Is anyone following Wisconsin?


Well-Known Member
Ok where you get your info from, Every Democrat President cut's military spending, that;s how I know!, Republican's Don;t hate the poor, the Democrats do, why do you think Detroit, NYC Boston, Philly, Atl, Miami, Chitown, Houston, LA, and others have blighted areas in their cities????? and it's been there for over 40 year's!!! It's because Democrat's run those cities and the policy's that they have have kept the poor down, no you tell me who hate's the poor! Martin Luther King was a Republican, Lincoln was a Republican, so who hates the Poor again???

"Every Dem president"cuts military spending? Lets see: FDR increased it, Truman had korea and increased it, JFK spoke of the phony "missile gap' and increased it, LBJ bankrupted our country with Vietnam, Carter increased the military from 4.7% of GDP to 5.2%, Clinton and Bush sr both cut def. spending, while Obama has increased military spending in his first two years. Give me a break!


Well-Known Member
Supply side economics drove the car into the ditch. Obama compromised with the greedy repubs ; they would get their tax cuts tax cuts tax cuts and Obama got a few things at the end of the last congress. "Uncetainty" in the business community?? I thought in a "free market", their is no such thing as certainty. "Creative destruction" , "let the market decide". So the free market business community needs bad ol big government to bail them out or give them a helping hand. What ever happened to that "invisible hand"?? These days it is more like "the finger" than a hand!

I know this is not "rocket science" but if you are running a business you must make a "business plan" Not knowing what the federal budget will be,not knowing what the tax rates will be, not knowing if you will be granted an exemption from the high cost od OBAMA care --did cause uncertainty.
Supply side economics drove the car into the ditch:happy-very:Obama claimed it was the Bush tax cuts -please do not re-write recent history.
As soon as OBama saw the light and wants to be re-elected --the Bush tax cuts were extended and bam --185,000 private sector jobs. Sorry if you cannot understand simple cause and effect.
What Business needs is for the government to get out of the way and stop being the cause of financial disasters by pushing liberal welfare programs like forcing the banks to make risky loans --than blaming the banks -so that libs like you can justify their dopey actions.

Cut,cut cut ---Government has grown too big --we cannot afford gov jobs --they suck wealth out ---it is the PRIVATE sector that produces the wealth to pay for government jobs !!:dissapointed:


Well-Known Member
That would be historical fact. You yourself have stated as much. If DOMA is not enforced, what good is the law? If "No child left behind" is law but not funded, what good is it? If a country ignores UN resolutions, what good are they? If a country decides to go to the metric system and 40 years later we still measure in inches and miles, pounds and tons, what good was the decision? It has nothing to do with "partisan fiction" and everything to do with legal reality.

Please --still has NOTHING to do with the repeal of don't ask don't tell. All of the examples you mention are inaction.
Name for me a gay person who has been discharged or not accepted into the military since dec 22nd of last year.
Let me give you the number: ZERO !!


Staff member
Please --still has NOTHING to do with the repeal of don't ask don't tell. All of the examples you mention are inaction.
Name for me a gay person who has been discharged or not accepted into the military since dec 22nd of last year.
Let me give you the number: ZERO !!
Wait for it. It will surface. Whether by trumped up dismissal or refusal of advancement, it will show up. History proves it. You don't really think that since Dec. 22, 2010 is enough of a time segment to say, Llaws changed. Everythings fine now." Do you?


Well-Known Member
Wait for it. It will surface. Whether by trumped up dismissal or refusal of advancement, it will show up. History proves it. You don't really think that since Dec. 22, 2010 is enough of a time segment to say, Llaws changed. Everythings fine now." Do you?

You can wait for it --there are much bigger real fish to fry right now instead of waiting for some a-hole to violate the law.
This horse has been beaten enough ---some dope breaking the law --is alot different that a President out right saying he will ignore the law.
If you cannot see the difference --so be it.:peaceful:


Well-Known Member
Again you disappoint me. Stick your ahead above the shallow water and tell me who, what, when and where anyone has said the new repeal of don't ask don't tell will be ignored. If our next elected President did not have Congress change or repeal the current law but just stated it would not be enforced -you would be correct.
In stark contrast the current President has ordered the current Attorney General not to enforce DOMA. The correct action by our current President would have been put the issue of DOMA in front of Congress.
Big difference there !!

While I am stating FACTS --you claim your OPINION as fact ?? Thats probably way over your level of understanding between fact and partisan fiction.
Originally your claim was that it was not law --now you claim it will not be enforced -based on what fact ??

He told his AG not to defend an unconstitutional law that a reactionary congress stupidly passed. He finally did the right thing.


