Is anyone following Wisconsin?


Well-Known Member
Now you are equating an economic system, socialism, to banning the army from campuses?? I dont see the connection.

where u get that???? Harvard is a socialist propaganda machine education system, Liberals hate the military. Send you kid's to Hillsdale College!


Well-Known Member
Funny that the name of SOROS poped up. I guess he was never involved with any countries currency collapse !!
Stay tuned ---when the dollar collapses people like him make an economic killing .


Squeaky Wheel
In re:

where u get that???? Harvard is a socialist propaganda machine education system, Liberals hate the military. Send you kid's to Hillsdale College!

"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." - George Carlin


Well-Known Member
meanwhile Obama is now begging the corporate masters for job creation after spending two years attacking them.

Attacking corporations?? His administration is chock-ful of former corporate schmucks and Wall St bankers: Geintner, Summers, Daley, etc. His 2008 campaign was funded by the same corporate bandits that funds the repub party. How do they repay Obama, they sit on $2 trillion in cash and allow the unemployment rate to hover around 10% until the midterm elections .


Squeaky Wheel
New GOP seal for 2012 elections:



Well-Known Member
It wasn't right under Bush, and under Obama the debt problem is much worse. In feb. Our government posted a single month deficit that was larger than the entire deficit of 2007. Its scary just how fast this debt has risen under Obama.

The Senate held a vote on Christmas eve while nobody was paying attention. Thats ramming it down our throats.

You continue to blame Obama for the debt. When the country is in a recession and less people are working, that means less people are paying taxes plus more unemployment insurance gets doled out = higher deficits. Get it yet??

On the Christmas eve vote, that came after months of debating the legislation, first in committees, then on the floor of each house. They even passed on the opportunity to use reconciliation to bypass the filibuster by the repubs . March 5, 2009, Obama launches health care reform. Nov 7, 2009, the House passes their version of health care reform. On Dec 24, 2009, the Senate passes its version of the bill 60-39. On March 22, 2010, the House passed the more moderate Senate version without the public option and the president signed in into law. Yeah, they really rammed it through overnight!! LOL


Well-Known Member
That RI school system was a wake-up call and it was a long time coming. The poor scores in those schools, esp the inner city like PVD/CF/Warwick did not even register on the charts. ;)

So they cut 2000 teachers. Great strategy, hurt the students even more by cutting more teachers and increasing class size. That'll teach those rotten students!!


Man of Great Wisdom
I would be shocked if you didnt use it as a means to attack ups management.

the unions only defense in wisconsin is to turn this into a class warfare rich getting richer while the working man gets screwed battle.

within the context of that argument its perfectly relevant to discuss the reasons why the working man is a target. Tenure breeds complaceny and poor teaching results.

I am always grateful when the moderators feel they can survive my posts here without suffering any permanent damage. what are we trying to hide here?

Notice the "if" starting my sentence. Again, why only the teachers. Sure cant be because the firefighters and cops unions endorsed Walker. 1000 replies to this thread and not once has someone from either side said to the other "you might have a point". Island is right about the 2 party system. Just like I'm paid by my company and not my union, elected officials are paid by me and not either party.


Well-Known Member
:sad-little:The American People should demand that the debt that challenges not just future generations ---is a clear and present danger today.


In 1946, right after WW2, our ratio of debt/GDP was 120%. Under Reagan it went from 32% to 53%. Under Clinton it went from 66% to 56%. Uner Bush Jr it went from 56% to 83%. Under Obama so far from 83% to 95% presently. Remember he inherited the Wall St bailout which was trillions plus bailing out the car companies and the need stimulus and a continued weak economy and we are at where we are. Dont blame the health care law because as CBO has said, if it is repealed it will increase the deficit by $230 Billion.


Well-Known Member
Done deal, In the word's of the great Barack Husain Obama "We have election's and we won" The reason for against public union's, when we negotiate with UPS i have skin in the game, when 2 government (teacher's and State assembly) negotiate neither has skin in the game, the only people who have skin in the game are the taxpayer's BUT THEY HAVE NO SAY! THAT'S WHY ELECTION'S MATTER!!!!!!!!Coming to a state near you!

Watch the news tomorrow. We are coming to Madison!


Bad Moon Risen'
Typical conservative HYPOCRITE! The public union workers in WI also negotiate total compensation as a package deal. They have accepted lower wage increases for years with more dollars going to health care & pension.


Well-Known Member
Tell me what is a president to do when the economy is going over a cliff. The heralded "private sector" was not producing jobs; it was dead in the water. it is the responsibility of our government at ever level to prime the pump, to stimulate the economy. FDR did it by directly creating government jobs (the WPA, CCC, etc). Obama chose to stimulate the economy by keeping $800 Billion in the economy. That $800 Billion was spent by the government and paid to workers private and public to use to buy goods and sevices. it helped from making our economy go into a depression. It was needed andf they came to our rescue. That is what government should do, not be in our bedrooms telling us who to marry or sleep with etc.

Lets say I am logged into my bank, and I transfer money from my savings to my checking account. Was there any wealth created? This isn't a trick question because the answer is obviously no, but this is exactly what happens when the government tries to "stimulate" the economy. All it does is move money around in an effort to make the politicians look like they are doing something when in fact they are doing nothing at all, and in the long run they are just hurting the economy more than helping. A government cannot "prime the pump" as you so put it because all it really does is gum it up making the pump work slower and be less efficient.


Staff member
When government hires a contractor to build a road or bridge it doesn't stimulate the economy? Really? I know some construction contractors who disagree. Strongly.


Man of Great Wisdom
maybe we can get those remaining teachers to work more then half a year. Most school systems in my area only require kids to attend a 180 days a year. thats fine if they can get it but dont expect me to pay more in taxes for these half a year jobs.

365 in a year. 104 days are weekends=261. You have 6 weeks vacation and 8 holidays and 2 personal days that means you work 220 days compared to 180 for a teacher. Hardly half a year. Don't get me wrong, I've had issues with Teachers in my area forever. All city workers for that matter. My father in law retired at 51 from the fire dept. His pension is over 40K a year. I just see corporate america lickking their chops over this whole issue. The working man has been getting spanked for years. I made 12 bucks an hour at my job before UPS back in 88. UPS was paying 15. My wage has doubled since then, as has the cost of living. I'm pretty sure that 12 dollar job I had wouldn't pay 24 now. The high tide of union labor raised all workers over the years and it will lower all as unions continue to decline. And don't give me that can't compete crap. American companies are making obscene amounts, it's just that no one fights for their share anymore.