Is anyone following Wisconsin?


golden ticket member


Well-Known Member
So I ask you again, Island. Did you thank Obama for your tax break?:happy-very: Who's not up on their tax policy now?:wink2:

Please let me know what drugs you are on.
The magic hidden tax cut from a guy that did not even know his taxes were cut by five percent YEARS ago .:happy-very:

The stimulous if you recall was for "shovel ready projects" Obama's words not mine.
The stimulous money was in fact used by sending money to states to keep teachers, police and firemen working--
remember SAVED or created---who would be against that ??

Any idiot would see that it was only a "band aid"-When Obama discovered there were no shovel ready projects (his Words) the money has run out with no private sector jobs created --that pay for the public sector --not rocket science.

The U.S.-- after Japan reduced Corporate tax by 15% now has the HIGHEST corporate tax in the world.

Why has manufacturing,computer phone centers etc --left the U.S --because of the highest Corporate taxes !!!

If we told every UPSer that they could get a three to four dollar raise if UPS did not have to pay over two billion in Corporate tax --we would hear a different story.

Any Company--Manufacturing, service , etc that can produce HIGH paying Jobs for AMERICANS should pay NO corporate tax.
The government would would greatly benefit because of low unemployment -less people on the "dole" and the additional jobs created would pay a fair income tax.

Driving wealth and Corporations out of this country can only be supported by very uneducated people or true Kool aid drinkers.

Government does not produce jobs or wealth
Unions do not create jobs or wealth

CORPORATIONS create jobs and wealth and will do so in any country that has a business growth policy in place--too hard to comprehend ???


Staff member
So you are saying that there was no pay-roll tax cut because it was in a stimulus package that you did not support? Wow. That's a stretch even for an Obama hater. I know differently, however, because I handle pay-roll every week.


Man of Great Wisdom
One thing for sure the kids cannot possibly learn LESS than they do know !!

You are wrong my friend. I have 2 High School Seniors in my house. Some if the stuff they bring home floors me. You can't blame the teachers if a kid sits in class all day with his hood over his head. That's the parents problem. We have great schools in my district and mostly dedicated teachers. If you think our kids don't learn anything, let's see how much they learn when teachers earn $20,000 instead of $70,000. Cut 7 grand a year out of my pay and take away my bargaining rights and see how many stops per hour you get in return.


Well-Known Member
You are SOOOOOO right!!! Any union member who thinks that the Teamsters Union is immune to this class warfare is in for a rude shock when the next contract comes due. UPS Teamster jobs are among the few left that pay a good wage and good benefits. That won't last. The plutocracy needs to destroy any possible opposition to their money grab, and the only organized group left to counter their purchasing of elections is organized labor. Since most Americans have had their jobs beaten down to substandard wages and few if any benefits, those who still have good jobs and benefits will be targeted. That's UPS Teamster employees, folks. But go ahead, keep drinking the Koch Kool-Aid and snipe at your fellow workers, while the Wall Street Fat Cats take home record paychecks and profits.

If you think there is any similarities between public and private unions you are the fool. Good riddance to them!


Well-Known Member
So you are saying that there was no pay-roll tax cut because it was in a stimulus package that you did not support? Wow. That's a stretch even for an Obama hater. I know differently, however, because I handle pay-roll every week.

Oh my goodness you must have reduced your payroll tax by approx 55 cents a day to get to your boasting of less than 400 dollars per year per individual tax cut
Big difference ---5% total reduction on your entire year to a four hundred dollar talking point .:happy-very:


Staff member
Oh my goodness you must have reduced your payroll tax by approx 55 cents a day to get to your boasting of less than 400 dollars per year per individual tax cut
Big difference ---5% total reduction on your entire year to a four hundred dollar talking point .:happy-very:

Oh. So now you are admitting to the tax cut. Very big of you. Seemed like a big deal way back when Bush did it. In fact, I think he sent special notices in the mail letting everyone know that they would be getting a Silly.:happy-very: And although $400 may not be alot to you and me, it can mean a heating bill for somebody.

P.S. Ready to thank Obama yet?


Well-Known Member
Oh. So now you are admitting to the tax cut. Very big of you. Seemed like a big deal way back when Bush did it. In fact, I think he sent special notices in the mail letting everyone know that they would be getting a Silly.:happy-very: And although $400 may not be alot to you and me, it can mean a heating bill for somebody.

P.S. Ready to thank Obama yet?

Thank Obama for what? Putting us on a path of unbridled spending through debt? No thank you, and I hope he doesn't expect a thank you from my children and grand children, and great great great grand children either as all of them will be working themselves to death trying to pay off this debt.


Staff member
For the tax cut Obama. The one Island is finally coming to admit exists. Or are we now against tax cuts since Obama's in the Whitehouse and austerity is suddenly all the rage?


Man of Great Wisdom
Thank Obama for what? Putting us on a path of unbridled spending through debt? No thank you, and I hope he doesn't expect a thank you from my children and grand children, and great great great grand children either as all of them will be working themselves to death trying to pay off this debt.

8 years of Bush. 8 years of adding to the debt. Why should the amount matter?


Man of Great Wisdom
No one is suppose to be in the State Capitol, but like the roaches from the cracks, up pops Jesse Jackson.....says he's going to escalate the demonstrations. Any more dynamic and they'd be violent. I think old Jesse would like to see some violence. Who knew he was a 'CHEESEHEAD'.

I hope they find out who is making the death bet is on union thugs!! Regular every day people are afraid their e-mail can be traced.

