Is anyone following Wisconsin?


Squeaky Wheel

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Now how happy are you with your run awayDemocrats ??....had they been doing their job, maybe they could've prevented this from passing a few minutes ago.

I like this:

Before the sudden votes, Democratic Sens. Bob Jauch said if Republicans "chose to ram this bill through in this fashion, it will be to their political peril. They're changing the rules. They will inflame a very frustrated public."

Thats funny...The Messiah rammed Obamacare thru but i guess that was OK. The Republicans stayed even though they could do nothing...unlike the "Fleebaggers" who ran away from Wisconsin.


Squeaky Wheel
MADISON - Sen. Minority Leader Mark Miller released the following statement:
"In thirty minutes, 18 State Senators undid fifty years of civil rights in Wisconsin. Their disrespect for the people of Wisconsin and their rights is an outrage that will never be forgotten. Tonight, 18 Senate Republicans conspired to take government away from the people.We will join the people of Wisconsin in taking back their government."


Space Cadet
LOL, aint that a kick? If they had been doing their job instead of hiding in another state, they could have stopped it!

No, actually, they couldn't.

They originally left the state to deny a quorum, which is required by the state constitution. With a quorum, the bill passes on a straight party line vote. By denying the quorum, the Democrats held up the bill long enough for everyone to see exactly what was in it. This action by the State Senate GOP violated the open meeting rules, and is probably illegal.

Now that the GOP has demonstrated that it wasn't about the money after all, because they moved all the non-financial stuff into this new bill and passed it on a simple majority, there is no reason for the Dems to stay away. The GOP has demonstrated once and for all their true motivations. And they rammed it through because otherwise some of the Republicans who are up for recall might have voted against it. This way, nothing could stop it.

Remember all of this when the GOP comes after your union benefits next. And they will, be sure of it. UPS Teamsters are one of the few remaining bastions of a decent wage and benefit package. Since no one can blame the Teamsters for dragging down UPS as a company, like the UAW was demonized, they will simply continue this campaign of setting worker against worker to pull you all down.


Well-Known Member
BOISE, Idaho (AP) — A bill that would phase out tenure for new teachers and restrict collective bargaining on their salaries and benefits is on its way to the Idaho governor.
The GOP-backed measure cleared its final hurdle Tuesday in the state Legislature, where it passed the Idaho House on a 48-22 vote. Nine Republicans crossed party lines to oppose the bill.
The state’s teachers union, the Idaho Education Association, says it would gut teacher rights. It plans to protest Wednesday.
Supporters say the plan will give more power to Idaho’s locally elected school boards in labor relations issues. Opponents say it’s a slap in the face to teachers and a mean-spirited move to dismantle their union.

Sounds like lots of people will be angry the next time these reactionaries are up for re-election. People have to realize this is what happens when you elect repubs: they attack their political enemies, the teachers , the other civil service workers, in other words working people. But never their corporate masters, NEVER!


Well-Known Member
did you not read what I posted? The government does not create wealth, it can only move it from one sector to another. This will allow more money into the private sector where the real wealth creation takes place.

The government has a role in how wealth is created, under what circimstances and how it is distributed. It acts to accomplish things that individuals cannot all by themselves. Part of that role is to allocate in a fair way the tax burden. Government in the hands of the powerful, with their puppets the republicans in charge, can be awful for working people as we have seen lately: cut taxes for the corporations and the wealthy and attack working people. Government in the hands of people who believe government has a role in our lives to "form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings to ourselves and our posterity".