Is anyone following Wisconsin?


Strength through joy


Well-Known Member
8 years of Bush. 8 years of adding to the debt. Why should the amount matter?

It wasn't right under Bush, and under Obama the debt problem is much worse. In feb. Our government posted a single month deficit that was larger than the entire deficit of 2007. Its scary just how fast this debt has risen under Obama.

Once again, Obama ran on Health Care Reform. The entire legislative process was stretched out over 9 months before that vote. Nothing was rushed or shoved down anyones throat. It was debated and debated, but instead of offering alternatives, the rt wing repubs only cried "socialism". The Dems watered down their original plan to get conservative dems and moderate repubs to agree with it. Stop with the history re-write!

The Senate held a vote on Christmas eve while nobody was paying attention. Thats ramming it down our throats.


Squeaky Wheel
As taxpayers most people should be cheering that now those teachers will have to contribute some of their wages towards their benefit packages just like normal working people do.

The workers were willing to make those concessions three weeks ago. I'm not all for anyone striking, but now they can't even bargain things like class size.

gee whiz, y'all talk like everyone of them teachers is going be fired

RI just let 2000 teachers go. Detroit is talking about closing 70 school, increasing average class sizes to 60.

The teachers are concerned about students' welfare as well as their own.
Not everyone is as self-absorbed as most of the far right, you know.


It wasn't right under Bush, and under Obama the debt problem is much worse. In feb. Our government posted a single month deficit that was larger than the entire deficit of 2007. Its scary just how fast this debt has risen under Obama.

You are running a circular argument. If that 8 yrs of debt was not accumulated "right under Bush", then the debt rising under Obama wasn't "right under him" either. It is what it is, I'm not arguing for or against anything, just seeing the irony there.


The workers were willing to make those concessions three weeks ago. I'm not all for anyone striking, but now they can't even bargain things like class size.

RI just let 2000 teachers go. Detroit is talking about closing 70 school, increasing average class sizes to 60.

The teachers are concerned about students' welfare as well as their own.
Not everyone is as self-absorbed as most of the far right, you know.

That RI school system was a wake-up call and it was a long time coming. The poor scores in those schools, esp the inner city like PVD/CF/Warwick did not even register on the charts. ;)


Man of Great Wisdom
priceless !!!

If I said that was a UPS manager you would be up in arms. Easy to stereotype someone else huh? Why are we all picking on Teachers. Fireman sleep half their day away, Police hang out in the donut shop, County Workers lean on shovels, City Adminstrators look at porn on the internet, etc. Enough with the Democrats vs Rebublican. They are all useless and NONE of them actually work by the people, for the people. They all piss away the taxpayers money. Cutting salary is the easy target.


Strength through joy
only the teachers were effected by this change in the law in WI.

and the messiah, thru his mouth piece was upset, yet no one sees him giving all those federal workers a union.


Well-Known Member
:sad-little:All of this fighting is going to seem very petty when the s--- hits the fan.
Do not be in denial. The Trillions in debt is a threat to our very survival.
Our politicians have gotten us into this mess -they do not know how to get us out of it through huge entitlement cuts along with high tax increases for all.
The U.S. dollar has been the world's currency for over 50years.
China , Russia, Japan , Opec and the world bank have had a meeting without the U.S.
not reported in U.S. news --research Europe.
Those coutries because of our debt want to replace the dollar.
Look at what happened to the UK when they lost "superpower status" and were in severe debt after ww2.
The sterling was replaced by the dollar . Inflation devastated the UK.

Go to the grocery store a loaf of bread is now close to five dollars --after the dollar is replaced it will be 25 dollars.

If Liberals, Conservatives, Democrats, Republicans, Management, Unions just keep fighting and going down this road -----????

The American People should demand that the debt that challenges not just future generations ---is a clear and present danger today.

If the states declare bankrupcy ---as the Federal Government is now considering giving them the legal right to do -----ALL PENSIONS will just disappear.
What will it take for some people to stop the PARTISAN bull ----

I apologize for the language, the length of the post but certainly not for the message.:sick:


Well-Known Member
Done deal, In the word's of the great Barack Husain Obama "We have election's and we won" The reason for against public union's, when we negotiate with UPS i have skin in the game, when 2 government (teacher's and State assembly) negotiate neither has skin in the game, the only people who have skin in the game are the taxpayer's BUT THEY HAVE NO SAY! THAT'S WHY ELECTION'S MATTER!!!!!!!!Coming to a state near you!


Well-Known Member
How much do YOU contribute to you benifit package? Last I checked we contribute nothing. But come next contract I will bet you you will be paying something. And once that door is open we are all in trouble. Lucky for me I will be retired.

Whether u know it or not we do contribute to our pension and health care, UPS count's it as out total compensation, so when negotiating is decided how much is going to benis and HC and pension, If we chose less to got pension we get less of a pension, or if we chose less pay to put more in pension, like some locals did the you get a bigger pension, so we all contribute to our benefit package!


Well-Known Member
I can not believe how many union members we have Cheer leading for people that would cut your throat. What are you gonna do when UPS gets rid of your union? Do you think you will have insurance, 6 weeks vacation and 30 dollars per hour when that day comes. We had better wake up. UPS sees you as a liability not an asset. And the same goes for supervisors that think they are untouchable. UPS only cares about MONEY.

See there is a difference between public union's and Private, Public union's don't represent my interest,(taxes), my private one does, Public union's cost me money, and I have no say, My private union cast me money to(dues) and I have no say, oops wait there are similarities:happy2:


Well-Known Member
You are SOOOOOO right!!! Any union member who thinks that the Teamsters Union is immune to this class warfare is in for a rude shock when the next contract comes due. UPS Teamster jobs are among the few left that pay a good wage and good benefits. That won't last. The plutocracy needs to destroy any possible opposition to their money grab, and the only organized group left to counter their purchasing of elections is organized labor. Since most Americans have had their jobs beaten down to substandard wages and few if any benefits, those who still have good jobs and benefits will be targeted. That's UPS Teamster employees, folks. But go ahead, keep drinking the Koch Kool-Aid and snipe at your fellow workers, while the Wall Street Fat Cats take home record paychecks and profits.

Those evil wall st fat cats' lmao


Well-Known Member
No, actually, they couldn't.

They originally left the state to deny a quorum, which is required by the state constitution. With a quorum, the bill passes on a straight party line vote. By denying the quorum, the Democrats held up the bill long enough for everyone to see exactly what was in it. This action by the State Senate GOP violated the open meeting rules, and is probably illegal.

Now that the GOP has demonstrated that it wasn't about the money after all, because they moved all the non-financial stuff into this new bill and passed it on a simple majority, there is no reason for the Dems to stay away. The GOP has demonstrated once and for all their true motivations. And they rammed it through because otherwise some of the Republicans who are up for recall might have voted against it. This way, nothing could stop it.

Remember all of this when the GOP comes after your union benefits next. And they will, be sure of it. UPS Teamsters are one of the few remaining bastions of a decent wage and benefit package. Since no one can blame the Teamsters for dragging down UPS as a company, like the UAW was demonized, they will simply continue this campaign of setting worker against worker to pull you all down.

Here we go again prove the GOP is coming after private union's !!!!!!!!!!!!!! PROVE IT or your just LYING!


Well-Known Member
If Obama had his way only the tax cuts for the middle class would have been extended, but he compromised . By the way I havent seen a penny of that tax cut yet.

Ask you accountant how much more you would pay if the Bush Tax cut's had expire, Ill give you a hint........your taxes would go up