Is anyone following Wisconsin?


Staff member
As most people are aware many of the enlightened Universities and Colleges claimed the Military discriminated against gays because of Clinton's Don't ask Don't tell.
Lets see what the next excuse --I meant reason will be .
Yes. And it was a battle worth having. Possibly helped lead to the soon to be repealed "Don't ask, don't tell."
Lose the battle but win the war.:happy-very:


Well-Known Member
Pardon me !!
Soon to be repealed ?? It was repealed and signed by Obama.
Only discussion is timeline to implement new law !!


Staff member
Hey Washington,
Maybe the news has not hit the left coast yet --rather than work on job creation --the Dems worked diligently to get this law repealed.
You can be gay and be in the military --HELLO !!!

LOL. And the newly elected House Republicans promising jobs, jobs, jobs. And what legislation have they put forth? Seriously. Which bills do they have to promote job growth?


Well-Known Member
LOL. And the newly elected House Republicans promising jobs, jobs, jobs. And what legislation have they put forth? Seriously. Which bills do they have to promote job growth?

Should not be hard to understand.
The economic policies of Bush that Obama claimed "drove the car into the ditch " have finally been extended for two years.
When Obama became President -the democrat controlled House and Senate could have immediately voted out the Bush tax cuts.
They did not -always threatened to and created uncertainty in the business community.
Now the entire four year Presidency of Obama will be under the Bush tax cuts --WA-LA --185,000 jobs in the private sector are created .
Great work Obama !!:happy-very:

What a joke --after the big signing ceremony of "executive order" to close Gitmo over two years ago and have civilian trials ---opps Gitmo to say open and Military trials resume -- Now I am confused --Is Bush still President --Or is it just a cheap Obama imitation ????


Well-Known Member
As long as the enforcement of the old is in and liberty denied, what difference does it make?

??????? As my American Idol Judge S.T. would say ---W.T.friend. ????

Enforcement ??? How about Implementation. How many GAYS have been denied their" Liberty " after DECEMBER 22,nd 2011 at 12:35 pM -- Big number -How about NONE !!!


Staff member
??????? As my American Idol Judge S.T. would say ---W.T.friend. ????

It means that the Civil Rights movements were still necessary even after the 14th, 15th, and 16th Amendments to the Constitution were ratified. It means a law on the books means nothing if not enforced.


Well-Known Member
It means that the Civil Rights movements were still necessary even after the 14th, 15th, and 16th Amendments to the Constitution were ratified. It means a law on the books means nothing if not enforced.

You must be referring to DOMA !!! Or even our National Laws on Border security and Immigration --very deep !!!


Well-Known Member
Republican's hate the poor as you state. That is why they formed Fannie mae and Freddie mac, the Community Reinvestment Act and deregulated the banks with the repeal of Glass/Steagel. They threatened banks with acorn,lawsuits and the race card for not having enough Minority loans. The Repuplican's forced the banks to make risky loans backed up the the full faith and credit of the U.S. with the great Republican MR. raines taking Millions from Fannie mae. The Great Republican's Chris Dodd, Chuck Schumer, Barnie Frank, Maxime Waters telling us that everything in the housing market was fine --if you spoke out of the "ballon" the race card was played.
Opps that was the DEMOCRATS.

Back to this thread--Now that the Republican Governors are stopping the corrupt system of buying the politician you can negotiate with and preventing the Working middle class from geeting hosed on property taxes--they are the evil people.
Even President Obama and the Great Jimmy Carter do not allow the federal workers to have extensive collective bargaining . Opps they are really Democrats !!
Confusing ???:happy-very:

island, Idon't think that most republicans hate the poor, I was mocking 1timepu for making such an inane statement.


Well-Known Member
How would you know how all liberals feel about the military?

Republicans HATE the poor!!!


Ok where you get your info from, Every Democrat President cut's military spending, that;s how I know!, Republican's Don;t hate the poor, the Democrats do, why do you think Detroit, NYC Boston, Philly, Atl, Miami, Chitown, Houston, LA, and others have blighted areas in their cities????? and it's been there for over 40 year's!!! It's because Democrat's run those cities and the policy's that they have have kept the poor down, no you tell me who hate's the poor! Martin Luther King was a Republican, Lincoln was a Republican, so who hates the Poor again???