Well-Known Member
I know this is not "rocket science" but if you are running a business you must make a "business plan" Not knowing what the federal budget will be,not knowing what the tax rates will be, not knowing if you will be granted an exemption from the high cost od OBAMA care --did cause uncertainty.
Supply side economics drove the car into the ditch:happy-very:Obama claimed it was the Bush tax cuts -please do not re-write recent history.
As soon as OBama saw the light and wants to be re-elected --the Bush tax cuts were extended and bam --185,000 private sector jobs. Sorry if you cannot understand simple cause and effect.
What Business needs is for the government to get out of the way and stop being the cause of financial disasters by pushing liberal welfare programs like forcing the banks to make risky loans --than blaming the banks -so that libs like you can justify their dopey actions.

Cut,cut cut ---Government has grown too big --we cannot afford gov jobs --they suck wealth out ---it is the PRIVATE sector that produces the wealth to pay for government jobs !!:dissapointed:

Workers would like to know the future too. Like when the ax is going to fall on them. But business has to have a "plan" . Well, guess what, sh#t happens. Taxes go up, gas prices go up, tolls go up, deal with it. We all have to deal with those variables, so should big business.

The bush tax cuts are supplyside economics!! He compromised on the tax breaks for the wealthy because otherwise taxes on the rest of us would have gone up!!

Now you reactionaries want to take credit for jobs being created in feb which was good news . But right after passing the tax cut in Dec, there were only 36K jobs created. LOL!! SO much for those magical tax cuts. By the way this economy needs 300,000 per month over the next couple of years to even get us back to 6 %!!

So you want government to "get out of the way" ?? Hmmm sounds like what the Wall St schmucks have been asking for since the reagan days. "Government is the problem" blah blah blah. Problem was when government got out of the way, the corporations ran wild and hence the Great Recession.

You want to cut. Start with over $300 Billion every year in tax subsidies for corporations and the individual rich folks. Then cut about half of the military budget. End the tax cuts on the top 2 % . Control prices of pharmaceuticals and private health care insurance. Do that first andthen we will talk about the rest.


Well-Known Member
You guys speak as though "cutting the deficit" is the holy grail. If the repubs in Congress get their way and cut spending as much as they want to, economists like Mark Zandy (former bush and mccain guy) it will cost our economy over 1 million jobs !! They promised to focus on "jobs, jobs, jobs"! But their big focus is on abortion and denying gay people the right to marriage equality ! Nice!

did you not read what I posted? The government does not create wealth, it can only move it from one sector to another. This will allow more money into the private sector where the real wealth creation takes place.


Strength through joy
BOISE, Idaho (AP) — A bill that would phase out tenure for new teachers and restrict collective bargaining on their salaries and benefits is on its way to the Idaho governor.
The GOP-backed measure cleared its final hurdle Tuesday in the state Legislature, where it passed the Idaho House on a 48-22 vote. Nine Republicans crossed party lines to oppose the bill.
The state’s teachers union, the Idaho Education Association, says it would gut teacher rights. It plans to protest Wednesday.
Supporters say the plan will give more power to Idaho’s locally elected school boards in labor relations issues. Opponents say it’s a slap in the face to teachers and a mean-spirited move to dismantle their union.


Well-Known Member
Workers would like to know the future too. Like when the ax is going to fall on them. But business has to have a "plan" . Well, guess what, sh#t happens. Taxes go up, gas prices go up, tolls go up, deal with it. We all have to deal with those variables, so should big business.

The bush tax cuts are supplyside economics!! He compromised on the tax breaks for the wealthy because otherwise taxes on the rest of us would have gone up!!

Now you reactionaries want to take credit for jobs being created in feb which was good news . But right after passing the tax cut in Dec, there were only 36K jobs created. LOL!! SO much for those magical tax cuts. By the way this economy needs 300,000 per month over the next couple of years to even get us back to 6 %!!

So you want government to "get out of the way" ?? Hmmm sounds like what the Wall St schmucks have been asking for since the reagan days. "Government is the problem" blah blah blah. Problem was when government got out of the way, the corporations ran wild and hence the Great Recession.

You want to cut. Start with over $300 Billion every year in tax subsidies for corporations and the individual rich folks. Then cut about half of the military budget. End the tax cuts on the top 2 % . Control prices of pharmaceuticals and private health care insurance. Do that first andthen we will talk about the rest.

Typical liberal talking points. The very least you could have done was thank BUSH for you tax cut.


Staff member
Again you are behind the curve--you like I received our tax cuts from President Bush. My Bush tax cut was extended by Obama

I believe Obama had a middle class tax cut also. In payroll deductions. In fact I'm almost positive of it. You may end up looking silly on this one.:wink2:


Squeaky Wheel
Obama is a gangsta!


Doubtful. He ain't holdin' his hand quite right.


Squeaky Wheel
Never heard of College Educated dummies ?? I've got a couple of relatives who fit the bill perfectly. ......... All the education money can buy and no common sense. I'll take street smarts and common sense anyday over 'book learnin'.

Oft said by those with neither.

I'll take both.