I volunteer at a soup kitchen, this is how we are suppose to take care of the poor thru Action's. Socialist on the other hand argue about "Fair" or social justice, and take money form people making a lot and give it to people not. The prob is You want Government to make everything FAIR, which is Social Justice, Nowhere in the Bible does it mention Governments responsible for the Poor, but the Individual, I don't mind helping the poor, I do mind the government taking it from me in the name of social justice.

I guess then that Jesus would not be for your "fair" tax either. Jesus also said to give up all your wealth becasue you cant take it to heaven. I guess Jesus was for the estate tax! Remember the Beatitudes?? Jesus spoke eloquently about "Blessed are.." He speaks several times about justice in that speech. Jesus would not be a reactionary repub if he was around today!


Well-Known Member
Those Country's are not "Free" nor the people! That's why we don't like Socialism, The USA was founded under Natural Law, which is God's law. God meant Men and Woman to be free, not ruled by government.

LOL, "those countries are not 'free' nor the people" LOL!


Well-Known Member
OK, the cost to clean up the mess from those protesters....$7million !! Apparently the protestors didn't know about using blue painter's tape. All the signs and tape residue needs to be taken from the marble. How does making a $7million expense help your budget ?? All the protesters should be made to clean it up.

Free speech isnt cheap. I doubt it actually cost $ 7 Million. How much did it cost us to pay for the emTea Party rallies??


golden ticket member
"It could cost as much as $7.5 million to repair damage protesters have done to the Capitol Building marble say officials in Madison. Fixing posters to the marble with tape and glue appears to have done the bulk of the damage.

During testimony Thursday, a representative from the Attorney General’s office said a contractor estimated it would cost $500,000 to remove all of the posters and garbage. He says it would cost $6 million to restore the marble inside of the Capitol building and another $1 million to touch up the marble outside of the building.

Officials with the Department of Administration say the marble must be restored immediately. They say normally, tape isn’t used on the walls of the Capitol by rule because of the historic nature of the building. Easels are normally used for signs."

Tea Party Trash...
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