Well-Known Member
Although I will say the inner cities are learning that the Democrat's have not been their friend, just Google it and c for yourself


Well-Known Member
So you mock the statement but accept it's factual accuracy. Very shallow!!!!

Again you disappoint me. Stick your ahead above the shallow water and tell me who, what, when and where anyone has said the new repeal of don't ask don't tell will be ignored. If our next elected President did not have Congress change or repeal the current law but just stated it would not be enforced -you would be correct.
In stark contrast the current President has ordered the current Attorney General not to enforce DOMA. The correct action by our current President would have been put the issue of DOMA in front of Congress.
Big difference there !!

While I am stating FACTS --you claim your OPINION as fact ?? Thats probably way over your level of understanding between fact and partisan fiction.
Originally your claim was that it was not law --now you claim it will not be enforced -based on what fact ??


Well-Known Member
You said they where smart not me, they cant be smart if they are teaching them socialist policy's, like banning the Army from campus .........nice

Now you are equating an economic system, socialism, to banning the army from campuses?? I dont see the connection.


Well-Known Member
So you're saying that spending more is the way to cut the Federal budget???

You guys speak as though "cutting the deficit" is the holy grail. If the repubs in Congress get their way and cut spending as much as they want to, economists like Mark Zandy (former bush and mccain guy) it will cost our economy over 1 million jobs !! They promised to focus on "jobs, jobs, jobs"! But their big focus is on abortion and denying gay people the right to marriage equality ! Nice!


Well-Known Member
Could it be "Dont ask Dont Tell"? Liberals HATE the Military!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I dont know if "liberals hate the military", but when they are in power they sure do love to use it: JFK, LBJ, Clinton, Obama. Ever hear of the term "liberal hawk"?? Look it up.


golden ticket member
It's your own pres whose thoughts turned to gay marriage when there were many pressing thing going budget, Libya, etc.


Well-Known Member
Should not be hard to understand.
The economic policies of Bush that Obama claimed "drove the car into the ditch " have finally been extended for two years.
When Obama became President -the democrat controlled House and Senate could have immediately voted out the Bush tax cuts.
They did not -always threatened to and created uncertainty in the business community.
Now the entire four year Presidency of Obama will be under the Bush tax cuts --WA-LA --185,000 jobs in the private sector are created .
Great work Obama !!:happy-very:

What a joke --after the big signing ceremony of "executive order" to close Gitmo over two years ago and have civilian trials ---opps Gitmo to say open and Military trials resume -- Now I am confused --Is Bush still President --Or is it just a cheap Obama imitation ????

Supply side economics drove the car into the ditch. Obama compromised with the greedy repubs ; they would get their tax cuts tax cuts tax cuts and Obama got a few things at the end of the last congress. "Uncetainty" in the business community?? I thought in a "free market", their is no such thing as certainty. "Creative destruction" , "let the market decide". So the free market business community needs bad ol big government to bail them out or give them a helping hand. What ever happened to that "invisible hand"?? These days it is more like "the finger" than a hand!


Staff member
Again you disappoint me. Stick your ahead above the shallow water and tell me who, what, when and where anyone has said the new repeal of don't ask don't tell will be ignored. If our next elected President did not have Congress change or repeal the current law but just stated it would not be enforced -you would be correct.
In stark contrast the current President has ordered the current Attorney General not to enforce DOMA. The correct action by our current President would have been put the issue of DOMA in front of Congress.
Big difference there !!

While I am stating FACTS --you claim your OPINION as fact ?? Thats probably way over your level of understanding between fact and partisan fiction.
Originally your claim was that it was not law --now you claim it will not be enforced -based on what fact ??

That would be historical fact. You yourself have stated as much. If DOMA is not enforced, what good is the law? If "No child left behind" is law but not funded, what good is it? If a country ignores UN resolutions, what good are they? If a country decides to go to the metric system and 40 years later we still measure in inches and miles, pounds and tons, what good was the decision? It has nothing to do with "partisan fiction" and everything to do with legal reality.