I hope Walker doesn't need beefed up security on the tax payers dime. The state can't afford it. Remember, it's all about the budget.


Well-Known Member
As Nancy said, "We have to pass the bill before we know what's in it." People did not have time to read the final draft of over 2000 pages....the final was not available to the public via the internet for 72 hours like he promised. It is littered with secret :censored2: that we are just now exposing.......double accounting ring a bell?
However, the Republicans didn't run to Canada , they stood their ground, didn't have the # of votes to defeat it, and so it passed.....rammed down American's throats, but we're not swallowin" !!!

Once again, Obama ran on Health Care Reform. The entire legislative process was stretched out over 9 months before that vote. Nothing was rushed or shoved down anyones throat. It was debated and debated, but instead of offering alternatives, the rt wing repubs only cried "socialism". The Dems watered down their original plan to get conservative dems and moderate repubs to agree with it. Stop with the history re-write!


Well-Known Member
No one is suppose to be in the State Capitol, but like the roaches from the cracks, up pops Jesse Jackson.....says he's going to escalate the demonstrations. Any more dynamic and they'd be violent. I think old Jesse would like to see some violence. Who knew he was a 'CHEESEHEAD'.

I hope they find out who is making the death bet is on union thugs!! Regular every day people are afraid their e-mail can be traced.

"Old Jesse would like to see some violence"?? Are so serious?? He was at the end of a lot of violence in the 1960s. He knows about violence. He is no supporter of violence. You reactionaries repeat the same moronic lines as though they are coming out of Beckrushannitty. On the death threats, i wouldnt be suprised if it was a rt wing sabateur writing that crap. As for "union thugs", the only thugs are the anti-democratic repubs. Trying to push the removal of collective bargaining rights away from union members. The modern repub party wants to take us back, not to the 1950s or even to before The New Deal. They want to take us back to the Guilded Age of the 1880s, when corporations ran wild and there were no unions! The fight back goes national on SATURDAY IN MADISON!!


Well-Known Member
Please let me know what drugs you are on.
The magic hidden tax cut from a guy that did not even know his taxes were cut by five percent YEARS ago .:happy-very:

The stimulous if you recall was for "shovel ready projects" Obama's words not mine.
The stimulous money was in fact used by sending money to states to keep teachers, police and firemen working--
remember SAVED or created---who would be against that ??

Any idiot would see that it was only a "band aid"-When Obama discovered there were no shovel ready projects (his Words) the money has run out with no private sector jobs created --that pay for the public sector --not rocket science.

The U.S.-- after Japan reduced Corporate tax by 15% now has the HIGHEST corporate tax in the world.

Why has manufacturing,computer phone centers etc --left the U.S --because of the highest Corporate taxes !!!

If we told every UPSer that they could get a three to four dollar raise if UPS did not have to pay over two billion in Corporate tax --we would hear a different story.

Any Company--Manufacturing, service , etc that can produce HIGH paying Jobs for AMERICANS should pay NO corporate tax.
The government would would greatly benefit because of low unemployment -less people on the "dole" and the additional jobs created would pay a fair income tax.

Driving wealth and Corporations out of this country can only be supported by very uneducated people or true Kool aid drinkers.

Government does not produce jobs or wealth
Unions do not create jobs or wealth

CORPORATIONS create jobs and wealth and will do so in any country that has a business growth policy in place--too hard to comprehend ???

The stimulus consisted of three parts: money to the states to stave off cuts to state jobs (teachers, cops), money for projects such as road construction (private contractors), and money for payroll reduction tax cuts. It saved or created over 4 million jobs. Was it a band aid, yes. It should have been twice the size it was ; our economy shrunk over those two yrs by about $2 trillion . The stimulus should have been $2 trillion, but was cut back to pass.

On our "high" corporate taxes. LOL The effective tax rate (what they really pay) after exemptions, deferrels, tax credits, and other breaks is about 25% not the 40% we hear about. When all these perks are thrown in our corporations pay about the same if not less than most of the industrial nations.

Manufacturing didnt "leave" this country. Greedy, unpatriotic corporate pondscum made the choice to send their factories overseas to increase profit and push those hard working people into working for the Walmart of the world.

Union workers not only create the wealth in this country, they built this country in the middle class society we have (though might be losing)today. Government can create wealth by having an industrial policy that rewards the workers and not just the investors. Government in the right hands can be a positive for working people. Government in the hands of the rich and powerful will only work to reward themselves. Unfortunately we are seeing that today.


Well-Known Member
Thank Obama for what? Putting us on a path of unbridled spending through debt? No thank you, and I hope he doesn't expect a thank you from my children and grand children, and great great great grand children either as all of them will be working themselves to death trying to pay off this debt.

Tell me what is a president to do when the economy is going over a cliff. The heralded "private sector" was not producing jobs; it was dead in the water. it is the responsibility of our government at ever level to prime the pump, to stimulate the economy. FDR did it by directly creating government jobs (the WPA, CCC, etc). Obama chose to stimulate the economy by keeping $800 Billion in the economy. That $800 Billion was spent by the government and paid to workers private and public to use to buy goods and sevices. it helped from making our economy go into a depression. It was needed andf they came to our rescue. That is what government should do, not be in our bedrooms telling us who to marry or sleep with etc.


Well-Known Member
Maybe you'd like to explain why Michael Moore doesn't use union crews for his films.....also with the toned down rhetoric called for by the annointed one, why did M.M. say "this is war!" ?

Walker just continued the war that Reagan started 30 years ago. We are only now beginning to fight back.